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Remaining Effects of Covid

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Veteran Member
28 Aug 2011
My hay-fever symptoms make it appear to others that I have a cold. Can sneeze so much causes a coughing fit!
You have my sympathy. It's been a long, long time since mine was bad enough to cause coughing fits. Normally I'm just completely bunged up to the point that I give up on the thought of breathing through my nose for days at a time.

Richard Scott

Established Member
Associate Staff
13 Dec 2018
You have my sympathy. It's been a long, long time since mine was bad enough to cause coughing fits. Normally I'm just completely bunged up to the point that I give up on the thought of breathing through my nose for days at a time.
Thanks. It's not often that bad but can be. No exaggeration but can have times where if I sneeze once, I'll sneeze 20 times, then end up with the coughing fit. Luckily don't get runny eyes with it so some people have far worse than I do.


Established Member
4 May 2011
Rugeley Staffordshire
From the BBC article:

‘There is some talk of a "summer Covid wave" at the moment. We all seem to know someone who has had it lately, or a friend who has been off sick.’

No we don’t. We all may know someone who has had Hay Fever though. Just like those who say they’ve got flu, when all they have is a common cold.

Bald Rick

Veteran Member
28 Sep 2010
From the BBC article:

‘There is some talk of a "summer Covid wave" at the moment. We all seem to know someone who has had it lately, or a friend who has been off sick.’

No we don’t. We all may know someone who has had Hay Fever though. Just like those who say they’ve got flu, when all they have is a common cold.

Whilst true that not everyone will know someone who has had it recently, I certainly know several people who have, including one in my house!


Established Member
11 Aug 2010
Taunton or Kent
Whilst true that not everyone will know someone who has had it recently, I certainly know several people who have, including one in my house!
Last Christmas while staying at my parents my mum had covid for about 4 days, but despite this I never caught it, even though there were more than enough opportunities to catch it. This suggests I either had an asymptomatic case, or had covid not long before in the form of a cold that I still had immunity from.


Established Member
17 May 2011
My hay-fever symptoms make it appear to others that I have a cold. Can sneeze so much causes a coughing fit!
Severe grass allergy here, on a bad day can end up in bed shaking violently, to an onlooker (that and with runny eyes/very red face) can appear to be covid symptoms or flu. Coughing is rare though, for me. Knock-on effect of covid is how difficult it is to see a doctor now in person, they would much rather have a phone consultation and send in a photo, so if I'm particularly bad I would rather them see my face *live* than via a photo.

That being said, having a phone consultation saves going to the surgery, sitting with others and listening to that darned "Smooth" radio over the speakers!

Just a note, my allergy is reasonably under control with mild antihistamines and a night's sleep if particularly bad. I have steroids just in case!


Established Member
7 Oct 2018
There's certainly an uptick in that sort of behaviour recently - and for the first time in at least eighteen months I'm seeing people wearing masks on a regular basis again.
I have no problem with some elderly and other vulnerable people wearing masks if it helps them to feel safe and gives them confidence to go into crowded places. Although, I do accept that the types of masks many of them wear offer no real protection at all.

What does concern me is how since Covid mask wearing by certain elements of society has almost become part of their culture and fashion. Fashion trends, especially amongst gangs of young men have often seemed somewhat strange to me, although I suppose I was young once. The wearing of hoodies and thick puffer jackets with hoods up, even during heat waves always seems odd. However, now along with this comes the wearing of masks. You only have to go into any urban area to see gangs of young men with thick clothes, hoods up and wearing masks even in mid summer. For some riders of scooters and bikes this seem to be part of the uniform. The other night I travelled into Nottingham on the tram and there were a number of mask wearing young men with hoods up. Interestingly these mask wearing youths are very quick to jump off the tram if there are any imminent ticket inspections. I actually find this type of mask wearing quite a threatening and disturbing after effect of Covid.
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Veteran Member
13 May 2014
St Albans
I have no problem with some elderly and other vulnerable people wearing masks if it helps them to feel safe and gives them confidence to go into crowded places. Although, I do accept that the types of masks many of them wear offer no real protection at all.
That's my view, it is no business of anybody else.*

* With the sole exception of situations where for security purposes it is necessary to make a visual facial identification, e.g. passports, banks etc..


2 Feb 2022
East Region
Well any claim that it could be eliminated would have been the crank claim, and I don't recall any claims by anyone in a position to command respect claiming that it couldn't be controlled.

I am not surprised but we are now seeing a pandemic of blinkered and false memories from the gullible who allowed the people in command to control them during the pandemic years.

Devi Sridhar was one of those in command who had a Covid elimination approach. She was advising Nicola Sturgeon with this approach, as well as many Guardian articles. She is a crank, but she was taken very seriously by those in charge in Scotland and the knock on damaging effects the politicisation of Covid had over the rest of the UK!

And another crank, Matt Hancock constantly changed the parameters of the delivery of the Covid jab because he thought the virus could be eliminated, despite the evidence already being obvious to the contrary (March 2021).


Veteran Member
28 Aug 2011
And another crank, Matt Hancock constantly changed the parameters of the delivery of the Covid jab because he thought the virus could be eliminated, despite the evidence already being obvious to the contrary (March 2021).
Clearly wasn't listening to any epidemiologists. We could no more eliminate Sars-Cov-2 than you can any other coronavirus. All we could do was attempt to slow the spread so that it didn't hit the kind of peaks seen elsewhere that overwhelmed the healthcare systems. It was always going to become endemic and herd immunity was the endgame.


Veteran Member
1 Feb 2009
Whilst true that not everyone will know someone who has had it recently, I certainly know several people who have, including one in my house!

I got it too, and it was worse this time than what I got during Covid (and I tested so I know it was Covid). I can't imagine the vaccination will still do anything by now, so perhaps that's a factor in why I felt worse this time.

Nothing life threatening, but a total loss of energy, loss of taste and smell, and a very upset stomach at the start. Weirdly, I had initial cold like symptoms and soon felt better (and bar a day or two of shivering even when it was 25 degrees outside, my body temperature was pretty normal most of the time), but then a few days later it hit full on. It seems unlikely I got a cold THEN Covid so the symptoms are a little different early on as you don't usually get well from a cold that quick. Oh and I also got the runny nose and coughing, which now has me feeling like I have bronchitis - tight chest and dry cough, which can extend to a full-on coughing session where I feel like I'm going to black out.

Other people who have been near me have either had it before I got fully ill, or are ill now.

So I'd say Covid is definitely still doing the rounds.


Established Member
20 Sep 2020
First Class
That's my view, it is no business of anybody else.*

* With the sole exception of situations where for security purposes it is necessary to make a visual facial identification, e.g. passports, banks etc..

I'd add that wearers should practice proper mask hygiene, which they commonly don't....


Established Member
3 Sep 2009
South London
I have it right now, basically just a blocked nose and phlegmy throat for a few days, had a cold in February that was MUCH worse, woudn't have known this was Covid if I hadn't done a lateral flow out of curiosity.
