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  1. Tottenham Flyer

    Greater Anglia Rolling Stock Updates

    Yes. It's incredibly difficult to keep the renatus ones and the remainder of the 321's separate. The diagrams don't specifically allow the fleet to be kept separate- whilst it probably could be done with a lot of planning, it would also increase the workload across the business for both Train...
  2. Tottenham Flyer

    Greater Anglia Rolling Stock Updates

    501 is Kilmarnock bound later this week- currently stopped at Ilford and has been there since the morning of the 29th June. As for 506... it's a long time for a disabled toilet to be fitted since arriving at Kilmarnock on 9th October. One can only assume that's one massive turd that's got...
  3. Tottenham Flyer

    Long Term Out of Use Units

    It won’t work again. Last I heard was it’s being made ‘moveable’ so it can be dragged away for scrap.
  4. Tottenham Flyer

    NC64 coaching set.

    Coaches move today: http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/O42889/2016/11/09/advanced
  5. Tottenham Flyer

    Livery lists for LM,XC,EM,NX

    317881 now being repainted.
  6. Tottenham Flyer

    Livery lists for LM,XC,EM,NX

    317883 has still not entered the paint shop. 317514 however has, and is now in AGA livery. The UID LOROL 317/8 in the paint shop is 317888.
  7. Tottenham Flyer

    Livery lists for LM,XC,EM,NX

    I'm not entirely sure how it's jumped the queue, but 317883, the first of the plain white 317's, has been stopped at Ilford for repaint. There's also at least one of the LOROL 317/8's now in full LOROL livery, but I didn't grab the number.
  8. Tottenham Flyer

    Scotrail unit 156478's return to service

    156417 would certainly trump this with the rebuilding part, after its collision with the tanker on the Marks Tey - Sudbury line in 2010. https://flic.kr/p/8tkncX
  9. Tottenham Flyer

    Livery lists for LM,XC,EM,NX

    317513 now stopped for repaint. Not many NXEA liveried 317's left now, certainly not within the AGA fleet. I make it just 514 & 881, plus two coaches of 722. All of LOROLs 317/8's (887-892) still carry the redundant livery.
  10. Tottenham Flyer

    Livery lists for LM,XC,EM,NX

    317515 stopped at Ilford for repaint.
  11. Tottenham Flyer

    317/7 Demonstrator Unit

    Broken again at the moment. Not sure when it'll be back in traffic. Been back at Ilford since the 3rd Feb.
  12. Tottenham Flyer

    Livery lists for LM,XC,EM,NX

    317507 stopped at Ilford for repaint.
  13. Tottenham Flyer

    Livery lists for LM,XC,EM,NX

    Not a clue. Will update as and when I find out.
  14. Tottenham Flyer

    Livery lists for LM,XC,EM,NX

    317509 in the paint shop at Ilford having a splash of red and white applied to it. Shouldn't be too long before its out- been slow to post that it's having the work done. DVT 82127 also moved to Loughborough a couple of weeks back for repaint- that's the last blue DVT done. 90007 shouldn't be...
  15. Tottenham Flyer

    c2c more stock

    Ilford is equipped for Desiros, the West Anglia route isn't. The units are not cleared and the crews are not trained. And a 357 has different couplers to what a 379 has which aren't compatible.
  16. Tottenham Flyer

    Livery lists for LM,XC,EM,NX

    321417. It'll be staying in LM colours. It's only initially on hire until the end of February before going to Doncaster for chopping up prior to heading North to ScotRail.
  17. Tottenham Flyer

    Wabtec Awarded Contract For £60M Class 321 Refurbishment Project.

    That work has now been completed. The working to Clacton was for the 317/6's to have their internal refresh.
  18. Tottenham Flyer

    317/7 Demonstrator Unit

    I think you'll find they do....
