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Search results

  1. reb0118

    Issuance of Jobcentre Plus Railcard (JCP) - Timescale.

    Thanks for that. I'm actually trying to find out if there is a waiting period for the card after being deemed eligible.
  2. reb0118

    Issuance of Jobcentre Plus Railcard (JCP) - Timescale.

    Are JCP railcards issued immediately to eligible persons or is there a waiting period?
  3. reb0118

    Purchased next available ticket

    I could be wrong but I'm getting the feeling that we might be dealing with railcard minimum fare shenanigans here? Of course, other more serious scenarios are not ruled out.
  4. reb0118

    Wrongly accused of rail evasion and now going to court - liable for compensation?

    The member of rail staff who initially dealt with the case probably didn't just use your details - rather they used the details that were provided to them by the person travelling. As you are no doubt aware, there is no requirement to carry identification in the United Kingdom so how can a...
  5. reb0118

    Inspector did not ask for details- HELP

    A child rate fare does not automatically "flag" in the system upon scanning. Rather the flag is an action taken by the operator after the fact. There are various options but they all to a greater or lesser degree mark your account for additional scrutiny, either by the back office or revenue...
  6. reb0118

    Refund from TFL as bus stop closed

    Did you show your ticket to the driver on the second bus and explain your situation? If so, what was his advice?
  7. reb0118

    Travel incident report despute

    Regarding the railcard: did this play any part in the reason(s) that you were reported? If not there is not really any point mentioning it as it just muddies the waters so to speak.
  8. reb0118

    DLR ticket officer confrontation

    Historically when I worked in retail (albeit almost thirty years ago) we were to retain "hot" cards if they flagged as such on our systems. This also occurred after my joining the railway. There was a helpline number (Barclays Bank provided the back office systems) and allegedly a £50 reward...
  9. reb0118

    Penalty notice for unprinted ticket

    You'd be surprised. It's not common, but neither is it unusual, for passengers in this situation to ask me how they go about obtaining a refund for additional tickets bought due to being unable to pick up pre purchased ToD tickets.
  10. reb0118

    Penalty notice for unprinted ticket

    My understanding is that the conductor on the first train should (in theory) have sold the passenger a new ticket. Then the following should happen, either the original ticket is refunded, without fee, due to being unable to be fulfilled, or, if the new ticket is more expensive, the original...
  11. reb0118


    An SJPN is a Single Justice Procedure Notice. Single Justice as the case will be heard by a single magistrate as opposed to a standard hearing in front of a panel of three magistrates. These were introduced for those pleading guilty to minor offences to streamline the justice system. If you...
  12. reb0118

    I have charged 63£ for not carrying a ticket.

    It will be unlikely that CCTV will help you as no audio is recorded.
  13. reb0118

    Missuse of freedom pass

    I was getting the feeling that it was not the OP's actual grandmother but rather more of an elderly friend of the family type relationship.
  14. reb0118

    Cork - Dublin - Dundalk- Belfast - Antrim.

    One chap didn't come so we just his ticket for the chap requiring the FIP. The trains were all on time and comfortable. It was a good trip - too much Guinness & whiskey on the Tuesday though.
  15. reb0118

    Greater Anglia - review of past travel

    I suspect what may have been happening here is that the staff member was checking for previous sales history to see if the passenger had a "good record" of purchasing tickets prior to deciding whether to show discretion or not by letting the passenger through the barrier after his reporting his...
  16. reb0118

    "Paddington has its own rules" - but what are they?

    Conversely, most LNER & Connections tickets I scan show as invalid (even when they're not) - an issue that didn't arise with paper tickets.
  17. reb0118

    FIP coupons / FIP card

    If boarding at an unstaffed station FIP tickets should be available on the train - but of course there may be exceptions.
  18. reb0118

    Job titles of the Guard role.

    TBF I've never actually seen that on a name badge but have seen it on notices reserving whole compartments on corridor stock as "Nur fur Konductor"- I assume that means only for conductors.
  19. reb0118

    Please help- panic and gave false details and ran.

    Nothing is certain but here is one possible scenario:- 1) You are contacted via the details you provided. 2) You do not respond to the correspondence because you are not aware due to the details being "false". 2) As you have not responded you are processed for prosecution and in due course...
  20. reb0118

    Job titles of the Guard role.

    Conductor can mean leader or guide. In France the conducteur is the driver as in Germany Zugführer is the driver. I suppose the closest German term for a train guard is Wache but I'm sure they more often use Konductor. In France we have Chef de Train and/or Contrôl.
