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Search results

  1. Speed43125

    Scotrail HSTs - 4-5 years in

    Did it actually never happen? My father reports having wondered into the van area once at Queen Street before getting chastised out, I'd presume there must have been some reason for the van area doors to have been open?
  2. Speed43125

    HSTs to Nigeria

    There's been a few photos doing the rounds on instagram/facebook where there are 43+mk.3 in a different red and white livery with much narrower cheat lines. So the 43s seem to have been split up between the mk.3 sets and those hauling the Talgo sets. The loading gauge between the chinese...
  3. Speed43125

    Chris Gibb's HS2 proposal

    Chris Green discussing his proposal on Green Signals. Like I thought when I read the article in RAIL, seems to make more sense than it sounds when you first hear of the idea.
  4. Speed43125

    New trains cab ends not painted yellow.

    The scotrail livery was set up by the Scottish government about 15 years ago. First then Abellio all had to keep to that livery. I don't believe any other franchise has this requirement though?
  5. Speed43125

    Virgin Group explores the return of Virgin Trains as an Open Access operator

    Oh here we go.... First Group, or arriva or Mr. Yeowart can propose all the Open Access they like. The moment Branson's name is stuck on anything you get people coming out of the woodwork telling us how evil he must be and how we're all going to get fleeced because his company is involved.
  6. Speed43125

    Virgin Atlantic economy on the 787

    I'm 6'2 and found those seats fine on Virgin Atlantic. Don't explicitly remember too clearly, but assuming that's a sign that they were all ok.
  7. Speed43125

    Chiltern Railways train stuck for 5 hours

    I wonder if they've factored the extra resilience of having extra 68s sitting around in the business case for acquiring the ex TPE mk.5s! :D
  8. Speed43125

    Rail nationalisation: ideas, suggestions, predictions etc

    An interesting article in the Financial Times today about the impact Labour's plans for nationalisation of the franchised passenger operators may have on the freight sector. https://www.ft.com/content/f5e86a68-523e-42c6-a477-0d69e362481a I note there is no reference to electric haulage of...
  9. Speed43125

    29 new trains for Transpennine Express ?

    CAF have committed to making a tri-mode as well, albeit end-doored for LNER, and one would image will enter production shortly.
  10. Speed43125

    DHELM: Why are UK railways so bad?

    I agree I do find it rather odd when people still laud German railways as if they were some pinnacle of reliability and efficiency. I find myself at times taking an (often unjustifiably) positive view of British railways merely as a point of balance.
  11. Speed43125

    How Large is the Irish Loading Gauge

    Old thread on this exact topic from some years back: https://www.railforums.co.uk/threads/irish-loading-gauge.131860/
  12. Speed43125

    HSTs in Mexico - news and progress updates

    Saw this on Facebook of the second batch of Mexican HST stock arriving late last month. Unloading was at least partly at night and they have been sent off for repair and repaint so seem to have slipped away from most cameras so far. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/oSLGffSDTYwRw2zq/
  13. Speed43125

    Locomotive Services Fleet (LSL) updates

    Does look a little odd when you've got mk.3s behind a kettle though: I wonder if LSL's more premium market position makes it actually harder rather than more straightforward to transition customers to accepting more modern rolling stock.
  14. Speed43125

    Potential up to 2,000 job losses at Alstom Derby

    The MD suggested - in the Green Signals interview I've linked above - that going forwards it would (have) been scaled back to '3 or 4' production lines instead. Class 345s are 9 Car sets, 11 car passive provision has been made in the core section station boxes, but none of the other...
  15. Speed43125

    Potential up to 2,000 job losses at Alstom Derby

    Interesting interview here: Notable points mentioned include the potential for the Irish X'trapolis order to have been built at Derby in return for a UK 'baseload', if it had been committed about 6 or 7 months ago.
  16. Speed43125

    Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs) should have foreign language options

    As an aside I've found German TVMs to be confusing and often inconsistent in what is and isn't presented in English. Getting multi lingual functions to work properly does need a fair bit of thought put into it.
  17. Speed43125

    GWR Class 230 Information, Movements & Discussion.

    Ahh that's very interesting, thanks for sharing that. Is it for thermal management of the batteries or is just simply for 'redundancy' so to speak?
  18. Speed43125

    GWR Class 230 Information, Movements & Discussion.

    I presume DMA BR1, DMA BR2 etc are the battery units in the 'A' unit Driving Motor. Likewise for DMB. Its interesting the state of charge is so varied across the battery modules though.
