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  • The questions are purely the three competency areas.
    On the day of the interview I had taken my notes with me BUT never looked at them as i didn't need to. Plus it didn't feel right if I had to go through my notes in between questions.
    Always remember to keep the examples you give based on the questions they've actually asked you and relevant to the role you're applying. It's no good if you give examples like "I'm work excellent as part of a team etc.." when the role you're applying for is a train operator which consists of long hours working independently lol. It's very easy to go off topic so be careful. Use STAR techniques!!
    They do a short ice breaker questions to make you feel at ease like "tell me about yourself" "why have you chosen tfl and why now" etc..

    And remember the communication test too. Very simple and straight forward.

    Wish you all the best buddy. Good luck!!
    Hi Beast, congratulations on securing your new role. Your posts have been really useful, I am attending my AC2 on Monday. Are you able to advise what type of questions are asked in the interview, is it purely the three competencies or do they ask other general questions? Did you take some notes in with you? The documents say you can but I worry it will be seen negatively if I do. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated as I really want to do well on Monday. Best regards, Bart1234
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