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Edinburgh & The Lothians Council Tender Services

19 Nov 2022
Hi, I created this thread as a discussion thread about the bus service tenders in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

To start off, could someone post a full list of the tenders in Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian and West Lothian it would help.

If someone posts the full list or multiple people make smaller lists or anything that is okay :).
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RailUK Forums

25 Jan 2022
Hi, I created this thread as a discussion thread about the bus service tenders in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

To start off, could someone post a full list of the tenders in Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian and West Lothian it would help.

If someone posts the full list or multiple people make smaller lists or anything that is okay :).
Since there is already a West Lothian one, wouldn't it make more sense for this to not include West Lothian? Maybe even just making this the Edinburgh one to reduce confusion between two threads, as I feel that we are already getting a lot of threads for Lothian/McGill's Scotland East.


Established Member
Associate Staff
Buses & Coaches
9 Jul 2016
There is a thread concerning West Lothian tendered services:

That thread is now locked and this one can remain open for the time being, provided that there isn't going to be too much overlap between this and the other Lothian area threads.


Established Member
16 Apr 2012
There is a thread concerning West Lothian tendered services:

That thread is now locked and this one can remain open for the time being, provided that there isn't going to be too much overlap between this and the other Lothian area threads.

To be fair all the information has been provide for the West Lothian tenders, and this thread should be use for forthcoming Edinburgh City Tenders

* No20
* No63
* No68

and the new route from Crammond to the Gyle
19 Nov 2022
To be fair all the information has been provide for the West Lothian tenders, and this thread should be use for forthcoming Edinburgh City Tenders

* No20
* No63
* No68

and the new route from Crammond to the Gyle
Yes and it can also be used to discuss Midlothian, East & West Lothian tenders too.

Also is the Cramond - Gyle route a confirmed thing to be happening?

Stan Drews

Established Member
5 Jun 2013
City of Edinburgh Council recently appointed consultants to advise them on they should spend their £1.5m annual budget on subsidised local bus services.
It looks like they are expecting to approve any new contract awards in January 2024, so probably around Easter for them to actually be introduced.

The City of Edinburgh Council will look at ways of improving bus services serving the rural west of the city by early next year, as commuters say months of unreliable and cancelled services has been “devastating” for the communities left stranded.​

The plan, which will involve reviewing the efficiency of all council-subsidised services across the city, comes a year after an urgent plea from people in Ratho for better public transport.

Timetables were slashed last year due to driver shortages, with the number of daily services halved in the case of the 20 Chesser to Ratho and the 63 between Balerno and Queensferry.

Both services, as well as the 68 circular route through South Gyle, Drumbrae and Corstorphine changed hands from First to McGills in September and things went “from bad to worse,” Stacey O’Flaherty from Ratho Community Council’s bus working group said.
She said buses often don’t turn up until after 10am despite being timetabled to start three hours earlier, with services regularly delayed or cancelled leaving locals “stranded having to walk miles of country roads often in the dark late at night”.

She added: “The effects this has on our local community is devastating.

“People are losing jobs, can’t get to work or college, people having to pay huge taxis fares to get home.”

One local said “more and more people” were being forced to use their cars as a result.

Ms O’Flaherty said public money was being “wasted on services that nobody wants,” pointing out the 20 did not currently meet the needs of the local community which “doesn’t need a bus beyond the Gyle” but rather “local connectivity to Ratho Station and Gyle and a direct service to the city centre”.

Her concerns are not new however; last September she told the Transport and Environment Committee the 20 was “not fit for purpose” and often there were buses running through the village “with just a handful of people on them”.

The council acknowledged there is “ongoing local dissatisfaction with some supported bus service provision in the city, most notably the Ratho community”.
It has brought in consultants to advise on how the £1.5 million it spends on subsidised buses each year can be used most effectively, by exploring alternative route options and other potential changes before retendering contracts. A report said this would be done before the end of the year for councillors to approve in January 2024.

But Ms O’Flaherty questioned why this was only happening now and not a year ago when concerns were raised.

Conservative MSP for Lothian Sue Webber said: “I was disappointed to see little progress had actually been made in seeking a solution for the people living in Ratho.

“I have met with residents from Ratho and listened to their harrowing stories about how having no reliable or suitable bus link impacts their lives. If this was happening to people living elsewhere in the city then I am quite certain more would have been done by now.

“If the Labour-run council are serious with their ambitions to get people out of cars and into public transport then they really need to up their game. “

‘This just really isn’t acceptable’

Ratho residents have told the Local Democracy Reporting Service how the unreliability of buses has affected their day-to-day lives.

Anne Thomson said she used to ride the bus “when we had a reliable service”.

However she recently “decided that I should think of the environment and leave the car at home”.

She said: “I waited at the Bridge Inn stop for the bus which should have been there at 9.05am. It eventually arrived at 9.25am which meant that by the time I caught another connection at The Gyle I arrived at the bus station too late for the bus I intended catching, result I missed the meeting.”

Buses in the village are “late to the tune of between 10-30 minutes” every day, Angela Black said.
“I have children to get home for and this just really isn’t acceptable, the current route that the 20 takes really isn’t convenient for most people in the village. The re-routing of the route to include Inglston Park and Ride was wholly unnecessary and has added time on to people’s journey.

“More and more people in the village are being forced to use their cars.”

Marysia Ferguson added: “The main issue that needs addressed urgently is that there is no reliable service for young people and/or vulnerable people which puts them at unnecessary risk.

“My husband has a disability and requires treatment at the Western General every six weeks. He cannot reliably use any bus service from Ratho to make his hospital appointments and receive his treatment on time.

“On more than one occasion, his health has been put at risk when he has missed his treatment because a bus didn’t turn up.”

‘Not delivering services to the best of our abilities’

Council transport manager Stuart Lowrie acknowledged there had been “a lack of speed of progress in resolving this”.

“There’s definitely a bit of a resource issue in progress here,” he told the Transport and Environment Committee on Thursday (August 18).

“There’s certainly no satisfaction from me and my team in not delivering services to the best of our abilities.”

He said the timescale to have more reliable and frequent services in place by early next year was “tight” but added “it is possible”.

The existing contract with McGills are due to end at the end of this month, however a report to the committee said the operator has “agreed to continue to operate their contracted services until the tender process is complete and new contracts are awarded”.

Lib Dem group leader Kevin Lang said: “It is a year since Ratho Community Council bus users group were before this committee and it was known that the current contracts were up at the end of this month.
“What I don’t understand is why only now are we appointing a consultant to undertake a review.

“These deadlines were known about. The pressure on colleagues were known about.”

The council’s review of all subsidised services, which also include the number 13 between Findlay Gardens and Quarry Retail Park, will look to “resolve reliability issues and explore whether accessibility and connectivity issues elsewhere in the city can be enhanced”.

The report said as part of this, bus provision could be reintroduced in the Willowbrae area following withdrawal of the 69 four years ago.

To assist with the review, Jacobs consultancy have been appointed by the council, whose activities will include:

  • Reviewing the current supported services contracted by the Council, identifying challenges and opportunities and assessing current levels of performance
  • Developing recommendations for tender based on the challenges and opportunities identified
  • Developing alternative route / service options
  • Making recommendations on route options that perform best in addressing transport planning objectives while working within available funding – this will include consideration of retention of existing routes, amendments to currently supported routes, and exploring new route opportunities (either wholly new or combinations of previous services)
by Donald Turvill, Local Democracy Reporter.
25 Jan 2022
Maybe this is suggesting that McGill's may not operate any tendered services much longer? The wording is very considerate.
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19 Nov 2022
City of Edinburgh Council recently appointed consultants to advise them on they should spend their £1.5m annual budget on subsidised local bus services.
It looks like they are expecting to approve any new contract awards in January 2024, so probably around Easter for them to actually be introduced.

Looks like a version of the 69 could be returning or a completely new route.

For new operators, I would bet that it would be either Lothian or Edinburgh Coach Lines that take the new routes as they have depots locally. I highly doubt that McGill's or Stagecaoch will take any service as their nearest depots are at Livingston/Dunfermline and they most likely have no interest in these anyway.


Established Member
5 Oct 2019
Also is the Cramond - Gyle route a confirmed thing to be happening?
The only confirmation of this route can be found on the Lib Dems site: https://www.scotlibdems.org.uk/news/article/41-bus-and-cramond-gyle-link-bus
Local Lib Dem councillor Ed Thornley said, "We are delighted to be able to say that after years of work, Council officers have said they will tender for a new supported service running between Cramond and the Gyle.

"We hope this service will be up and running by the end of the year, though it's exact route and timings remain to be determined.

"We know many local people signed the Lib Dem team's petition years ago on this and have been keen to see the old 64 route restored. This is the first step, but hopefully this will get off the ground quickly. We'll do our best to keep folks updated."

It is understood that Lothian are interested in running this route, but the tender will be open to applications from other operators.
As well as their facebook page, stating that the intention was for this route to operate to Balerno. Though this was all in April and of course plans may be subject to change, we'll have to wait and see.
25 Jan 2022
As well as their facebook page, stating that the intention was for this route to operate to Balerno. Though this was all in April and of course plans may be subject to change, we'll have to wait and see.
It will all unfold in late December (or around then), ready for the January 2024 changes, and hopefully 2024 is a good year for buses in the Edinburgh area.


3 Jan 2023
SE Scotland
Hi, I created this thread as a discussion thread about the bus service tenders in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

To start off, could someone post a full list of the tenders in Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian and West Lothian it would help.

If someone posts the full list or multiple people make smaller lists or anything that is okay :).
Do Midlothian Council financially support any bus routes in their area or do they only contribute to those tendered by other Councils? They make a small contribution to Borders Buses 51 and pay the Edinburgh Bus Station departure fees as their contribution to the contract for Houston’s 101/102. They used to pay for services around Jean Armour Drive in Dalkeith and for or towards Penicuik to Musselburgh and those to Cousland.


Established Member
16 Apr 2012
So the main questions has to be now,

Who getting the Blackridge - Bathgate section, and the Shots to Whitburn section? since they do have money to pay for these sections. I dare say it could be SD travel?

Has anyone else notice Livingston village is not being covered by Lothian? and Maybe Mcgills 21 might stay?


21 Sep 2019
Is it possible that Lothian Country will pick up these tenders? Also the council May tender some extra early/late trips?
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Established Member
16 Apr 2012
Is it possible that Lothian Country will pick up these tenders? Also the council May tender some extra early/late trips?

Maybe at a later date, but going by what Lothian is offering I doubt they have gone after these. Maybe in 2024, but I still think McGill might not completely disappear just yet.


30 Jun 2019
North of Glasgow
So the main questions has to be now,

Who getting the Blackridge - Bathgate section, and the Shots to Whitburn section? since they do have money to pay for these sections. I dare say it could be SD travel?

Has anyone else notice Livingston village is not being covered by Lothian? and Maybe Mcgills 21 might stay?

Could the Blackridge to Bathgate section be replaced by an extended Bathgate or Armadale town service?
And could the SPT start a new Shotts to Whitburn or even Fauldhouse service or even extent the current 365/6 services in some way? This seems to be the more problematic route to replace because of the cross boundaries.

I honestly can't see McGills operating anything in West Lothian after December, after the way they have treated the area since taking over from First and I think people will be glad to see them gone tbh.


Established Member
16 Apr 2012
Could the Blackridge to Bathgate section be replaced by an extended Bathgate or Armadale town service?
And could the SPT start a new Shotts to Whitburn or even Fauldhouse service or even extent the current 365/6 services in some way? This seems to be the more problematic route to replace because of the cross boundaries.

I honestly can't see McGills operating anything in West Lothian after December, after the way they have treated the area since taking over from First and I think people will be glad to see them gone tbh.

Anything is possible now, I doubt Blackridge would be happy not having a direct bus anymore.

McGills will still be running buses until next Spring, so its possible they might keep certain contracts going. Who knows its like the wild west now.

Cllr Stuart Borrowman, has announced a Council tender is going out on Tuesday for a new service to Blackridge, its unclear where this bus is going. Any Decision on it will be made on 7th November

Just to say if any company who wishes to start a commercial replacement for any of the McGills services will have to start the process by Friday 20th.
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Established Member
16 Apr 2012

Council Executive will consider the results of the recent bus tender exercise at their meeting on Tuesday 7 November.

The recommendations include: awarding a contract to SD Travel to deliver a revised 21 service operating Blackridge to Boghall via Armadale and Bathgate; and providing Strathclyde Passenger Transport (SPT) with a contribution to continue to provide a connection linking Greenrigg with Shotts, Whitburn and Harthill.

If accepted by the operators, the routes will be registered with the Traffic Commissioner with the aim of starting to operate from 4 December 2023.

Executive councillor for environment Tom Conn said: "McGill's decision to withdraw from West Lothian and Lothian Country's welcome recent commercial interventions have led to major changes in the local commercial bus network.

"Whilst the vast majority of the bus network is commercial, we subsidise around 20% services to try and ensure areas are not left without public transport links.

"Whilst the council does not have the resources to backfill commercial services, we have maintained funding of over £2 million for subsidised travel to support our communities who need it most."

Consultation was also carried out regarding public transport options for Livingston Village, but there were no route variations that could be agreed with operators that would restore services.

Scottish Citylink Coaches Ltd have also registered to change their 902 commercial service between Glasgow and Edinburgh Airport from Monday 4 December. The amended service route would include Harthill, Greenrigg and then re-join the M8 via Heartlands Services, providing a further transport link for Greenrigg residents.

So Blackridge will only get to Bathgate, while it looks like it will be a one bus shuttle from Shotts to Whitburn every hour. I.E there is no extra money and the council is just recycling what little money they had before for these new contracts.
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Established Member
5 Oct 2019
From a video posted by Edinburgh Councilor Scott Arthur on Twitter (X) https://twitter.com/CllrScottArthur/status/1721601126619828638: Timestamp around 3 minutes, 48 seconds.
After that, we had a meeting on bus services in essentially West Edinburgh, also other parts of the city which aren't particularly well connected just now, so about how the council could subsidize the bus services connecting places like Ratho, Cramond, Kirkliston, South Queensferry, Dumbiedykes and even Portobello - how we can improve these supported services. So, the council is looking at spending £1.7 million to either improve the existing supported services or perhaps even create new ones. So those routes will get published on Friday.


Established Member
26 Jul 2021

So Blackridge will only get to Bathgate, while it looks like it will be a one bus shuttle from Shotts to Whitburn every hour. I.E there is no extra money and the council is just recycling what little money they had before for these new contracts.
It would be good if they could extend the 9 from Livingston Centre to Livingston Toll Roundabout via Livingston Village.

From a video posted by Edinburgh Councilor Scott Arthur on Twitter (X) https://twitter.com/CllrScottArthur/status/1721601126619828638: Timestamp around 3 minutes, 48 seconds.
I hope that this will be positive news.


Established Member
16 Apr 2012
West Lothian council have approved by tenders however the local people of Armadale and Blackridge are not happy about the lack of a direct service to Livingston and colleges. Even with a free travel for under 22s if there no service its no use and I dare say will still make people switch to cars.


Established Member
26 Jul 2021
West Lothian council have approved by tenders however the local people of Armadale and Blackridge are not happy about the lack of a direct service to Livingston and colleges. Even with a free travel for under 22s if there no service its no use and I dare say will still make people switch to cars.
They are probably hoping that this will be solved once Lothian Country re-route their network again once they know the passenger numbers. It’s actually ridiculous.


Established Member
16 Apr 2012
You'll never guess who got the Shotts contract:

  • PM0001031/120 Registered (Short notice)​

    Route: Springhill Road, Shotts to Whitburn Cross via Harhill
    Service number: 23
    Service type: Normal Stopping
    Effective date: 04 Dec 2023


6 Jul 2018
You'll never guess who got the Shotts contract:

  • PM0001031/120 Registered (Short notice)​

    Route: Springhill Road, Shotts to Whitburn Cross via Harhill
    Service number: 23
    Service type: Normal Stopping
    Effective date: 04 Dec 2023

I haven't really been following these tenders, but that I never saw coming...


Established Member
26 Jul 2021
You'll never guess who got the Shotts contract:

  • PM0001031/120 Registered (Short notice)​

    Route: Springhill Road, Shotts to Whitburn Cross via Harhill
    Service number: 23
    Service type: Normal Stopping
    Effective date: 04 Dec 2023
They will probably have to use smaller buses as I can’t see them using coaches for that short journey.


23 Jun 2019
You'll never guess who got the Shotts contract:

  • PM0001031/120 Registered (Short notice)​

    Route: Springhill Road, Shotts to Whitburn Cross via Harhill
    Service number: 23
    Service type: Normal Stopping
    Effective date: 04 Dec 2023
How odd! That's going to look rather out of place next to their other routes. Perhaps Stuart's or SD Travel didn't have the resources available.


Established Member
14 Dec 2018
It could be coming in as part of a longer route like how the M8 is around Stirling and Dunblane, but I'm not sure where you'd go after Shotts. You could go down towards Motherwell and Hamilton but that area looks to already have good local links and I'm not sure a long distance every hour would have enough demand to be justified.


Established Member
5 Oct 2019
Supported services options have been uploaded to the following document: https://democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s63284/Item 8.6 - Supported Bus Services.pdf

Suggested routes are:

Gyle - Hermiston Park & Ride via Ratho (seems like an odd one)
Chesser - Wester Hailes (Part of existing 20)
Queensferry - Gyle (Part of existing 63)
Cramond - Balerno
Gyle, Corstorphine, Clermiston (existing 68 minus Turnhouse)
Craigleith - Dumbiedykes (Route was already mentioned previously, part of the existing 13)
Portobello Circular (former 69)

As well as an option for Ratho – City Centre Direct, but the following is within the document: 'However, initial feedback from bus operators has highlighted that this service may potentially be in competition with other commercial services and there may be limited operator interest in the route.'.
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Established Member
26 Jul 2021
Supported services options have been uploaded to the following document: https://democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s63284/Item 8.6 - Supported Bus Services.pdf

Suggested routes are:

Gyle - Hermiston Park & Ride via Ratho (seems like an odd one)
Chesser - Wester Hailes (Part of existing 20)
Queensferry to Gyle (Part of existing 63)
Cramond - Balerno
Gyle, Corstorphine, Clermiston (existing 68 minus turnhouse)
Craigleith - Dumbiedykes (Route was already mentioned previously, part of the existing 13)
Portobello Circular (former 69)

As well as an option for Ratho – City Centre Direct.
Gyle to Hermiston Park & Ride will cover the loss of the 40 and it will have a shopping link at the other end.

They all sound good.


28 Dec 2019
Supported services options have been uploaded to the following document: https://democracy.edinburgh.gov.uk/documents/s63284/Item 8.6 - Supported Bus Services.pdf

Suggested routes are:

Gyle - Hermiston Park & Ride via Ratho (seems like an odd one)
Chesser - Wester Hailes (Part of existing 20)
Queensferry to Gyle (Part of existing 63)
Cramond - Balerno
Gyle, Corstorphine, Clermiston (existing 68 minus turnhouse)
Craigleith - Dumbiedykes (Route was already mentioned previously, part of the existing 13)
Portobello Circular (former 69)

As well as an option for Ratho – City Centre Direct, but the following quote is within the document: 'However, initial feedback from bus operators has highlighted that this service may potentially be in competition with other commercial services and there may be limited operator interest in the route.'.
Would it not make more sense to have the Queensferry to Gyle and Chesser to Wester Hailes routes connected (overall Queensferry to Chesser) thus providing the link from the Calders to the Gyle, which I believe is somewhat used by locals.
