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Acton Bridge: A Station with Local Strange Neighbours

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Established Member
4 Aug 2010
Even if they get a residents scheme, they won’t necessarily get one which would prevent someone parking there for 20 minutes. The purpose of such schemes tends to be to prevent all-day commuter parking, not to guarantee a particular space to a particular resident.
Non-one can be guaranteed a parking space on the public highway, even with a residents' parking scheme.
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Established Member
27 May 2013
Is there still the stables there? I know my uncle used to have horses next to the station at Acton Bridge.


Established Member
28 May 2008
The only part I agree with is where you say "he had no right to be aggressive towards you".

If he wants a residents parking scheme to be introduced, he should use the proper channels. Let's not make excuses.

The only thing I'd add is I would encourage people not to swear back, and report it, so you can honestly say you did absolutely nothing wrong.

Indeed. I stayed calm for a good few minutes but when someone aggressively grabs hold of your door and opens it preventing you from movement then it tends to elicit and aggressive response in return. I was very close to driving off and running over the blokes foot!


28 May 2019
I Echo what other members have said about contacting BTP.

If the incident is in progress and the other party is becoming aggressive, especially to the point where you might feel the need to retaliate, don’t!

My advice would be to simply dial 999 and let the police deal with it.

You might not get BTP on scene immediately as they will most likely have to travel some distance so I would expect Cheshire Police to respond initially.

But I feel something needs doing here about these people before things get more serious.


Geoff DC

27 Jan 2018
From the other thread ISTR that they have only recently moved there and have also fallen out and caused problems with their neighbours


21 May 2018
I travelled with a friend of mine to Acton Bridge on the 29th June - I've been going for many years and never had any trouble but said man who has been mentioned made an aggressive appearance and threatened another spotter for apparently being too noisy - a note on the car park, never seen the car park full there is always at least 3 or 4 empty spots during the week and is virtually empty in the evenings, overnight and at weekends. Even though the man did not approach me i did feel intidated. I love Acton Bridge and have been there 100s of times and want to go back there again - yet I do feel quite wary to go back


Established Member
30 Jan 2013
Being a stranger to the area, I noted on Google Street View (photo March 2019 so recent) that the row of cottages (I assume we are talking of those east of the station on the road leading up to the T junction opposite the pub) has a car parked illegally on the pavement, forcing a pedestrian to take to the road to pass by. Now that would be something worth complaining about, but probably is one of the resident's own!


23 May 2008
Cars parked blocking the pavement there are a regular occurance.The last time I was there (a week ago) there were two or three parked thus,forcing you into the road to get by.Never met the local nutter 'tho - looking forward to that.


Established Member
10 Apr 2013
I can understand the residents to an extent, as having a gaggle of train spotters outside, your garden with huge cameras, can be disconcerting.

But their response was totally uncalled for.


Established Member
10 Jun 2012
St Helens, Merseyside
I parked outside his house once (quite legally I might add) as there were no places in the car park. Went to photograph one train, came back 20 mins later and he came out ranting at me, opened my car door and being aggressive.

I at first calmly asked him what I was doing wrong / illegal but kept going on and on. Eventually got my door closed but he continued to rant through the window at me.

In the end I told him to **** off and drove away.

He’s a nutter!
I would have done exactly the same with him.


4 Jun 2019
So I recently been back again not normally I visit Saturday but needed some time to kill. So I joined my friend for a morning Acton Bridge yesterday (06-07), we went on between 8am and 1pm and here is his report. This chap lives on the 1st house next to the entrance to the car park, also my friend noticed the house has now been put up for sale to my satisfaction I was glad in a way!. Anyway regardless went onto the car park and it was relatively empty so he parked close upto the boundary green fence away from the neighbours side. As we were walking across the car park to the stairs, the guy came out shouting bearing in mind it was 0810 in the morning!. We asked what his problem was and he was trying to force us back into our car! My friend dealt with him. He was very aggressive/swearing to both this was before we even got onto the platform!. We gave up and tried to walk off onto the station he decided to bring his wife into it again!. This time on the station arguing that we were been very loud and we shouldn't be here, and that they dealt with us before (yes). He was ready for a fight not sure why. Anyway he & her stormed off the station and was last we saw of them for the duration. In the weekday we park in the Hazel Pub car park right out the way, we ask first to see if its ok. Usually there fine so longs we move the car by 11pm closing time or when space appears on the station car park.


Established Member
31 Dec 2013
If they are on Railway premises haranguing you then report them immediately to the BTP


Established Member
28 May 2008
So I recently been back again not normally I visit Saturday but needed some time to kill. So I joined my friend for a morning Acton Bridge yesterday (06-07), we went on between 8am and 1pm and here is his report. This chap lives on the 1st house next to the entrance to the car park, also my friend noticed the house has now been put up for sale to my satisfaction I was glad in a way!. Anyway regardless went onto the car park and it was relatively empty so he parked close upto the boundary green fence away from the neighbours side. As we were walking across the car park to the stairs, the guy came out shouting bearing in mind it was 0810 in the morning!. We asked what his problem was and he was trying to force us back into our car! My friend dealt with him. He was very aggressive/swearing to both this was before we even got onto the platform!. We gave up and tried to walk off onto the station he decided to bring his wife into it again!. This time on the station arguing that we were been very loud and we shouldn't be here, and that they dealt with us before (yes). He was ready for a fight not sure why. Anyway he & her stormed off the station and was last we saw of them for the duration. In the weekday we park in the Hazel Pub car park right out the way, we ask first to see if its ok. Usually there fine so longs we move the car by 11pm closing time or when space appears on the station car park.

Maybe the bloke should be videoed for evidence?


Established Member
25 Sep 2010
I use Acton Bridge Station and live close by. There is a real issue with lack of parking for rail passengers, the car park is tiny. I know the parish council and others have tried very hard to get an expansion to the car park. So far to no avail. There are few alternative parking places in the village, I have on several occasion left my car in a less than ideal spot on the main road. The car park is for rail users, and when rail users can't park there and some spaces are taken by spotters on the platforms, it is as a passenger annoying.

I'd suggest spotters park at the pub, by a drink or something, tell the licensee what your doing, and leave car there for the time your on the platforms.


Established Member
25 Sep 2010
I travelled with a friend of mine to Acton Bridge on the 29th June - I've been going for many years and never had any trouble but said man who has been mentioned made an aggressive appearance and threatened another spotter for apparently being too noisy - a note on the car park, never seen the car park full there is always at least 3 or 4 empty spots during the week and is virtually empty in the evenings, overnight and at weekends. Even though the man did not approach me i did feel intidated. I love Acton Bridge and have been there 100s of times and want to go back there again - yet I do feel quite wary to go back

Sorry I disagree, during the week when people are traveling to and from work its quite often full. I'm a passenger I know, its not uncommon.


Veteran Member
5 Mar 2012
Hertfordshire / Teesdale
Sorry I disagree, during the week when people are traveling to and from work its quite often full. I'm a passenger I know, its not uncommon.

It does sound like parking may well be part of the issue. Of course the correct course of action is for these individuals to attempt to resolve that situation through proper channels, however it sounds like they lack the intelligence to be able to do that.

All of these issues would of course have been apparent before they chose to buy the house, so if it’s such a massive problem then they only have themselves to blame. Do we take it that since they seem to be hassling people at all hours there’s no evidence of a job to occupy their time and minds?
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4 Jun 2019
I use Acton Bridge Station and live close by. There is a real issue with lack of parking for rail passengers, the car park is tiny. The car park is for rail users, and when rail users can't park there and some spaces are taken by spotters on the platforms, it is as a passenger annoying.

While I understand the frustrations of parking at Acton Bridge when it's full, I choose to visit by train as I don't drive. If I'm with my friend we usually park in the Hazel Pear car park until after the car park is empty in the evening until we leave. I've seen the car park get quite full by 7-9am on the weekdays.


Established Member
25 Sep 2010
It does sound like parking may well be part of the issue. Of course the correct course of action is for these individuals to attempt to resolve that situation through proper channels, however it sounds like they lack the intelligence to be able to do that.

All of these issues would of course have been apparent before they chose to buy the house, so if it’s such a massive problem then they only have themselves to blame. Do we take it that since they seem to be hassling people at all hours there’s no evidence of a job to occupy their time and minds?

I am lead to believe that the car park used to be bigger, however Network rail, or could have been Railtrack back then, took land for storage. I'm not sure how often they use the land now, but extra parking is desperately needed. I did write to London Midland when they were operating, and was passed from pillar to post. Neither London Midland or Network Rail wanted to accept any responsibility of the problem. Hopefully London Northwestern will do something.


Established Member
25 Aug 2009
If they are on Railway premises haranguing you then report them immediately to the BTP

I think this is the only way forward, and confirm where he lives too. You're doing nothing wrong, he is. It's probably for his own benefit in the long run as if the BTP have a word with him and stop him harassing people it might stop him losing a few teeth when he almost inevitably eventually encounters someone just as wound up who's not willing to put up with him being like that.


26 Mar 2009
I've heard there has been issues at Tamworth once in a while especially with enthusiasts standing on the Low Level Platform 1 (Stafford bound) and the local residents of that small development adjacent to the station complaining that enthusiasts keep looking at them and taking photo's.

I once had an old chap shout abuse at me at Tamworth. He lived in the mobile homes there. "Why don’t you get a really hobby" and "p*ss off".
Just turned to him & replied get yourself a proper house. He turned around & went back in his home. Did see the curtains twitch a few times while I was there.

LOL The Irony

On Moderation
29 Jul 2017
Chinatown, New York
I once had an old chap shout abuse at me at Tamworth. He lived in the mobile homes there. "Why don’t you get a really hobby" and "p*ss off".
Just turned to him & replied get yourself a proper house. He turned around & went back in his home. Did see the curtains twitch a few times while I was there.
:lol: That was a good way to deal with him.


Veteran Member
5 Mar 2012
Hertfordshire / Teesdale
I once had an old chap shout abuse at me at Tamworth. He lived in the mobile homes there. "Why don’t you get a really hobby" and "p*ss off".
Just turned to him & replied get yourself a proper house. He turned around & went back in his home. Did see the curtains twitch a few times while I was there.

Good for you. I did something similar with a woman in Cumbria who had the hump that I was parked near her house (unlike what seems to be the situation at Acton Bridge this was hardly a spot where there is a parking “issue”). After having had enough of her nonsense it was suggested she might think about getting a job, which certainly seemed to strike a raw nerve.

The problem with these lippy obnoxious types is their confidence builds as people take notice of them, which most people sort of do as most decent people naturally dislike confrontation. It’s one situation where giving a bit back is often worthwhile, although of course one has to be wary of escalating a conflict situation.


3 May 2013
At the end of the day what happens on the station is not in any way the business of a nearby resident. It’s a public place, and if one lives in a house next to public space then one must expect the public to be there at times. This is a simple fact of life, and if people are unhappy with this then they need to find somewhere to live which is more secluded.

If what’s happening on the station is genuinely disruptive, like groups generating lots of noise, then they might have a point - but this doesn’t sound like what the OP describes. Unfortunately some people do have an aversion to people coming near their house, and if this is as described then this sounds very much like such a case.

It’s not uncommon for householders to take more interest in goings on than they should. In some cases it’s simply a worry that something unsavoury might be going on. Personally I don’t have a problem with that (although personally I find it surprising some people seem to spend all their time looking out of their window - I certainly don’t, indeed in my house pretty much the only time I look into the street is when I’m cleaning the front windows), however this can be dealt with by polite conversation. Again this doesn’t sound like what’s gone on here.

I’d love to have an exclusion zone round my house, however this is just one of those facts of life everyone needs to accept.

A railway station is not a public space. It is up to the owner/lessee as to who is permitted access and when.


Veteran Member
5 Mar 2012
Hertfordshire / Teesdale
A railway station is not a public space. It is up to the owner/lessee as to who is permitted access and when.

Indeed, but it's certainly not up to a random local resident who accesses a station and who doesn't. Quite simply it's none of their business, and if they do have concerns then the correct action is to take it up with the TOC or NR.


31 May 2018
This is interesting, i was at Acton this morning (09/07) and a fellow spotter noticed a guy taking pictures of the cars in the car park. I presume it's the guy who lives in the house next to the station we're all on about.
Fellow spotter asked him what he was doing and replied "Taking photos of the cars here for the BTP" bear in mind that it was 7am and the car park was starting to fill up but had plenty of spaces available.
Looks like he may be sending these photos to the BTP about spotters using the car park.
(I get the train here all the time, very regular to this station)
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