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  • Thank you sooooo much for the detailed reply i really appreciate you taking the time out. Yes i am really happy to get into tfl by any means possible as i have tried and failed many times with different roles (they do not make it easy lol). Interesting to hear that part time t/ops will be going full time I am a bit gutted as that is one of the jobs i failed at during the tough recruitment process so i guess i really lost my oppertunity there. So you reckon in 12-18 months t/op positions will become available? Will that be for night tube as u say you guys will be transferring on to full time so all your positions will become available? Or is there some sort of planned restructure of frequencies and schedules that tfl will need to recruit a load of t/ops?
    Sorry for all the questions hope you dont mind.
    Thank you mate have a good day.
    Hi mate just saw your post that you're a Train ops on the LU. This is a path I am hoping to take I have been offered a job with TFL as a dial a ride driver and I just wondering if could could give me some quick brief advice on recruitment methods. I understand you can apply for a train ops role if you are recruited in any role by tfl not just london underground right? And also how often do you know of these posts coming up?
    Sorry to bother you with all these questions.

    Thank you very much
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