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Russia invades Ukraine


Established Member
29 Nov 2012
The sooner the current Kiev regime realises their position is hopeless, the smaller the tragedy in terms of deaths. It was clear 8 years ago that Russia would not tolerate a hostile Ukraine on its doorstep, but its subsequent rulers have persisted with the fantasy of joining NATO, whose ineffectiveness was demonstrated recently by its humiliating retreat from Kabul.

So if Russia disagrees with your internal politics and you share a border you need to acquiesce to Russia's desires? I suppose you'll be calling for Romania, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia to all leave NATO next so they don't upset poor little Vlad? Finland has already said its reconsidering its position on NATO membership now. Presumably that's not allowed either?

The West could have helped matters by discouraging rather than encouraging this delusion. If the puppet comedian ends up hanging upside down from a piece of string in Red Square, his Western backers will be partly to blame.

Ah yes, nothing like a good old fashioned public execution of another sovereign nation's democratically elected leader.

Once a sympathetic regime (from Putin's perspective) is installed in Kiev, Russian troops won't need to continue to occupy most of the country overtly.

Again, Russia doesn't like your choice so roll over and accept a puppet government in Kyiv please? Ideally one who prefers the sound of First Secretary of the Ukrainian SSR than President of Ukraine?
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RailUK Forums


Established Member
12 Apr 2012
SE London
If there was anything I could do to help the millions of innocent people in Ukraine I would do it. But what can we Brits do about it other than talk about it?

What could we do? Well, as private citizens, most obviously we could write to our MPs to tell them that the UK Government should be doing more to help, and in particular should be willing to assist militarily (and to lean on other NATO countries to do likewise) if Ukraine asks for it. Anyone who has contacts in Russia could perhaps check to ensure those contacts are being told what is actually happening (rather than what Putin-controlled Russian media want them to think).


Established Member
17 Jul 2017
County Durham
Posted on BBC News’s live feed:

Russia's plans to capture capital - report​

Today will be the most difficult day, warns Ukrainian interior ministry adviser Anton Herashchenko, who says Russia is trying to break through to Kyiv with tank columns descending on the capital from the north-east and north-west.
And a source in Ukrainian counter-intelligence has told Ukrainska Pravda website details of Russia's plan to take control of the city to take control of the country. It's all unconfirmed but this is what they report Russia wants to do:
  • Seize a major Kyiv airport and air traffic control to allow 10,000 troops to land, distracting the military with attacks on the border
  • Sabotage Kyiv's electricity and communications to cause panic
  • Provoke an exodus of refugees to prevent Ukrainian armed forces moving around
  • Seize government buildings including cabinet and parliament and capture the state leadership, forcing them to sign an agreement on Russian terms
  • Bring in pro-Russian leaders and split Ukraine into two parts, like East and West Germany
Again, this hasn't been corroborated.

What could we do? Well, as private citizens, most obviously we could write to our MPs to tell them that the UK Government should be doing more to help, and in particular should be willing to assist militarily (and to lean on other NATO countries to do likewise) if Ukraine asks for it. Anyone who has contacts in Russia could perhaps check to ensure those contacts are being told what is actually happening (rather than what Putin-controlled Russian media want them to think).
Indeed, I’ve already done that myself, and urged my family and close friends to do the same.

Roast Veg

Established Member
28 Oct 2016
So football IS more important....
For some people, yes. It's the closest thing they have to a friend affected by the conflict. I actively dislike football and wish it went away, but hey ho!

The answer to the question "if a humanitarian crisis falls in a forest, but a small subset of people choose not to hear a sound because of personal interest, does it make a sound?" is a very large and resounding yes.


Established Member
23 Jul 2010
Based on the BBC live feed the situation in Kyiv appears to have deteriorated fairly rapidly with russian forces now within the city suburbs. As posted above, spread the armed forces thin and punch towards the capital from Belarus. I hope Belarus are equally punished for this for effectively colluding to invade Ukraine. Wouldn't surprise me if Belarus get some of Ukraine as a thank you for their loyalty.


Veteran Member
30 Dec 2008
No longer here
Finland has already said its reconsidering its position on NATO membership now. Presumably that's not allowed either?
Finland has had the wisest foreign policy towards Russia of any of its western neighbours, yet if most people read what its policy was, they would call it appeasement. Not many people think Finland is some sort of cuckold nation but rather have the impression it is a successful Western democracy with some of the best metrics in Europe. It has been able to do this because it doffs its cap to St Petersburg while maintaining EU membership and a firm place in the community of European nations, keeping east and west nearly in tension.

We can all posture about how evil Russia obviously is, but the question of how you deal with a crazy bully is not always to p*** them off but rather to "manage" them in the hope things change in the future. Russia after Putin will be a different animal.

Xenophon PCDGS

Veteran Member
17 Apr 2011
A semi-rural part of north-west England
The Azov battalion is literally a part of the army and is the most monumentally stupid thing for Ukraine to have done because this allows their enemies to project that regiment's evils on the whole populace. Ukraine continued to seek support from the EU and NATO even prior to the current crisis and has gone along with the West's unwise objective of trying to strip Ukraine away from the very overbearing orbit of Russia.
Is there any news where the Azov battalion has been fighting in the current conflict? If website members have knowledge of the make-up of the said battalion, you can be sure that the Russian military intelligence will also know the same facts and will specifically target them.


Established Member
4 Jan 2017
Jersey, Channel Islands
Those comments about 'consequences' for countries who intervene little more than verbal bullying. So even if, he was to be hinting at a nuclear response to the UK for example, whatever he sent would be met in kind due to MAD. With two Trident submarines permanently at sea, that's 80 warheads on their way to Russia. Maybe 120 if three subs were at sea. They may be able to turn the UK into a radioactive theme park but 80x 100kt warheads would render Russia utterly finished as a functional country. Around half of the population would be gone after a few weeks and the rest suffering the after effects. There would be no coming back from that kind of devastation. And that's just if the UK fired back. Putin knows this. Would he want that as his legacy? The man who destroyed Russia?

It's a chilling topic but I genuinely believe MAD will prevent any nuclear escalation.
I agree.

But more fundamental than that, I would not give any weight to anything that man says. He is a liar pure and simple who said he had no designs to invade Ukraine and was willing to maintain negotiations. Anything the has to say now must be dismissed out of hand. He might even try to play the nuclear card as this current adventure begins to bog down, even as a fit of pique. These are not “consequences” to countries that resist him, as the word “consequence” in this case suggests an outcome in some way related to the action of allied countries coming to Ukraine’s aid. I hardly think that is relevant here when dealing with an unhinged individual.

Incidentally Hitler and Saddam both had extremely potent chemical arsenals. They didn’t use then. We should not let the bluster of Rantin’ Putin affect our resolve in an unfolding humanitarian crisis. So with that out of the way:
So is the answer to a bully, to appease him? No. This should be a call for military action by the U.K. and it’s allies.

If you mean the U.K. and it’s allies (who happen to be NATO members), yes, I agree with what you suggest. But first the allied Air forces should impose a no fly zone over Ukraine, to keep the Russian Air Force out of it.

Agree. It is 100% clear who is the warmonger here. It’s Russia under Vladimir Putin.

Whilst I agree, I don’t think this will be enough, and the effects will not be quick enough to prevent a substantial loss of life.

If Putin's reason is that he fears NATO, then it’s clear that NATO members should take military action against Russia.

But if NATO members don’t take any military action, it almost certainly will become a long drawn out war. I don’t think if NATO members do take military action against Russia, we will see a nuclear conflict. Putin knows it’s game over if that happens.

I don’t think Russia will fire off any nuclear missiles. But European nations WILL be affected. The cost of fossil fuels will rise further. And hence the cost of food and other consumables will also rise. As well as other products.

If the world does not stand up and tell Putin where to shove it, and back that up with military force, Putin or any other leader of a country that is not democratic will take this as a green light that they should be able to get away with furthering their own ideas on invading other countries.

I agree.

There have been various proxy wars around the world and since the nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan, MAD has worked, in that no one has dared to fire off a nuclear missile or drop a nuclear bomb in anger against another country. And I see no reason for that to change.

Putin obviously wants a legacy. But he wants to live and see his legacy. A nuclear war would literally kill that stone dead.
I agree with everything you say here, enough is enough. I think the public anger makes humanitarian action increasingly inevitable. I also suspect we will start to see in other countries, including the UK, street attacks on people and businesses of Russian background.

The UN should enforce a no-fly zone - it is a pragmatic response to an immediate humanitarian crisis. Our fighter planes are so far superior to their Russian counterparts (as seen in other theatres) that our own air-to-air losses would be minimal. We would of course have to soften up their surface-to-air sites, and Putin won't like that up him, not one little bit. It would show we are serious without actually putting frontline troops on Ukrainian soil.
Does anyone else think that Putin is waging a psychological war against us aided and abbetted by scaremongering media?
Yes. Although it seems to have backfired and resulted in him falling victim of his own propaganda and hubris.
Step back form the OMG moment & look at it logically - what does Putin have to gain via war with the West? What does he have to lose? The furthest he can go is cause trouble and try and create division in the western response to his invasion. The way NATO is formed (search NATO article 5) means he cant risk an attack on any NATO member. After that look again at the risks and what is at stake. Would a rational person take that risk?

Do I think the 3rd Guards Shock Army is going to burst through the Fulda gap and drive on Paris - no
Do I think Putin is going to launch an all out pre-emptive nuclear strike on the UK - No
Do I think Russia would attack NATO - No, it is to risky for everyone.

Do I think Putin will authorise cyber attacks designed to damage UK/Western infrastructure - Yes ( and soon)
Do I think Putin will retaliate against sanctions with economic "warfare" of his own - Yes

Ukraine isn't a NATO member and so isn't covered by the protection NATO brings. That's why they are keen to join.

EDIT - it is easy to say don't worry but we all do. I just try to focus on the logic, break it down into steps and work it out from there. There will also be a lot of disinformation floating around, especially on social media. Try to rely on sensible news outlets ( yes the evil BBC!) and look for validation/corroboration of any story before reacting to it.
My own anxiety about this war is the humanitarian crisis and that this is happening on the doorstep of the EU and our armed forces are not doing anything about it. NATO was set up in the day to counter the Kremlin's expansion plans. I mean seriously, they had just one lousy job, and seem to have blown it.

I have ben staunchly angry with all the wars of the Blair/Cameron/Brown era, this is the only military excursion I think that we need to join.
Are you suggesting that the proposed seizure of a football club as an asset owned by an oligarch would prevent the club from continuing to play? I doubt it. In any case, the important decisions being made on this issue should hopefully be made by those who aren't pro-russian by virtue of their favourite sports team.
Perhaps there exists a shadow "football manager of last resort" that can be brought in to run seized soccer clubs?


Established Member
9 Aug 2013
I don’t think it’s detached from the reality, I think it’s accepting the reality that as bad as the humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine as a direct result of Putin’s actions is, there’s nothing we can do to stop it here in the UK. Discussion about other aspects shouldn’t stop just because there’s a terrible war that we can’t do anything about.
Yes, exactly. I hate Putin with a passion and the rest of the world should do anything it can to stop this act of pure, unadulterated evil (as long as there is no risk of it provoking nuclear war or other catastrophic consequences) but we can't just think about it all day, every day and not enjoy ourselves.

Should we no longer visit pubs and restaurants for example because that is enjoying ourselves? No. Should we not enjoy the first signs of spring which are finally appearing now the weather is settling down? No.

I hate Putin and I want this invasion to end by any reasonable means possible, but hair-shirted puritanism does no one any good. It would be rather like arguing that during spring 2020, we would have to spend every minute of our waking lives thinking about the victims of Covid, rather than (as many of us did) trying to turn off and focus on other things as a coping strategy.


Veteran Member
6 Aug 2009
Yes, exactly. I hate Putin with a passion and we should do anything we can to stop this act of pure, unadulterated evil (as long as there is no risk of it provoking nuclear war) but we can't just think about it all day, every day and not enjoy ourselves.

Should we no longer visit pubs and restaurants for example because that is enjoying ourselves? No. Should we not enjoy the first signs of spring which are finally appearing now the weather is settling down? No.

I hate Putin and I want this invasion to end by any reasonable means possible, but hair-shirted puritanism does no one any good. It would be rather like arguing that during spring 2020, we would have to spend every minute of our waking lives thinking about the victims of Covid, rather than (as many of us did) trying to turn off and focus on other things as a coping strategy.

Indeed. Clearly crashing our own economy (again) won't help in countering Russian aggression. If anything, we'll need it to supply armaments to Ukraine.


Established Member
20 Sep 2020
First Class
That’s a poor analysis. The Germans had no chance of taking on the rest of Europe and winning. Poland didn’t go as well as anticipated, they got lucky with France and their military and industry was not prepared for a long war and struggled from then on. They couldn’t ever invade Britain due to naval weakness.

Putin is very Hitler. I’m not sure how he can have a problem with right-wing gangs considering his previous support for right-wing biker gangs in Russia. Not that being a total hypocrite will bother him.

- - - - -

All credit to the intelligence agencies for ‘predicting’ the invasion.

- - - - -

I hope Ukraine can hold the offensive back long enough for it to fail and they get a bit of covert support from the West.

- - - - -

I also find the amount of Kremlin apologists, deeply concerning.

I’m not sure why you think it’s a poor analysis? Did Nazi Germany not bring mainland Europe to heel, and rather quickly? There was nothing to say that a lone and isolated Britain would continue to fight, indeed Hitler thought we’d sign some kind of peace treaty. You’re correct in regard to Germany’s comparative naval weakness which is exactly why they tried bombing us into submission instead……

The British resolve to fight, the disastrous winter offensive in Russia and the US entering the war were Hitler’s undoing. I honestly can’t see how you can assert that he had no chance of winning when he came so close?

Putin is “very Hitler” in many ways I agree, but again he knows he can’t win a war against the rest of Europe so won’t try. Hitler had no such concerns.


Established Member
29 Nov 2012
My own anxiety about this war is the humanitarian crisis and that this is happening on the doorstep of the EU and our armed forces are not doing anything about it. NATO was set up in the day to counter the Kremlin's expansion plans. I mean seriously, they had just one lousy job, and seem to have blown it.

Thing is NATO can't just go storming in. It can either go in supporting a UN Security Council action (and that'll never happen with a Russian veto) or its has to have a member attacked first and trigger Article 5. While those two criteria are not met NATO can't take actual on the ground action. Vlad knows that which is why you can be sure that if/when Russian forces head deeper into western Ukraine they will be so careful to avoid any contact with Romania or Poland.

The British resolve to fight, the disastrous winter offensive in Russia and the US entering the war were Hitler’s undoing. I honestly can’t see how you can assert that he had no chance of winning when he came so close?

Off topic rather but here we go. There is no way the Axis could have won WW2, at all.

Hitler believed his own propaganda and the Japanese massively underestimated the will of the US to fight. Ignoring the Pacific theatre (mostly) there was never a serious suggestion of the UK surrendering. In order to force a UK surrender the German's needed to invade. Multiple war gaming exercises post war have demonstrated again and again this was impossible. Even if they did invade and occupy the UK the British Empire still existed to wage war.

The winter offensive alone wasn't the issue. The pure size of Russia and its population was. German's take Moscow, oh well, Russian government retreats behind the Urals, regroups and pushes back. As soon as Hitler reneged on the pack with the USSR the war was lost. And then when he went and declared war on the US just after Pearl Harbor he really had screwed the pooch.
Last edited:


26 Jul 2020
In the doghouse
As Tom Lehrer said, “I feel that if any songs are going to come out of World War III, we’d better start writing them now.” So:

Well come on mothers it ain’t in vain,
Pack your boys off to Ukraine,
Come on fathers don’t hesitate,
Send your sons off before it’s too late,
Be the first one on your block,
To have your boy come home in a box.

And it’s one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
Don’t ask me ‘cos I won’t complain,
The very next stop is Ukraine,
And it’s five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain’t no time to wonder why,
WHOOPEE we’re all gonna die.

With apologies to Country Joe.

He also wrote:

We will all go together when we go,
Fused in one incandescent glow,
'Cos if the bomb that drops on you,
Gets your friends and neighbours too,
We will all go together when we go.

Reference of course to the H-bomb.

Incidentally, people round here are referring to Putin as Bloodimir Put-the boot-in!


Established Member
19 Jan 2010
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but in response to the UK banning Aeroflot from UK airspace, the Russian's have now banned UK planes from landing or entering Russian Airspace.

“That’s their tit for tat response,” Mr Wallace told ITV’s Good Morning Britain.

This part made me chuckle


Established Member
17 Jul 2017
County Durham
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but in response to the UK banning Aeroflot from UK airspace, the Russian's have now banned UK planes from landing or entering Russian Airspace.

This part made me chuckle
Well done UK, that now means direct flights from British Airways and Virgin Atlantic to the Far East of Asia are now out of the question, as the only route aircraft could take there without needing a refuelling stop was over Russia.

I’m all for punishing Russia, but this is a classic example of the UK shooting itself in the foot, this does more harm to the UK than it does to Russia.


Veteran Member
28 Aug 2011
I’m all for punishing Russia, but this is a classic example of the UK shooting itself in the foot, this does more harm to the UK than it does to Russia.
It does harm Russia as well. UK aircraft didn't overfly Russia for free.


Established Member
23 Jul 2010


Established Member
17 Jul 2017
County Durham
It does harm Russia as well. UK aircraft didn't overfly Russia for free.
Having done some more reading, I gather British Airways (and fellow IAG airlines Aer Lingus and Iberia) took the decision to avoid Russian airspace yesterday anyway, so actually this probably makes not one bit of difference!

I don't know, but do we know if any of the EU have banned Russian Planes from airspace?
Not as far as I know.


Established Member
16 Jun 2020
Off topic rather but here we go. There is no way the Axis could have won WW2, at all.
Germany lost WW2 in 1939, a Nazi collapse was basically on the cards from about 1936.

I like seeing some of the sabre rattling on here from folks saying "we" should be getting involved with the fighting, they must be posting from the cockpits of their Typhoons perhaps... or not.


Established Member
19 Jan 2010
Well done UK, that now means direct flights from British Airways and Virgin Atlantic to the Far East of Asia are now out of the question, as the only route aircraft could take there without needing a refuelling stop was over Russia.

I’m all for punishing Russia, but this is a classic example of the UK shooting itself in the foot, this does more harm to the UK than it does to Russia.

I suspect the closing of the Ukrainian and Moldovan airspace has had effects on a number of carriers across the EU/World and the UK?

So there's going to be a fallout from the war by Putin. Nothing is ever plain sailing.


Established Member
18 Jan 2014
Duisburg, Germany
lets not forget Russia is a nuclear power. Sadly the Ukraine is lost. NATO needs to deter on its eastern fringes to avoid WW3. I am sure Russia eyes on the Baltic states and a possible land corridor to Kaliningrad.


Established Member
Associate Staff
Jobs & Careers
21 Jan 2010
But more fundamental than that, I would not give any weight to anything that man says. He is a liar pure and simple who said he had no designs to invade Ukraine and was willing to maintain negotiations.
Indeed, reports of duplicity right up to a few hours before - I take this quotation of President Macron via a CNN reporter:
@NatashaBertrand (Twitter) said:
Macron: “Until a few hours before the launch of operations, the recognition of two illegitimate republics, and then the military operations, we were still discussing with Putin the details of the implementation of the Minsk agreements,” he said. So yes, there was duplicity.“

There are also videos of Russian forces on the ground at a Kyiv airport which have been tweeted by CNN, although questions have been asked on Twitter as to why Ukrainian forces have been referred to as ‘an enemy’ in one of the videos. I can’t embed these, so please follow through although with the caveat that they may cause distress to some:
And perhaps a difficult one to swallow, an audio recording of an exchange between a Russian Warship and Ukrainian border guards moments before they would have been killed. Please note again that this clip contains strong language and is of a nature that some may find distressing.
@ChristopherJM (Buzzfeed said:
President Zelensky confirmed the event and said the border guards died bravely defending the island and would be posthumously awarded the Hero of Ukraine medal, according to @ukrpravda_news.


On a separate note just now, the BBC is reporting the following regarding the football Champions League:
BBC News said:
The 2022 Champions League final will be played in Paris after Russia was stripped of the match following the nation's invasion of Ukraine.



Established Member
20 Sep 2020
First Class
Off topic rather but here we go. There is no way the Axis could have won WW2, at all.

Hitler believed his own propaganda and the Japanese massively underestimated the will of the US to fight. Ignoring the Pacific theatre (mostly) there was never a serious suggestion of the UK surrendering. In order to force a UK surrender the German's needed to invade. Multiple war gaming exercises post war have demonstrated again and again this was impossible. Even if they did invade and occupy the UK the British Empire still existed to wage war.

The winter offensive alone wasn't the issue. The pure size of Russia and its population was. German's take Moscow, oh well, Russian government retreats behind the Urals, regroups and pushes back. As soon as Hitler reneged on the pack with the USSR the war was lost. And then when he went and declared war on the US just after Pearl Harbor he really had screwed the pooch.

No they couldn’t have won WW2 but they had every reason to believe victory in Europe was possible, that’s the point I was originally making. Putin knows he can’t win against NATO so will be very keen not get into direct conflict with a NATO country. The context of my original post was in response to the Hitler comparisons being used by some to hype up a wider European conflict which is extremely unlikely to happen.


Established Member
14 Apr 2019
Well done UK, that now means direct flights from British Airways and Virgin Atlantic to the Far East of Asia are now out of the question, as the only route aircraft could take there without needing a refuelling stop was over Russia.

I’m all for punishing Russia, but this is a classic example of the UK shooting itself in the foot, this does more harm to the UK than it does to Russia.

Not sure that's entirely true. BA11, for example, made it to Singapore yesterday without flying over Russian airspace.


Established Member
12 Apr 2012
SE London
Russia will not attack the Baltic states as they are NATO members, unlike Ukraine.

I'm not entirely convinced of that. That will depend on Putin's calculation of NATO's likely resolve. If Putin believes that NATO would respond en masse and immediately to an attack on the Baltic states, and that NATO would risk escalation to a wider conflict in order to protect them, then I agree that he would not attack them.

If on the other hand, NATO continues behaving the way it has for most of the last 10 years, and if Putin wins a victory in Ukraine all the while all the NATO countries quietly look on from beyond Ukraine's borders, doing nothing in response, there has to be a reasonable chance that Putin would try his luck in the Baltic, hoping that NATO's bark would prove to be far worse than its bite.
