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Arriva (Beds, Bucks, Herts)


On Moderation
11 May 2015
Western Part of the UK
The market is pretty large, especially early mornings; flights depart just after 6am, which means 4am check-in, which is when the trains don't run! For that reason, GreenLine and National Express pay the fees!
I am not talking against the fees in this instance, it just seems like it could be easily done as departure fee & inside sales office rent.

Not that dissimilar to Bristol, and I suspect most major airports.
Bristol is a gross cost contract isn't it whereby the Airport has full control over the services? In this case, Arriva have control over the 757 don't they?
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RailUK Forums


2 Oct 2023
Inside the M25
I can't help thinking you're trying to make 2+2 come to more than 4.
We're not privy to the actual 757 contract conditions, but it is possible for a bus service to be "registered" whilst operated under various conditions, tendered to an LTA (local transport authority) with restrictions on vehicles used and fares charged, for example.
In point of fact, some 757 journeys are not registered at all, and some are, but not for the full length.
It's not a "normal" route at all.


27 Nov 2023
United Kingdom
I don't think I could be convinced either way by lunchtime on the first day although I do think the way the workings ran yesterday gives better resilience. For the avoidance of doubt I am in favour of the extra early, evening and Sunday journeys and I agree with splitting the 2/12 and 3/13, even though the 2/12 often run the same as the old 32 did, sometimes it doesn't and the current position gives much more scope to swap things around and regulate the services without throwing passengers off mid journey. I am sure some 2 and 3 passengers would like to get closer to the High Street and station but its OK as is. I also totally see why the 11 is interworked with the 800/850, makes very good sense. I note the troubled 11 from Penn, now at 14.50, still arrived at the bus station 16 minutes late and its revised next journey, yesterday the 5A, departed 16 minutes late. But it arrived at Bourne End on time! Some journeys make up a lot of lost time when they start late - look at 3012 on the 07.40 from Wycombe on 2 January - half an hour late leaving Wycombe, on time by Henley! Back to the 11 at 14.50 - does it take lots of school passengers at Hazlemere or would it be better missing out the loop on school days and getting the next journey to take them?

I accept you have the data on timings and on passenger flows. I am surprised, given there are no trains direct from Henley to Reading, that there is no demand for a bus arriving between 06.50 and 08.15, but accept your analysis.

Thanks @RELL6L - you've summarised the rationale behind the split of services well. High Wycombe's unpredictable traffic congestion allows us to regulate services better, and gives scope to independently flex journeys/frequencies into the future. The 14:50 ex-Penn brings returning scholars from William Ramsay School in Tylers Green, so experiences dwell time for loading at the school plus the associated congestion through Hazlemere. The loop at Penn isn't the issue, it is ensuring a bus meets the end of the school day whilst trying to meet other overlapping peak departures. The new schedule marks a significant improvement than previous, but there's still work to do.

Resilience in the timetables for High Wycombe's routes is crucial; the examples you've quoted are exemplary in highlighting the need to provide some padding to allow recovery along the route rather than just at the end, whilst still maintaining an attractive, consistent headway. Roger French talked recently about the importance of an attractive timetable that's consistent throughout the day. There's a balance between offering a progressive timetable versus one that's achievable that accounts for wide variance to traffic levels, not only by journey but by day of week. Our parameters are data-driven by historical point-to-point run times that are bound by consistent headway; drivers can self-regulate when at quieter periods, but offers a safety buffer if there's incidents/adverse weather/higher than expected loadings, and so on. This isn't a singular step change but rather graduated improvements following consistent reviewing of our schedules; our dataset gets richer, our schedules become more accurate, current customers benefit from greater OTP whilst new users are attracted through a simpler, easy-to-understand offering - but this does take time.

@arrivamatt , are Stevenage, Ware and Harlow under your control?

This has been answered already but no, these aren't within my patch.

We're really pleased to continue the Greenline concession - @greenline712 has, by virtue of their username, summed up how 757 works with Luton Airport. Lots to plan and mobilise, with more news on the service enhancements coming soon.

I went out on Wednesday 10 January to have a look at some of the new Arriva Connexions routes around Aylesbury. My first journey started off badly, as the 0915 X5 from Hemel Hempstead to Aylesbury broke down with “frozen air pipes” according to the driver.

After 30 minutes in the sun, the bus started up and the driver was instructed to run dead to Aylesbury to resume his place in the circuit. Probably a reasonable decision, although the next bus was 10 minutes late, so some passengers had a long wait (in very cold conditions).

The 0945 departure left at 0956, and arrived into Aylesbury at 1100, so still 10 minutes late . . . the running time looks about right, even though there were obviously two trips worth of passengers to be accommodated. The driver was good, although possibly over-cautious, although that’s a personal judgement (based on passing my PSV test in 1979!).

There were timetable leaflets on both the X5 bus and my next bus, the X9 to High Wycombe at 1140. Regrettably, no leaflets were available in the Bus Station, nor next door in the Library or at County Hall . . . perhaps a rack could be placed near the coffee stall at AY Bus Station, and the proprietors asked to keep an eye? The old Enquiry Office was plastered with adverts for the previous route network, which needs replacing (early days yet, though). Similarly the deckers I travelled on had the cove panels covered with adverts for Route 280 . . . again, something to deal with?

My X9 departed on time, just after a 130 (one of the Aylesbury Reds group) . . . loadings were very light all through to High Wycombe, and we waited time for around 10 minutes at various locations along the route; eventually arriving into HW 4 minutes early. I doubt that we carried 10 passengers . . . with the 130 taking around 20 minutes less, passengers will go for the faster bus every time, especially as the fare is £2 whichever bus is used.

I’d say that the running time desperately needs looking at on Route X9 . . . indeed, I’d almost suggest getting Buckingham County Council to act as “honest broker” to co-ordinate frequencies at 2 BPH (buses per hour) on each route; X9 doesn’t seem to need 3 BPH, and 130 at 4 BPH is hugely over-bussed.

On a positive note . . . plenty of the new Arriva timetable leaflets were in evidence at Wycombe (as were Carousel’s leaflets), and I didn’t notice any missing departures on the Arriva routes, although I was only there for 45 minutes. I’d also just mention that the e-displays and printed summaries and bus stop timetables in both bus stations were all up to date . . . well done Bucks CC!

To get home, I caught the Carousel 1 at 1330 through to Hemel Hempstead . . . a pleasant surprise, as we left Wycombe with 35 passengers on board . . . around 7 of which travelled through to Hemel! The driver was appalling . . . sharp acceleration; very fierce braking, not waiting for passengers to sit down. A passenger actually called him out on his driving, after which he drove more smoothly.

I daresay @arrivamatt may not like some of my comments, but I make them in the spirit of informing, not criticizing . . . Arriva are to be commended in at least “having a go”, instead of sitting on their hands . . . in the same way that FirstBus went down before bouncing back, maybe we’re seeing something similar? Time will tell . . .

I might not like it, but this is a well-balanced account and perspective, one that's presented constructively that we will absolutely take on board to learn from. There's sometimes a small proportion of feedback of those who will be dismissive of anything we try and do to enhance service delivery and customer experience for varying reasons. I'll always be transparent and open on what we can and should be doing better, provided feedback is channeled appropriately.

It's good to hear that despite an unfortunate mechanical issue, the situation was resolved in the best way possible. Such incidents are never great to hear about and it's with personal regret that this has happened on your travels. Such incidents are isolated in the wider context, and your point links back to previous posts around fleet moves and forward-looking plans on how we'll improve going forward.

There have been a couple of delays over Christmas in replacing the vinyls in Aylesbury bus station. We're working on this as quickly as we can - all is in hand. Coving panels will be addressed as part of a wider project later in the Spring; again, addressing this is also in hand in the interim.

Following on from my point above, in order to achieve consistent frequency through the day, the quieter lunchtime period can mean that buses are regulated en-route, particularly on X9 where there is a number of travel options open to the market. Naturally, I'll reserve comment your thoughts regarding the competitor's offering, but our view is that the frequency and routing is appropriate for market demand. That market will always shift, and our new network is in a great place to adapt to it.
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Voyager 2953

6 Dec 2023
Hi Matt,

Thank you for your reply but I wasn’t suggesting that Wycombe needs an all new fleet. But rather some newer buses perhaps from London as I know Arriva London have some dormant Streetdecks and DB300, both Euro 6 compliant and the latter of the two the most reliable buses in the London fleet behind the Volvo B5LH.

With regards to the Oxford corridor I’ll stick by my point that it’s a shame the competitor has newer buses than Arriva and I know newer doesn’t always mean better, I know the B9TL which isn’t in production anymore is far better than any new offering on the market but the E400s are not nice things to be onboard. They’re rattly, cold and their suspension is awful. The Citaros are better but they’re also cold.

The competitor pay far less in driver wages which is why they can probably afford newer vehicles and offer a lower priced service but they shouldn’t have even been allowed to operate in the first place had Arriva had their eyes on the ball and that former X8 going via Wheatley only saved 5 minutes. Hardly an express service.

Three nights in a row the 19:15 service to Micklefield did not run and it’s all too common. With regard to customer feedback you just have to read comments made on the Bucks Herald and Facebook and then you’ll see how pleased the people of Wycombe are with the bus service provided by Arriva. I’m tempted to do a video to show this.

The network might have had an upturn in passengers but again many like myself only use Arriva because they have the routes that serve where we need to go, not out of an absolute love for Arriva but rather out of necessity.

I suggested a retrim on the Wycombe Volvos because they are in awful condition, they’re so very dirty and a freshen up wouldn’t go amiss. I fully understand Carousel utilise existing buses from elsewhere in the Go Ahead Group empire but they’re nowhere near as dated and worn out as the Arriva buses. You still have Buses running around with old posters etc.

Some of those Citaros at Wycombe are just bad buses; there’s one that clearly has a gearbox fault, it’s constantly jerking 3025 it is. The seats are rock hard, and they feel so dirty that you worry if you’re going to catch a virus.

It’s not all doom and gloom, the drivers are friendly, the management team are visible in the bus station which is comforting but things need to change and quickly too. I get things take time but the bus service in Wycombe has been awful for years so some people might not be as patient as you would like.

Thank you by the way for being active in this conversation and I like your gracious replies to the critique but if we’re being honest Wycombe needs a bit of love.
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19 May 2014
Reliability seems to have plummeted further in High Wycombe, not down to the new timetables - far from it, these seem to improve things - but failures of the buses.
All based on BusTimes, but this is usually pretty good give or take the odd vehicle not tracking.

Between the peaks 29 buses are now required to maintain the service, one more than before with the extra running time on the 11/800/850 adding a vehicle.
At the present moment (10.50), I reckoned 18 buses were out, 2 Streetlites, 3 Versas, 10 Citaros and 4 deckers. This excludes 2954, 2957 and 5459 all of which went out this morning but haven't been doing anything since at least 9.30.
Therefore the various route groups are running as follows:
2/12 - 3 out of 7 boards
3 - 1 out of 2 boards
4 - 1 board (of 1)
5/6/7 - 5 boards (of 5) - as a general rule these services seem to be prioritised
10/13 - 1 out of 4 boards - appears to be running every 80 minutes instead of every 20
11/800/850 - 7 out of 10 boards
Huge gaps on some routes.

Two Citaros and two B9TLs have been off for over two weeks, giving no spares at all for the peak run out. More vehicles required!

Voyager 2953

6 Dec 2023
Reliability seems to have plummeted further in High Wycombe, not down to the new timetables - far from it, these seem to improve things - but failures of the buses.
All based on BusTimes, but this is usually pretty good give or take the odd vehicle not tracking.

Between the peaks 29 buses are now required to maintain the service, one more than before with the extra running time on the 11/800/850 adding a vehicle.
At the present moment (10.50), I reckoned 18 buses were out, 2 Streetlites, 3 Versas, 10 Citaros and 4 deckers. This excludes 2954, 2957 and 5459 all of which went out this morning but haven't been doing anything since at least 9.30.
Therefore the various route groups are running as follows:
2/12 - 3 out of 7 boards
3 - 1 out of 2 boards
4 - 1 board (of 1)
5/6/7 - 5 boards (of 5) - as a general rule these services seem to be prioritised
10/13 - 1 out of 4 boards - appears to be running every 80 minutes instead of every 20
11/800/850 - 7 out of 10 boards
Huge gaps on some routes.

Two Citaros and two B9TLs have been off for over two weeks, giving no spares at all for the peak run out. More vehicles required!

I was expecting this today based on yesterday’s events. On a brighter note there is a former Watford Click Sprinter in the yard, maybe that could be used on the 3 or 4 :D.

No in all seriousness something needs to be done, and I don’t understand why there isn’t a standby driver until around 7pm. Yesterday the Micklefield due out at 19:15 didn’t run and left passengers stranded until 20:10 and this was due to a late running 7 from Maidenhead which later goes on to form the 19:15 to Micklefield.

The B9s are progressing well so I expect to see them out soon. They really are the better buses in the fleet. The Citaros are cold, like being in a freezer.

Redline are due some more Evoras too, I believe they are to be used on the Wycombe to Aylesbury corridor. If so I don’t see Arriva competing with their more expensive, cold and rattly junk.


19 May 2014
It seems to have gone from bad to worse at Wycombe.
There are 34 buses on fleet, the need during the day (M-F) is 28 vehicles, I think it is 30 in peaks but I'm not quite sure.
On Friday 7 buses were off the road all day (2957, 2982, 3007, 3009, 3027, 4210, 4212) and a further 6 came off the road at times during the day (2953, 2954, 3010, 3020, 3025, 3029, all by 16.00). So only 21 buses out.

On Saturday they were missing several boards on the 2/12 and 10/13 and also on the 11/800/850, all day the 800/850 arriving in Wycombe at 20/50 past the hour was then being sent out on the 11 at 15/45 - ie five minutes before it came in. This seems to have worked, the 11 is reasonably generously timed and there is catch-up time after the 11 returns before it goes out again as an 800/850.

Today is even worse. There are 11 buses that haven't been out today - 2953, 2954, 2957, 2982, 3007, 3015, 3025, 3027, 4210, 4212, 6149. Three more have stopped running, 2956, 3009 and 3012. For 3009 this was its first day out since 12 December but it doesn't seem to have lasted long. So 20 buses out of 34 on the road at the moment, 8 below what should be running. Looks like minus 3 boards on the 2/12, 1 on the 3, 2 on the 10/13 and 2 on the 11/800/850 but this can quickly vary. As usual the 5/6/7 seem pretty much exempt from cuts, apart from on-road breakdowns.

Still only one B9TL is operating, for a couple of month 4210 was the only one on the road but this stopped on 29 January and 4211 appeared the next day. And as of right now there appear to be only 7 of 13 Citaros on the road, although generally these seem the most reliable.

The detail is all from BusTimes but my observations show this to be pretty accurate.

This level of service cancellation is wholly unacceptable for the passengers locally, it has been going on for some time and yet nothing seems to be done. Other depots don't seem so bad, Aylesbury is tight but there aren't that many cancellations, Luton and MK don't show great gaps in service on the main routes. Why is Wycombe so terrible?

Voyager 2953

6 Dec 2023
It seems to have gone from bad to worse at Wycombe.
There are 34 buses on fleet, the need during the day (M-F) is 28 vehicles, I think it is 30 in peaks but I'm not quite sure.
On Friday 7 buses were off the road all day (2957, 2982, 3007, 3009, 3027, 4210, 4212) and a further 6 came off the road at times during the day (2953, 2954, 3010, 3020, 3025, 3029, all by 16.00). So only 21 buses out.

On Saturday they were missing several boards on the 2/12 and 10/13 and also on the 11/800/850, all day the 800/850 arriving in Wycombe at 20/50 past the hour was then being sent out on the 11 at 15/45 - ie five minutes before it came in. This seems to have worked, the 11 is reasonably generously timed and there is catch-up time after the 11 returns before it goes out again as an 800/850.

Today is even worse. There are 11 buses that haven't been out today - 2953, 2954, 2957, 2982, 3007, 3015, 3025, 3027, 4210, 4212, 6149. Three more have stopped running, 2956, 3009 and 3012. For 3009 this was its first day out since 12 December but it doesn't seem to have lasted long. So 20 buses out of 34 on the road at the moment, 8 below what should be running. Looks like minus 3 boards on the 2/12, 1 on the 3, 2 on the 10/13 and 2 on the 11/800/850 but this can quickly vary. As usual the 5/6/7 seem pretty much exempt from cuts, apart from on-road breakdowns.

Still only one B9TL is operating, for a couple of month 4210 was the only one on the road but this stopped on 29 January and 4211 appeared the next day. And as of right now there appear to be only 7 of 13 Citaros on the road, although generally these seem the most reliable.

The detail is all from BusTimes but my observations show this to be pretty accurate.

This level of service cancellation is wholly unacceptable for the passengers locally, it has been going on for some time and yet nothing seems to be done. Other depots don't seem so bad, Aylesbury is tight but there aren't that many cancellations, Luton and MK don't show great gaps in service on the main routes. Why is Wycombe so terrible?

4210 is off the road with a gearbox fault and 4211 has an adblue issue which causes it to intermittently loose power at times. I would imagine it is some sort of sensor issue.

It does look as though things are being sorted as we speak, but I agree the service is awful at the best of times and this current lottery you have to play with the buses is unacceptable.

Arriva seem to be very short sighted as there are a plethora of ex London DB300s that could easily be transferred in without having to rely on Leicester’s streetdecks coming into service which won’t be for a while yet while they sort out issues to with the land.. I don’t understand why the DWs haven’t been looked at as they are also Euro 6 and the most reliable buses in the Arriva London fleet, not to mention they’re also the most economic to run.

I don’t see the Olympus holding up well on the roads in Bucks, the chassis is amazing but the bodywork is shoddy and it won’t be too long before they are falling to bits. The DB300s would look better, have a more modern feel for the customer, they don’t cost as much to run and the ride quality is just as good as on the B9TLs.

I’m worried for the future of the two Bucks depots but I imagine that Aylesbury closing could relieve operating costs as the 280 and 300s could run out of Wycombe and the 500 shifted to Hemel.


2 Aug 2013
Chiltern Mailine Land
As a resident of High Wycombe, I have to put up with Arriva buses putting out massive amounts of pollutants daily. Was following a Gemini double-decker the other day and it would send out a smoke screen every time it would accelerate away from a standstill. Really not pleasant


30 Sep 2023
High Wycombe
It seems to have gone from bad to worse at Wycombe.
There are 34 buses on fleet, the need during the day (M-F) is 28 vehicles, I think it is 30 in peaks but I'm not quite sure.
On Friday 7 buses were off the road all day (2957, 2982, 3007, 3009, 3027, 4210, 4212) and a further 6 came off the road at times during the day (2953, 2954, 3010, 3020, 3025, 3029, all by 16.00). So only 21 buses out.

On Saturday they were missing several boards on the 2/12 and 10/13 and also on the 11/800/850, all day the 800/850 arriving in Wycombe at 20/50 past the hour was then being sent out on the 11 at 15/45 - ie five minutes before it came in. This seems to have worked, the 11 is reasonably generously timed and there is catch-up time after the 11 returns before it goes out again as an 800/850.

Today is even worse. There are 11 buses that haven't been out today - 2953, 2954, 2957, 2982, 3007, 3015, 3025, 3027, 4210, 4212, 6149. Three more have stopped running, 2956, 3009 and 3012. For 3009 this was its first day out since 12 December but it doesn't seem to have lasted long. So 20 buses out of 34 on the road at the moment, 8 below what should be running. Looks like minus 3 boards on the 2/12, 1 on the 3, 2 on the 10/13 and 2 on the 11/800/850 but this can quickly vary. As usual the 5/6/7 seem pretty much exempt from cuts, apart from on-road breakdowns.

Still only one B9TL is operating, for a couple of month 4210 was the only one on the road but this stopped on 29 January and 4211 appeared the next day. And as of right now there appear to be only 7 of 13 Citaros on the road, although generally these seem the most reliable.

The detail is all from BusTimes but my observations show this to be pretty accurate.

This level of service cancellation is wholly unacceptable for the passengers locally, it has been going on for some time and yet nothing seems to be done. Other depots don't seem so bad, Aylesbury is tight but there aren't that many cancellations, Luton and MK don't show great gaps in service on the main routes. Why is Wycombe so terrible?
If you go on the arriva bus app, its proves this. Almost every time i go on it there are cancellations on the 800/850 and 2/12 services all day. I don't whats going on but they need to sort it.


10 Aug 2018
If you go on the arriva bus app, its proves this. Almost every time i go on it there are cancellations on the 800/850 and 2/12 services all day. I don't whats going on but they need to sort it.
The Arriva app is not accurate. So much so that in Medway the drivers actively discourage it’s use.


19 May 2014
The Arriva app is not accurate. So much so that in Medway the drivers actively discourage it’s use.
I’ve seen buses running that the App says are cancelled, it seems to feed off the same tracking data as BusTimes, ie the ticket machine.


12 Dec 2013
I’ve seen buses running that the App says are cancelled, it seems to feed off the same tracking data as BusTimes, ie the ticket machine.
I’d imagine if supervisors have marked these journeys as cancelled earlier in the day and then they find a driver/vehicle last minute to run it then it may not be ‘uncancelled’ on Ticketer.


10 Aug 2018
I’ve seen buses running that the App says are cancelled, it seems to feed off the same tracking data as BusTimes, ie the ticket machine.

I’d imagine if supervisors have marked these journeys as cancelled earlier in the day and then they find a driver/vehicle last minute to run it then it may not be ‘uncancelled’ on Ticketer.
The drivers in Medway say that if the bus more than 2 minutes delayed at a stop it shows as cancelled on the app. They actively encourage Bus Times here.


19 May 2014
I’d imagine if supervisors have marked these journeys as cancelled earlier in the day and then they find a driver/vehicle last minute to run it then it may not be ‘uncancelled’ on Ticketer.
The drivers in Medway say that if the bus more than 2 minutes delayed at a stop it shows as cancelled on the app. They actively encourage Bus Times here.

It certainly isn’t reliable. This morning it had said the 07.00 800 from Reading to High Wycombe has been cancelled, which it wasn’t. But it doesn’t say the 09.10 850 from Reading to Wycombe has been cancelled even though I know it will be. So I don’t think it’s cancelled in advance but it’s not always matching BusTimes either.

Things in Wycombe seem to have gone from bad to worse.

On Saturday, during the day, with 27 boards scheduled there were only 17 buses shown on BusTimes as being out.
On the 2/12 only 2 boards running out of 5
On the 3 there was no service until 17.00 (should be 2 boards) - although I suspect this may be wrong and possibly 2325 was out there all day (it shows as starting at 17.00)
On the 10/13 there were only two boards running out of 4
On the 11/800/850 there were only 7 out of 10 boards running, although this reduced slightly as 3008 missed some journeys. On the 800 from Wycombe to Reading there was a 4 hour gap in the morning and a 5 hour gap in the afternoon, on the 850 from Reading to Wycombe the last bus was at 14.10 with the last four missing.
I don't think this is down to BusTimes. A full evening service appeared to run on every route using vehicles out during the day (caveated only as above on 2325) so its not like some buses weren't tracking. Even on Sunday it was poor with 3008, 3020 and 6149 failing to complete journeys (6149 was replaced by 3008 but 3008 failed to make it back while 3020 appeared to have failed to complete two journeys).

Today it is little better, with 19 out of 29 boards running. Missing are: 3 boards on the 2/21, 1 on the 3, 1 on the 5/6/7, 2 on the 10/13 and 3 on the 11/800/850. Fifteen buses are off the road: 2790, 2953, 2954, 2955, 2957, 2958, 3007, 3009, 3014, 3015, 3027, 3029, 4212, 5457 and 6149. Volvo B9TL 4210 has come out after some time off, today is the first day since November to have two of these three on the road at the same time. But only 4 of 9 Versas on the road and 7 of 13 Citaros.

Utterly unacceptable. I am sure the local management is really upset and embarrassed at this but what is going to be done?
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19 May 2014
6139 is new at Wycombe on loan from Maidstone
I guess this is what is tracking as SP HI, I wondered what it was. While every vehicle helps it’s nothing like enough, things are terrible at the moment. Only 5 of 9 Versas made it out today at all and, I think, only 5 of 13 Citaros. Several of both types parked up at the depot. Deckers slightly better, all 3 B9TLs were out yesterday evening peak, 4212 hardly tracked but I saw it operating the 10 at 17.40. It may therefore be out today as well, I don’t know.

Visiting the bus station yesterday evening peak there’s no information about what is running, no apologies, nothing. The App is correct slightly more than it is wrong but it’s rubbish, BusTimes is more reliable but not totally. Queues waiting for non-operating buses, one Streetlite on the 3 just running as best as it could every 35-40 minutes. Big gaps on 800/850 today and yesterday. Around 10 boards cut all day. An absolutely unforgivable disgrace. Nowhere else seems to be like this - or am I wrong?

Update Wednesday:

Looking into the depot this afternoon it looked like another B7TL had arrived, my eyesight isn’t what it was but it could have been 6144. Unfortunately no number plate was visible as it had arrived courtesy of a tow truck!

4212 was back in the naughty corner along with 3007, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3027, 3029, 2953 and another Versa. Again only 5 Citaros out. Shouldn’t have said the deckers were doing well as most of them appear to have stopped tracking during the day - 4210, 4211, 5459, 5460 with 5457 and 5458 not out at all. Only about 18 of 29 boards running and not all of them at once.

6139 is now tracking as itself instead of SP HI.
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12 Dec 2013
I guess this is what is tracking as SP HI, I wondered what it was. While every vehicle helps it’s nothing like enough, things are terrible at the moment. Only 5 of 9 Versas made it out today at all and, I think, only 5 of 13 Citaros. Several of both types parked up at the depot. Deckers slightly better, all 3 B9TLs were out yesterday evening peak, 4212 hardly tracked but I saw it operating the 10 at 17.40. It may therefore be out today as well, I don’t know.

Visiting the bus station yesterday evening peak there’s no information about what is running, no apologies, nothing. The App is correct slightly more than it is wrong but it’s rubbish, BusTimes is more reliable but not totally. Queues waiting for non-operating buses, one Streetlite on the 3 just running as best as it could every 35-40 minutes. Big gaps on 800/850 today and yesterday. Around 10 boards cut all day. An absolutely unforgivable disgrace. Nowhere else seems to be like this - or am I wrong?

Update Wednesday:

Looking into the depot this afternoon it looked like another B7TL had arrived, my eyesight isn’t what it was but it could have been 6144. Unfortunately no number plate was visible as it had arrived courtesy of a tow truck!

4212 was back in the naughty corner along with 3007, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3027, 3029, 2953 and another Versa. Again only 5 Citaros out. Shouldn’t have said the deckers were doing well as most of them appear to have stopped tracking during the day - 4210, 4211, 5459, 5460 with 5457 and 5458 not out at all. Only about 18 of 29 boards running and not all of them at once.

6139 is now tracking as itself instead of SP HI.
Nowhere near as bad as this but Redcar in North East regularly missing 4/5 boards every day, from a PVR of around 40.


19 May 2014
6144 FJ56 OBE is new in at High Wycombe from Maidstone
Indeed, but it arrived on tow!

It is 21.30 now, no 800 has left Reading since 16.50, there should have been four. And only two departures since the 10.50, which itself broke down on the way. All as per BusTimes. But arrivals at Reading at 18.40 and 19.40 returned out of service, as they are supposed to do…

I am not trying to do Arriva down, these are my local services and I want them to succeed. I find it very depressing driving past people waiting for buses which I know are not going to turn up. This is going to destroy confidence in using the bus which will take ages to recover, if it’s even possible.
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Voyager 2953

6 Dec 2023
Indeed, but it arrived on tow!

It is 21.30 now, no 800 has left Reading since 16.50, there should have been four. And only two departures since the 10.50, which itself broke down on the way. All as per BusTimes. But arrivals at Reading at 18.40 and 19.40 returned out of service, as they are supposed to do…

I am not trying to do Arriva down, these are my local services and I want them to succeed. I find it very depressing driving past people waiting for buses which I know are not going to turn up. This is going to destroy confidence in using the bus which will take ages to recover, if it’s even possible.

They will all be arriving on tow, lower cost and risk associated with transferring the buses over.


3 Sep 2014
Confirmed that Arriva have a habit of transferring buses between depots by tow, often to the confusion of the engineering team. It doesn't necessarily mean the bus is broken!


19 May 2014
I was hoping for some improvement in Wycombe's bus position but it has not materialised.
Volvo B7TLs 6139 and 6144 have come in during the last few days. Also 2979 has ben resurrected from the dead, I have seen this is service.
So Wycombe now has 37 buses for its requirement of 29 or 30. (There are 29 out during the day and I just can't work out whether there ought to be another one in the peaks, with so many cancellations and swaps it is difficult to follow).
As at now I think 17 are actually out, its been reasonably consistent during the day and one better than this morning.
On the 2/12 - 2326, 2327 (just out), 2979 and 6144 - four boards out of seven
On the 3 - 2325 - one board out of two
On the 4 - 2957 - only board
On the 5/6/7 - 3013, 3025, 3920, 6139 - four boards out of five
On the 10/13 - 2790, 3954, two boards out of four (was only one at times this morning)
On the 11/800/850 - 2956, 3009, 3010, 3020, 5458 - five boards out of ten.

Not been out today at all: Versas 2951, 2953, 2955, 2958, 2982 (five of ten), Citaros 3007, 3012, 3014, 3015, 3027, 3029 (six of thirteen), deckers 4211, 4212, 5457, 5459, 6149 (five of ten).
Appear to have stopped during the day: 2952, 3008, 4210 and 5460. Not certain about 5460, it has tracked rather randomly these past few days so possibly it is still running, the board it started out on has not seen any other vehicles and this looks a fairly high priority board. The Volvo B9TLs seem particularly fragile, after 3 months off 4212 came back out but didn't last one day.

Usual BusTimes caveat, but normally pretty accurate and generally the same as the App.

Still shocking. There doesn't seem to be any local press outcry that I have found though, perhaps passengers are resigned to it now.


2 Oct 2023
Inside the M25
The Intalink website: gives an indication of a further timetable change on the Watford area routes. One hopes that the reliability issues that seemingly have bedevilled these routes (as far back as 2022) might be sorted out?

In general the PM peak, by about 1700, is in difficulties on all routes; partly because the run times are too similar to daytime run times, and any delays during the PM school peak (1500-1630) simply run on . . . 5 minute stand times predominate all day, and there simply isn't enough "recovery" time between trips.

My local Route 328 seems to have many driver changeovers at the Abbots Langley end . . . buses are due to arrive at xx53, depart at xx55, and are regularly delayed by 10-15 minutes awaiting a relief driver. There is never any service control . . . the 0755 trip one day last week was 30 minutes late (bus needed mechanical intervention) . . . and was still 20 minutes late, seemingly having run full mileage, over 4 hours later!! For the first trip, it was running with a subsequent bus due 30 minutes after!!


7 May 2020
I was hoping for some improvement in Wycombe's bus position but it has not materialised.
Volvo B7TLs 6139 and 6144 have come in during the last few days. Also 2979 has ben resurrected from the dead, I have seen this is service.
So Wycombe now has 37 buses for its requirement of 29 or 30. (There are 29 out during the day and I just can't work out whether there ought to be another one in the peaks, with so many cancellations and swaps it is difficult to follow).
As at now I think 17 are actually out, its been reasonably consistent during the day and one better than this morning.
On the 2/12 - 2326, 2327 (just out), 2979 and 6144 - four boards out of seven
On the 3 - 2325 - one board out of two
On the 4 - 2957 - only board
On the 5/6/7 - 3013, 3025, 3920, 6139 - four boards out of five
On the 10/13 - 2790, 3954, two boards out of four (was only one at times this morning)
On the 11/800/850 - 2956, 3009, 3010, 3020, 5458 - five boards out of ten.

Not been out today at all: Versas 2951, 2953, 2955, 2958, 2982 (five of ten), Citaros 3007, 3012, 3014, 3015, 3027, 3029 (six of thirteen), deckers 4211, 4212, 5457, 5459, 6149 (five of ten).
Appear to have stopped during the day: 2952, 3008, 4210 and 5460. Not certain about 5460, it has tracked rather randomly these past few days so possibly it is still running, the board it started out on has not seen any other vehicles and this looks a fairly high priority board. The Volvo B9TLs seem particularly fragile, after 3 months off 4212 came back out but didn't last one day.

Usual BusTimes caveat, but normally pretty accurate and generally the same as the App.

Still shocking. There doesn't seem to be any local press outcry that I have found though, perhaps passengers are resigned to it now.
I was out on Arriva Wycombe on Saturday 17th and can confidently state that BusTimes is *not* especially accurate in this part of the world: of seven buses that I caught that day, only one (6144) tracked correctly on all of the journeys that I saw it working. Indeed BusTimes-only analysis for the day would suggest that several diagrams were missing in whole or in part leaving large gaps in service, when the reality was quite a lot less bad (some journeys missing, but very few and - from what I saw at least - no two consecutive journeys on any route).

(Edit: 6144 was the one that tracked correctly, albeit as SP HI - originally put 6139, which stopped tracking at midday but continued to operate well into the evening.)
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Voyager 2953

6 Dec 2023
Aylesbury and High Wycombe are no longer part of the Midlands now, hopefully that can put an end to the abysmal years of service and constant degradation they’ve subjected these areas too.

Nationally Arriva are recognised as awful company and I really do hope ISquared break off parts of the company and sell them to more capable operators such as Stagecoach, First and Go Ahead. The whole company is a shambles from top to bottom.

The endless “improvements” in Wycombe and Aylesbury are really something to marvel at. Why offer a service when you don’t even serviceable buses to operate that service baffles me. The whole management needs a shake up and less money spent on glossy magazines.

Finishing work at 21:30 (after deciding not to drive and rely on Arriva) and arriving home at 12:00am is not on. I only live 17 miles away. The 22:00 X9 from Wycombe didn’t arrive on time so after waiting 40 minutes I had to walk to the train station in order to get home.

The past few days I’ve been getting the 130 run by Redline and the buses are actually clean! The Evoras are superb buses and given the choice I would never use an Arriva service against Redline.

Isquared taking over will avail nothing if there isn’t a change in the management of what is an awfully run company.
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19 May 2014
Much improved in High Wycombe over the last few days. At present 10 of the 13 Citaros are on the road, it was down to 4 or 5 at one point. The decker position is better with 6139, 6144 and 6149. Note than 6144 is tracking as 2327 (as is 2327, very confusing at times). In theory this makes 10 deckers - 3 x B9TL, 3 x B7TL and 4 x E400. They never seem to be all on the road at the same time. 5458 and 5460 do not always track, I have seen both out on the road when they are not tracking. Ditto some others, notably Citaro 3025 and the odd Versa and Streetlite. Volvo B9TL 4212 is still a rare beast, it came out on 12 February and yesterday and I did see it both days, but it didn't appear to complete the day either time - previously not out since November. The Versas also seem pretty flaky, there's usually about 4 of the 10 off the road. But definitely fewer gaps, usually 1 or 2 boards missing from the 2/12 and from the 10/13, sometimes one missing from the 3, usually only one from the 11/800/850. That seems a lot but its much better than it was.


27 Nov 2023
United Kingdom
Some changes being introduced in Milton Keynes from 14 April

  • Revised timetables on routes 1/2/2A to improve timekeeping.
  • Routes 3/3A are introduced and extended to operate as bidirectional circulars, welcoming new residents at the Eagle Farm and Glebe Farm developments onto the Arriva network. Both routes operate up to every 30 minutes route between Broughton, Kingston, Glebe Farm, Eagle Farm and Magna Park to allow for easy local connections, as well as a bus direct into the heart of the city centre and the rail station. Combined, both routes run up to every 15 minutes with key journeys at Magna Park shift times. The schooldays only journey to Walton High is now numbered 3S.
  • Revised timetables on route 4 to improve timekeeping.
  • Route 5 is extended to serve more of Newton Leys, with buses running in an anticlockwise loop up to every 20 minutes. Both routes 5 and 6 will also be returning to Windemere Drive in Lakes Estate. Route 5 will no longer call at Mount Farm, with all buses now calling at Stadium MK. A more frequent route M6 will call at Mount Farm and John Lewis (Fenny Lock) around core shift times.
  • Revised timetables on route 7 to improve timekeeping. Buses on Sunday will run up to every 40 minutes, with all journeys extending to Milton Keynes Central rail station.
  • Revised timetables on routes 8/8A to improve timekeeping.

We'll also be welcoming route 89 to the Milton Keynes network from Monday 25 March, operating one contracted journey in each direction between Milton Keynes and Deanshanger (Elizabeth Woodville School). More information on this will be published in due course.
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