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Protestor climbs aboard train to power station

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3 Mar 2020
I don't see how you can not see their behaviour is weird.

And where did this person come from and how did they get there?

Does this person and their ilk not use any electricity at all?

The standard of BBC journalism is very poor these days and the organisation appears to have been infiltrated by the far left, sadly.

BBC News site has been going downhill for a while but this deterioration has really accelerated in the last couple of years in particular.

We do indeed, though the BBC will be proud of that.
Yes - I've given up complaining about the low standard of literacy and intelligibility on the BBC website in particular; their actual broadcasts tend to be better written (though not without howlers from time to time).

"Far left" in the BBC? Well, in my dealings with them (I've done loads of interviews and so on over the years), I've not generally found the people I dealt with were particularly left-wing, and certainly not "far left" ... though that latter term seems to be mostly used pejoratively rather than as something easily defined... My experience as a listener/viewer is that BBC news coverage almost never questions or challenges basic assumptions about the world (and ones which I would see as right wing), especially over aspects of market economics.
Just goes to show the BBC is more central than anyone thinks. Left wingers thinks its right wing and right wingers think its left! Personally I think it is left wing but 'infiltrated by the far left' is hyperbole waffle that brands some opinions a certain distance from there's as 'extreme'.

That is not to say the far left don't exist.
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RailUK Forums


11 Jul 2019
Just goes to show the BBC is more central than anyone thinks. Left wingers thinks its right wing and right wingers think its left! Personally I think it is left wing but 'infiltrated by the far left' is hyperbole waffle that brands some opinions a certain distance from there's as 'extreme'.

That is not to say the far left don't exist.

Just to repeat my previous post...

"That would be the BBC whose chairman is a Tory donor, whose Director-General is a former Tory politician, and only this week it turns out that the "independent" mmber on the panel choosing BBC board members is ... another Tory donor? Who showed obvious Conservative bias in the run-up to the 2019 General election, including grilling Cobyn and Swinson but not Johnson, and editing out a section of Question Time where Johnson was laughed at by the audience? Whose political editor uncritically repeats "off-the-record" briefings from No.10, even when they turn out to be false?"

They did it again this week, framing Johnson's U-Turn on sleaze as "beating Starmer to the punch" despite the fact that Labour were first to point it out.

It may have been the case in the past, but anyone who thinks the BBC is in any way left wing these days is delusional. Sorry.


3 Mar 2020
Just to repeat my previous post...

"That would be the BBC whose chairman is a Tory donor, whose Director-General is a former Tory politician, and only this week it turns out that the "independent" mmber on the panel choosing BBC board members is ... another Tory donor? Who showed obvious Conservative bias in the run-up to the 2019 General election, including grilling Cobyn and Swinson but not Johnson, and editing out a section of Question Time where Johnson was laughed at by the audience? Whose political editor uncritically repeats "off-the-record" briefings from No.10, even when they turn out to be false?"

They did it again this week, framing Johnson's U-Turn on sleaze as "beating Starmer to the punch" despite the fact that Labour were first to point it out.

It may have been the case in the past, but anyone who thinks the BBC is in any way left wing these days is delusional. Sorry.
Interesting. I just think this shows why an 'unbiased' new network does not work. They try very hard to be unbiased, I truly think so but in the end they lean to one direction in every case, and that means both sides of the political spectrum dislike them as 'biased'. Personally any ad free program gets my support, especially in sport.


Established Member
6 Oct 2017
Just goes to show the BBC is more central than anyone thinks. Left wingers thinks its right wing and right wingers think its left! Personally I think it is left wing but 'infiltrated by the far left' is hyperbole waffle that brands some opinions a certain distance from there's as 'extreme'..
Agree fully.

Although I don’t think it is left wing myself. Some aspects quite left wing, some aspects quite right wing and I feel there has been a slight swing to the right in recent times. Overall though, like you say it is more in the centre than most seem to think.

61653 HTAFC

Veteran Member
18 Dec 2012
Agree fully.

Although I don’t think it is left wing myself. Some aspects quite left wing, some aspects quite right wing and I feel there has been a slight swing to the right in recent times. Overall though, like you say it is more in the centre than most seem to think.
It depends on the issue at hand, I think. For example if they're covering a social issue they seem to have a very liberal slant in most cases, so get branded as left wing. If they're covering an economic issue they tend towards a conservative mindset, so anyone to the left of centre will think they're Tory.
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