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Search results

  1. M

    Belfast to London Euston via Sail Rail Sunday 18th August

    I would be amazed if you could beat the Cairnryan SailRail door to door price with even the cheapest Easyjet tickets (even if you buy an extra meal or two en route).
  2. M

    What is the point of advance fares?

    The point of Advance was to sell empty space on quieter trains that would otherwise be left empty. Now they're just used as an excuse to treat passengers poorly, as most will understandably just pick the cheapest ticket. TOCs will sell dirt cheap advances for overcrowded trains and...
  3. M

    Which train operators issue credit card sized tickets and which ones issue new style paper tickets?

    Interesting, I'd have thought a lot of people would want Travelcards
  4. M

    Which train operators issue credit card sized tickets and which ones issue new style paper tickets?

    SWR still issue CCSTs onboard as far as I know, I suspect Southeastern are the same. Larger SWR stations have been doing paper roll tickets for over a year now, but smaller ones are still CCST only. All TOCs ticket offices retain the ability to print on CCST to be able to sell cross-London...
  5. M

    Ticket type names should be changed

    That seems less clear than now. 'Leisure' doesn't really communicate Off-Peak times, and, 'flex' implies can be changed, not is already valid at anytime. The solution is just to call a spade a spade, branding isn't really helpful and there is reason to assume that'll cause everyone to ignore...
  6. M

    Ticket type names should be changed

    I don't think putting the route/TOC in ticket type makes it clearer, as that doesn't look like a product name it just looks like information. It makes more sense to put that prominently right below: Any Train Off-Peak Single Valid only on Northern Rail The ASA might get involved then ;) Many...
  7. M

    Ticket type names should be changed

    Plenty of advances don't have any TOC restriction, and some flexible tickets do. I don't see how this makes the names any less clear. Aside from the Airport Advance the name holds true in all of those cases. You could call it "Booked Train Only and Connections" but considering e-tickets always...
  8. M

    Ticket type names should be changed

    Could just call it what it is. Ticket types: "Booked Train Only" "Any Train Off-Peak" "Any Train Anytime"
  9. M

    GWR/LNER/EMT HST non London workings

    GWR used them on the Weymouth Wizard (Bristol-Weymouth) and on a late night stopper somewhere round Gloucester way if I recall correctly
  10. M

    Glasgow to Newcastle "LNER & Connections" Advance ticket: valid on any "connecting" service to Edinburgh?

    More concerningly why have LNER decided to write their own T&Cs? Surely that can't be allowed for ordinary tickets as they're sold as subject to NRCoT? https://www.lner.co.uk/tickets-savings/advance-tickets/ 6. is incorrect as you can return to your origin station and refund if the journey...
  11. M

    Glasgow to Newcastle "LNER & Connections" Advance ticket: valid on any "connecting" service to Edinburgh?

    Indeed, if this was issued as a paper ticket then no connection would be specified and it would be allowed. However since it's listed on the e-ticket it's only valid on the 16:45
  12. M

    North Wales Day Ranger

    Most of those are card only so just bring cash.
  13. M

    LNER : "this seat may get reserved"

    ... Until 30 minutes before departure. Although unless someone uses skip the auction (never a good price) they don't sell before then either.
  14. M

    LNER : "this seat may get reserved"

    Seatfrog can only be taken up to 30 minutes before departure from the origin anyway so doesn't inconvenience walk ups in this way (although does list the seat as reserved for the whole journey when I've had one starting en route) . The GA system is still better than what LNER currently do.
  15. M

    Prime Ministers train cancelled?

    I would hope that the perceived importance of any passengers doesn't have any influence over whether a service is cancelled. If cancellation can be avoided it always should be anyway, and if it can't the TOC shouldn't cause worse disruption by canceling more trains just to free up a unit...
  16. M

    Sail Rail ticket: Holyhead-Euston with BOJ for doggie pee break?

    There aren't any barriers at Holyhead, and if you open that to the show the ticket it'll say "Break of Journey is authorised without formality" which should clearly anything up. Have a good trip!
  17. M

    Ticket purchased by accident for the wrong day

    At best you might be able to refund the original ticket as unused.
  18. M

    Asymmetric services - good or bad?

    No I imagine enough people travel from Bournemouth to Eastleigh for it to be useful. The real question is why it's not advertised as a through service from Portsmouth? This would be much better for intermediate stations, and it appears to only wait 12 minutes at Southampton.
  19. M

    Off Peak Time Restrictions - Starting later

    Yes, that's why I emphasised you don't need to do this.
  20. M

    Off Peak Time Restrictions - Starting later

    Yes, that ticket is valid for leaving at 09:20. There isn't any requirement to start from the station on the ticket (or make up a fictional itinerary that did :lol:)
