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Search results

  1. N

    Hendon station before the M1 was built

    As I remember you get get across from the Fasts to the Goods at Welsh Harp which would enable trains using the fast line platforms to reach Brent Curve.
  2. N

    Are our railways haunted? (ghost stories)

    Don't hold your breath Kernofem. Captain Speaking's beligerant contributions are depriving you of some great contributions.
  3. N

    bull head rail

    As I read it Red Circles original post asked if bullhead was ever used abroad. I believe it was. I seem to think it was quite common in France. In fact, if you watch that second world war classic starring Burt Lancaster 'The Train' (dedicated to the Railwaymen who gave their lives) you will see...
  4. N

    P Way between Spalding and Sleaford

    It's a horrible thought but 'dragged there one end at a time by and RRV' strikes me as one possibility. I can't really believe it though.
  5. N

    Question on a TVR signal box

    The GWR box at Lydney is NR's and controls the level crossing on the main line. The DFR box is an LMR standard box that came, I believe, from Heysham. I've always felt it was a shame they couldn't get a genuine Midland box. The original boxes on the Forest of Dean line at Lydney were both...
  6. N

    Midland Pullman route

    The Midland Pullman finally ended up as a Nottingham - London (via Leicester) service. It went up in the morning, came back down as far as Leicester around mid-day, back up to London again before finally coming back down to Nottingham in the evening) As far as I remember it all came to an end...
  7. N

    Track Safety on Heritage lines

    Great Stories 4SRKT. Some wouldn't believe them but some of the people I've known from 'across' and some of my friends who've been there have convinced me it was really like that. Thanks for sharing them. --- old post above --- --- new post below --- Thanks OT. We are 'singing from the same...
  8. N

    Track Safety on Heritage lines

    I agree OT. Perhaps I could ask where you would pitch things? I'd value your opinion.
  9. N

    Pointless Shunt Signals/Ground Position Lights?

    Another excellent post from OT which absolutely sums up the situation.
  10. N

    Track Safety on Heritage lines

    Hi all, I'm a member of five different heritage railways. All seem to take a different approach to track safety. What, if any, formal arrangements does your railway have for this? Do they have their own version of PTS, do they accept other railways PTS qualifications, do you have any form...
  11. N

    Are our railways haunted? (ghost stories)

    Ah, when it was still a proper railway. Thanks for a splendid account OT. I've been present when there's been a rogue 'one' a couple of times. I'm sure you have too and are aware of all the possible causes. These are fault or circumstance related. What you describe here certainly can't be...
  12. N

    UKs sharpest gradient change?

    It's not just me that picks the rougue troliies then OT. Had one the other week that would probably have been a "block the line" jobbie! To add a bit more detail to gradient changes. Just as a railway has a horizontal design for curvature, so it has a design for vertical profile. This will...
  13. N

    Dropped Joints

    OT, Thank you for posting such a clear and explanatory response. Royal Oak is correct, we are basically fighting the same corner. I believe that is because we both have the intersts of the railway as a whole (rather than our own little corner of it) at heart. In my book that's part of...
  14. N

    Dropped Joints

    Now then chap, of course that post will cause heated debate! I can't let it go completely unchallenged. Much of what you say is sadly true but you ARE tarring everyone with the same brush here. Some of us do try, very hard, to get it right. Lack of resource is the biggest stumbling block...
  15. N

    Now there could well be a rational explanation for all this but I've often wondered since...

    Now there could well be a rational explanation for all this but I've often wondered since whether anything had been experienced here before. Maybe you could shed some light. TTFN Andrew
  16. N

    I knew the gang at Farringdon well. They were one of my regular gangs and had been working for...

    I knew the gang at Farringdon well. They were one of my regular gangs and had been working for me on a job at Bescot for the better part of a year. I asked the foreman if he'd had any bother with the bloke who'd come to complain. He said he'd seen no one since I left and the gang had all been on...
  17. N

    Not wishing to be caught alone I took a firm grip on my bardic and set off for Kings Cross...

    Not wishing to be caught alone I took a firm grip on my bardic and set off for Kings Cross, where I knew I would have re-inforcements. When I arrived there the water supply had been sorted. Our man had had to go up the Midland tunnel first as that team had actually exhausted their supply! He...
  18. N

    I was with the lads at the Farringdon end and we were getting perilously short of water, we were...

    I was with the lads at the Farringdon end and we were getting perilously short of water, we were already way behind on progress and there was no sign of the EGO 4 trolley we'd sent to Kings Crosss to fill our buckets. I noticed someone at the access point up towards Farringdon station, it looked...
  19. N

    I'm not prone to experiencing things normally, although I have great respect for those who do...

    I'm not prone to experiencing things normally, although I have great respect for those who do. However, when I was with Balfours Projects we did a job for Balfours maintenance drilling and grouting in new pandrol shoulders on the slab track through the tunnels. The job was a story in itself. It...
  20. N

    Thanks for the message OT. You're very welcome. I look forward to contributing to some lively...

    Thanks for the message OT. You're very welcome. I look forward to contributing to some lively discussion. I wondered where you'd got to, Slash/Block Joint pointed me in this direction. Returning to the thread of odd things...... I seem to recall that you'd spent some time on the southern...
