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TfGM Tranche 3 speculation

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Veteran Member
23 Jan 2009
The list of bus routes circulated as being in Tranche 3 is those that were running at the time of the issue of tenders (thought to be December 2019) Due to changes over the past four years, various routes have changed - not least due to the demise of Little Gem etc. It is likely there will be changes to some routes - but all will be revealed in 8 weeks when TfGM announce who gets what!

Some of the changes following the Little Gem collapse weren't due to TfGM wanting to change routes. There was little interest in the routes, with some getting no bids and others only getting high bids. In the case of one route D&G got an emergency contract to offer a much lower level of provision, than what the tender specified. It was improved when it went to a full tender.

Some operators probably wouldn't be to be as flexible as Belle Vue have been, with frequent vehicle and route changes. Even they've had difficulty finding a suitable vehicle for the 280 on some days.


26 Jan 2024
Some of the changes following the Little Gem collapse weren't due to TfGM wanting to change routes. There was little interest in the routes, with some getting no bids and others only getting high bids. In the case of one route D&G got an emergency contract to offer a much lower level of provision, than what the tender specified. It was improved when it went to a full tender.
That was the 375 (Stockport to Mellor). Under Little Gem it ran with three buses, from 6:40am to around 7pm, running hourly. When D&G took it on under the Emergency contract, much lower level of provision is a bit of an understatement. They ran it with one bus, and only one driver. The Stepping Hill to Stockport section had to go, the frequency went down to every two hours, and it only ran pretty much 9-6, with a gap in the middle for the driver to have a rest.

Provision did go back to an hourly service and with similar operating hours to before, but at the expense of re-jigging the route to no longer serve Stepping Hill Hospital, so that it would only need two vehicles (also renumbered 385.) At the same time they re-routed the Stotts run 364 service to compensate for the bits the 375 could no longer serve. It was all a bit messy, especially as the evening/Sunday service (run by Stagecoach) still runs under the old route.

I see 364 and 375 were pencilled in for Stockport Small franchise. Given the muddling around that had to be done purely to get SOME LEVEL of provision, it will be interesting to see if they both revert back to their old routes, or if they stick with what they have now (perhaps tweaking the 375 evening service.)


26 Jan 2024
Speculation: D&G win Stockport Small and run it out of Macclesfield. They win with a cheap bid that's cheap because money is being saved by never washing the buses (so no different to their current buses!)

Stotts win a franchise. There is much celebration that a small franchise has actually gone to an indie. Six months later they sell up to Diamond who move the services to Eccles Or First from Rochdale.
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2 Jul 2019
Not good to speculate, but think, Stagecoach take Ashton and Stockport and FirstGroup take Sharston, Wythenshawe and Hyde Road, while Rotala take all the small contracts, but lets wait and see.


New Member
26 Dec 2022
Greater Manchester
Based on the standard of service that Diamond had when the local routes around Altrincham, I'd hope they don't take it! Dusty buses in pretty obviously poor maintenance. The minibuses Arriva brought in under the latest lot look comical, but they're a massive improvement in quality at least.

Leyland Bus

20 May 2021
Based on the standard of service that Diamond had when the local routes around Altrincham, I'd hope they don't take it! Dusty buses in pretty obviously poor maintenance. The minibuses Arriva brought in under the latest lot look comical, but they're a massive improvement in quality at least.
I'd be very surprised if Diamond got anything of any substance after the farce they made of handing over Bolton... let alone all the maintenance related debacles that followed...


Veteran Member
23 Jan 2009
Speculation: D&G win Stockport Small and run it out of Macclesfield. They win with a cheap bid that's cheap because money is being saved by never washing the buses (so no different to their current buses!)

I don't think Julian Peddle is a fan of how TfGM have approached bus service contracts. If we presume Bee Network vehicles can't be used on the 88 or 130 and normal D&G vehicles would have to be reserved as a last resort for Manchester contracts, would D&G actually want that kind of arrangement?


26 Jan 2024
I don't think Julian Peddle is a fan of how TfGM have approached bus service contracts. If we presume Bee Network vehicles can't be used on the 88 or 130 and normal D&G vehicles would have to be reserved as a last resort for Manchester contracts, would D&G actually want that kind of arrangement?
The boss of a company may not like things but these things can often be overridden when it comes down to £££.

As for ring fencing certain vehicles to certain routes, they pretty much do anyway in some cases. Most 385 journeys are run using the same two vehicles. Bus companies do this stuff all the time.


Veteran Member
23 Jan 2009
As for ring fencing certain vehicles to certain routes, they pretty much do anyway in some cases. Most 385 journeys are run using the same two vehicles. Bus companies do this stuff all the time.

Are you sure? D&G had their 64 reg Enviros, their 11 reg Enviros and 60 reg Solos retrofitted with Euro VI engines for the routes that went into Greater Manchester. The idea was the 60 reg Solos would be the regular 130 vehicles, 2 of the 64 reg Enviros and both the 11 reg ones would be the regulars for the 88, with another 64 reg Enviro for the Handforth Dean shuttle. Now they're used all over the place!

Looking at the 385 allocations for the past week:
Sat: 60 reg Solo and 13 reg Solo SR
Fri: 11 reg Enviro and 13 reg Solo SR
Thurs: 60 reg Solo and 11 reg Enviro
Wed: 60 reg Solo and 13 reg Solo SR
Tues: 2 x 13 reg Solo SRs
Mon: 60 reg Solo and 13 reg Solo SR

The most common allocation was a 60 reg Solo and 13 reg Solo SR but that only happened 3/6 days and even then Monday's Solo was vehicle 130, the other two day's it was vehicle 129. So only Wed and Sat's allocations matched. In total there were 5 different combinations of vehicles.

If the 13 reg Solo SRs are also Euro VI and the 385 contract requires Euro VI, then that might be why the 385 is more consistent than other routes, even if there's over 5 vehicles used on it.


26 Jan 2024
385 goes past my house. One of their buses - an ex-Go Goodwins vehicle with the air horns, I think - has an advert on the back for a taxi company on the back. The taxi company is based in Crewe. The taxi company doesn't serve Stockport. Yet that bus has been going past my house for months. No, not every day. But regularly. If you look at bustimes.org you'll see that buses 105, 120, 130 regularly feature on the 385. 120 has been a regular for months. On this I must correct myself because I did say two vehicles.

Those vehicles may appear on other routes at certain times but they keep getting assigned to the 385. (Possible it's something to do with the steep hill at the Mellor end of the route.)

But the reality is that bus companies can - and regularly do - ringfence buses to certain services. Route branding. Suitability to certain conditions. Whatever. If D&G wanted to have a fleet of vehicles dedicated to Bee Network services, could they do it? Of course they could! It just takes planning! Do they want to? Who knows? But this is a thread about speculation! I speculate they could if they wanted to!

Xenophon PCDGS

Veteran Member
17 Apr 2011
A semi-rural part of north-west England
Speculation: D&G win Stockport Small and run it out of Macclesfield. They win with a cheap bid that's cheap because money is being saved by never washing the buses (so no different to their current buses!)
Just as a matter of sheer interest, does the tender documentation make mention of the need to keep external vehicle body washing facilities as well internal cleaning to a set standard?


Veteran Member
23 Jan 2009
But the reality is that bus companies can - and regularly do - ringfence buses to certain services. Route branding. Suitability to certain conditions. Whatever. If D&G wanted to have a fleet of vehicles dedicated to Bee Network services, could they do it? Of course they could! It just takes planning! Do they want to? Who knows? But this is a thread about speculation! I speculate they could if they wanted to!

Having travelled on some Go North West services in Manchester yesterday it's clear to see the difference between their operations and D&G's. While you can see the lilac coloured plastic on some Go North West vehicles, nothing else is obvious from the First era. Some of the old First vehicles appear to have been given new (quite thick) seat covers in Go Ahead colours. A world away from D&G's external repaint the exterior and then just sticking up their passenger notices.

What was obvious is there was a decker branded for the 135 on the 95. Also I noticed a broken down Solo near Heaton Park. Based on tracking it was probably NK12 HCD which missed the end of one journey and the entire next journey. So it sounds like they got the vehicle working again. Had that not happen they probably would have sent a spare bus available to take it's place, regardless of what normally runs the service.

The difference between Go North West and D&G is everything at Go North West will end up being Bee Network. With D&G if a vehicle on the 385 fails they could send up the vehicle from either the 312 or the Handforth Dean Free Bus, which would get there quicker than a replacement from Macclesfield.


Established Member
Associate Staff
Buses & Coaches
9 Jul 2016
Let's keep the thread on topic. It's for speculation about which organisations may bid for and win franchises in the next round.


9 Feb 2024
Hoping this is okay to be posted here, the speculative folder looks to be all rail orientated.

Given there's so much chatter and no one really knows what's going to happen until March, I thought it might be fun (and abit healthier) to have some speculation over who will win what in the last round of Manchester franchising.

Working within the Bee Network I hear some good rumours but I'll start the ball rolling with my own thoughts on the large depots...

Hyde Road - FirstBus
Sharston - Stagecoach keep
Stockport - Go-Ahead
Wythenshawe - FirstBus

What does everyone else think and any thoughts on the smaller ones? Are there any surprises to be had??

i think Hyde Road and Sharston would be both run by Firstbus whilst Stockport and Ashton will be run by Diamond. Wythenshawe and others run by Stagecoach or Go Ahead.


9 Feb 2024
I know it’s speculation but can we ask why you think that?
because some routes in stagecoach are ran by both Hyde road and Sharston and it would make sense and what if they change some routes to different depots and diamond have only gotten small ones so having both ashton and stockport would be great for them and stagecoah/go ahead/arriva can win the smaller ones

These are the Tranche C routes allocated to contracts. Announcement said to be the same day as Tranche B starts: Sun 24 March 2024 for implementation Sunday 5 January 2025. Note some routes have changed since the contracts went out to tender - eg the Wythenshawe Large and Trafford Small regarding exLittle Gem minibus routes

AREA CJanuary 2025School routes
Hyde Road Large15 38 42 42A 42B 42C 74 76 142 147 201 202 203 205 250 253 256706 724 727 748 749 749 757 778 797 802 818 821 827 834 844 845 847 850 857 863 877 878 891
Sharston Large43 50 85 86 101 102 111 143700 720 728 743 750 750 751 751 752 753 756 757 758 758 763 764 765 766 769 770 771 773 776 781 782 782 786 789 792 798 799 811 815 847 852 866 874 724
Stockport Large11 23 25 191 192 197 314 322 323 325 327 328 330 358 374 378 384
Tameside Large7 216 217 219 221 230 231 237 336 346701 703 704 719 720 721 725 747 747 768 747
Wythenshawe Large18 19 150 245 247 263 281 282 284 286 287 313 368 370
Stockport Small364 364 375
Tameside A Small335 339 341 342 345 387 396
Tameside B Small343 356
Trafford Small44 84 254 260 261 262 280 288
I don't really think this would accurate as some routes are ran by 2 depots and i think most of the large ones would be ran by the same companies probably FirstGroup/Diamond

Leyland Bus

20 May 2021
because some routes in stagecoach are ran by both Hyde road and Sharston and it would make sense and what if they change some routes to different depots and diamond have only gotten small ones so having both ashton and stockport would be great for them and stagecoah/go ahead/arriva can win the smaller ones

I don't really think this would accurate as some routes are ran by 2 depots and i think most of the large ones would be ran by the same companies probably FirstGroup/Diamond
It's quite brave to say Diamond will get a large depot but this is a speculation thread so who knows!

As for 2 depots running the same route, whilst that happens now, it won't under "Bee Network" because its highly likely said 2 depots will be operated by different companies and it could get messy... So routes will be tidied up and left to one depot alone...


Veteran Member
18 Feb 2013
Somerset with international travel (e.g. across th
because some routes in stagecoach are ran by both Hyde road and Sharston and it would make sense and what if they change some routes to different depots and diamond have only gotten small ones so having both ashton and stockport would be great for them and stagecoah/go ahead/arriva can win the smaller ones
I know that routes will be allocated to specific depots.

Also, I'm sure that operators will want to win whatever they've submitted bids for (or why else would they submit). I'm just wanted to understand WHY you think Diamond will get a large depot, or indeed, why you think First will get Hyde Road and Sharston?


9 Feb 2024
I know that routes will be allocated to specific depots.

Also, I'm sure that operators will want to win whatever they've submitted bids for (or why else would they submit). I'm just wanted to understand WHY you think Diamond will get a large depot, or indeed, why you think First will get Hyde Road and Sharston?
Actually, I think Diamond will only win small; the reason why I thought Diamond would get large was because they were the 2nd biggest bus company in Manchester before Bee Network. But I think First might get all the Stagecoach depots because some routes like 86, 142, 143 and 219 are run by two depots and since they are large depots that’s my assumption - just like Stagecoach took the big depots in north Manchester.


Veteran Member
23 Jan 2009
will they bring back some withdrawn buses such as 168 for bee network

I suppose it depends how much they think it'll cost. Some services have been lost due to tender bids coming in much higher post-COVID and TfGM not having the funds to retain every bus service. I think there were reports of no bidders for some of the replacement tenders for Little Gem routes.


Established Member
19 May 2014
Actually, I think Diamond will only win small; the reason why I thought Diamond would get large was because they were the 2nd biggest bus company in Manchester before Bee Network. But I think First might get all the Stagecoach depots because some routes like 86, 142, 143 and 219 are run by two depots and since they are large depots that’s my assumption - just like Stagecoach took the big depots in north Manchester.
They aren’t going to split when the Bee Network comes in. The 142 will be run by Hyde Road and the 143 will be run by Sharston


9 Feb 2024
Not good to speculate, but think, Stagecoach take Ashton and Stockport and FirstGroup take Sharston, Wythenshawe and Hyde Road, while Rotala take all the small contracts, but lets wait and see.
I think that would make a lot of sense but also I think Stagecoach would just take one depot while a company like Arriva will take the other.

They aren’t going to split when the Bee Network comes in. The 142 will be run by Hyde Road and the 143 will be run by Sharston
The list of routes isn’t really official yet as they might change the depots a bit and also not every route is listed and they also changed routes to another depot in the previous tranches.
Also some routes on like Christmas period like 163 which is run in Heywood is also run by Bolton on the Christmas period too.
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New Member
26 Dec 2022
Greater Manchester
I would be very surprised to see Arriva taking a depot, very much feels like they're winding down their general operation in Greater Manchester; the 263 is most definitely no longer branded as Arriva Sapphire, and all routes are getting a wide array of misbranded buses operating them now - many advertising routes in Chorley, Wigan and Bolton
I've only ever heard about Diamond getting into trouble with TfGM since September, and I cannot really see them winning another franchise as it sounds like there is a lack of goodwill between the company and authority.
First/Go North West sound like somewhat reasonable shouts, and you can't rule out a surprise operator; but it'll be very interesting to see how much Stagecoach win. Most of the stuff up this time is Stagecoach as I recall, with the exception of Arriva's Trafford services. Can't see it going over too well if Stagecoach lose lots of their big routes. Especially Sharston - because the 43 is arguably the most valuable route of them all and the crown jewel of whoever gets to keep it.


5 Jun 2016
I would be very surprised to see Arriva taking a depot, very much feels like they're winding down their general operation in Greater Manchester; the 263 is most definitely no longer branded as Arriva Sapphire, and all routes are getting a wide array of misbranded buses operating them now - many advertising routes in Chorley, Wigan and Bolton
I've only ever heard about Diamond getting into trouble with TfGM since September, and I cannot really see them winning another franchise as it sounds like there is a lack of goodwill between the company and authority.
First/Go North West sound like somewhat reasonable shouts, and you can't rule out a surprise operator; but it'll be very interesting to see how much Stagecoach win. Most of the stuff up this time is Stagecoach as I recall, with the exception of Arriva's Trafford services. Can't see it going over too well if Stagecoach lose lots of their big routes. Especially Sharston - because the 43 is arguably the most valuable route of them all and the crown jewel of whoever gets to keep it.
’Crown jewels’ become irrelevant in a franchise environment. The authority confiscates your routes - good and bad. You bid a price to run them!


Established Member
6 Jan 2009
Stagecoach is getting the 17, 59, 83 ,135 and 163? which must be at least on a par some of the busy southern routes like the 43 and 143 etc

I don't think Stagecoach can really complain at losing their old work when all the best stuff is now theirs in the north too. As others have said I can see First basically swapping to the south just a switcheroo of the old status quo really.
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18 Feb 2019
163 is already run by Go North West under Tranche 1 (it was a Bolton depot Diamond service) and is now operated from Heywood depot - which is remaining for GNW to operate the school services it has gained under Tranche 2.


9 Feb 2024
I would be very surprised to see Arriva taking a depot, very much feels like they're winding down their general operation in Greater Manchester; the 263 is most definitely no longer branded as Arriva Sapphire, and all routes are getting a wide array of misbranded buses operating them now - many advertising routes in Chorley, Wigan and Bolton
I've only ever heard about Diamond getting into trouble with TfGM since September, and I cannot really see them winning another franchise as it sounds like there is a lack of goodwill between the company and authority.
First/Go North West sound like somewhat reasonable shouts, and you can't rule out a surprise operator; but it'll be very interesting to see how much Stagecoach win. Most of the stuff up this time is Stagecoach as I recall, with the exception of Arriva's Trafford services. Can't see it going over too well if Stagecoach lose lots of their big routes. Especially Sharston - because the 43 is arguably the most valuable route of them all and the crown jewel of whoever gets to keep it.
What about the 192, which is the most popular route in Manchester? I think Stagecoach will lose Hyde Road and Sharston and either Ashton/Stockport, just like in the north First and Go North West lost lots of routes like 17, 18, 135, 83, 409 etc. They are now run by Stagecoach, so i think routes like 43, 142, 143, 250, 192, 219 would be run first since Stagecoach taking their popular routes.
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