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Search results

  1. I

    Mother paid for LNER season ticket but wasn't given one

    The banking system does not recognise the distinction between "pre-authorised" and "authorised" that you describe. They both look exactly the same. However, we're at risk of getting off topic; happy to discuss the card payment system further if you'd like to open an appropriate thread.
  2. I

    Mother paid for LNER season ticket but wasn't given one

    Yes, this would be advisable. They should have a process to remove the authorisation hold with a void receipt.
  3. I

    Southeastern Key smartcard ticket purchased but given Penalty Fare Notice

    It does feel like we're missing some detail. That's a good question.
  4. I

    Southeastern Key smartcard ticket purchased but given Penalty Fare Notice

    The Penalty Fare Notice is invalid as it does not comply with section 5 (2) (j) of the Railways Penalty Fares Regulations 2018, as amended. This is because it does not say that the passenger is entitled to a receipt if they pay.
  5. I

    Received a SJP court hearing from Tfl. Very worried

    Just to note this is not quite right. Since 2013, minor offences become "filtered" from standard and enhanced DBS certificates after 11 years (5.5 if committed whilst a minor) and adult cautions become "filtered" after 6 years. This is analogous to a conviction becoming "spent". They need not...
  6. I

    Wrongly accused of rail evasion and now going to court - liable for compensation?

    Respectfully, I must point out there is no such time limit in section 142. On the other hand, sections 14 and 16E create a 21 day limit to make and serve a statutory declaration starting from the date on which the accused became aware of the case, although the limit may be waived by the court if...
  7. I

    Wrongly accused of rail evasion and now going to court - liable for compensation?

    An SD can only be done in person, in writing, before a magistrate or a solicitor. If you have not attended in person to sign this form before one of the above, you have not completed an SD. It is the practice at some courts to give people appointments long into the future to complete SDs. They...
  8. I

    Appeal Advice

    There is exactly zero chance of that happening, even if the appeal is rejected which it should not be.
  9. I

    Wrongly accused of rail evasion and now going to court - liable for compensation?

    They can’t just “withdraw the charge from court” post conviction. It is necessary for the defendant to make a statutory declaration, which can only be made in person and in writing, or a section 142 application for the case to be reopened in the interest of justice. After that, the train company...
  10. I

    Very much worry about the incident i made (Stevenage to Royston)

    That’s not how it works. The compensation for non-delivery or delivery after more than 1 working day on special delivery is a refund of the postage. The contents of the item here have zero value so that is all you get. For a signed for item the compensation for non-delivery or very late...
  11. I

    Southeastern barcode readers

    Yes – I guess I thought that was a common enough abbreviation but perhaps not :|
  12. I

    Very much worry about the incident i made (Stevenage to Royston)

    They’ll refund postage either way as it was sent special delivery and wasn’t delivered next working day.
  13. I

    Southeastern barcode readers

    I suspect a lot of it is LLMs these days.
  14. I

    Advice Needed: Unfamiliar with UK Rail System, Received Fine for Boarding Early Train - Statutory Declaration Filed, Court Hearing Pending

    Yes, the section 142 application I mentioned above. There’s no specific form for this, it is commenced by writing a letter to the court.
  15. I

    End of the line for Paris’ iconic metro ticket

    You can if they have them in stock, but they're not given as a default.
  16. I

    I refused to give inspector my details and tapped out. Should I go to the police?

    Regardless of your feelings of “fairness” in the matter, you committed a criminal offence by boarding a train at Clapham Junction without having touched in. The inspector at Wapping correctly dealt with the matter by proposing to issue you a Penalty Fare, the usual way of dealing with people who...
  17. I

    I refused to give inspector my details and tapped out. Should I go to the police?

    Was the ticket an e-ticket or a paper ticket?
  18. I

    Advice Needed: Unfamiliar with UK Rail System, Received Fine for Boarding Early Train - Statutory Declaration Filed, Court Hearing Pending

    I would in this case be making a section 142 application rather than a statutory declaration, to reopen the case in the interests of justice, although both paths end in roughly the same place. A section 5 (1) prosecution was clearly improper as name and address were given.
  19. I

    End of the line for Paris’ iconic metro ticket

    I think you may be mixing and matching between the Navigo Decouverte card which has been around for ages, comes with a photocard and a plastic holder, and the the Navigo Easy which is rather more recent and less robust, and is just the card.
  20. I

    Issued a penalty fare notice.

    A signature is not a requirement on a PFN.
