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Trivia - Furthest you've seen someone carried beyond their intended stop

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Established Member
3 Sep 2013
I jumped on a down train at platform 9 at Clapham Junction late one evening assuming it would stop at Surbiton. It didn't, and I ended up at Woking at midnight. It must have been a fairly common error as the staff on the train and at Woking didn't express any surprise when I told them what had happened. Fortunately, there was a semi-fast up fairly soon. An interesting point is that the guard called out, asking where anyone wanted to alight. I said Surbiton, and he said that the train was due to stop there anyway. I didn't know that there were any 'stop at request' services; this would have been in the early or mid-1990s or thereabouts.

I once was on a Cannon Street to Slade Green via Sidcup service one day at rush-hour, and a woman fell asleep further along the carriage. I alighted at Slade Green, and as the train went off ECS back towards London, I saw that she was still there fast asleep.
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Established Member
28 Oct 2010
Wherever I lay my hat
Not an over-carry so perhaps not relevant to this thread, but back in summer when restrictions were finally relaxed a bit I had a trip to Weymouth for one night, being desperate for a change of scene. I enjoyed the lovely sunny afternoon, and wandered down to the station to watch the 1723 Bristol train go out - which was two carriages and absolutely rammed, every seat taken and people standing in the aisles, no chance of social distancing. As it pulled out, around the end of the platform bay ran five young girls, can't have been more than about 13, dressed in flimsy tops and shorts, and looking horrified at the departing train. "Is that the Bristol train?". They had been waiting on the London platforms, goodness knows why they didn't check. Given that the next Bristol train was not until 2015 I was quite worried about them, and could only hope that a parent could come and collect them. I didn't get involved as there wasn't anything I could do, but I still wonder how they got home.

Parham Wood

13 Jun 2011
I knew someone once who was going to Plymouth from Paddington for work purposes and got on the Fishguard boat train! Ended up in Fishguard I believe. We were sure it was at least partly swinging the lead as there were some stops to get off and double back, although he was not a UK national so may have been challenged by the geography.


7 Jan 2021
Waterloo to Surbition - fell asleep, woke up at Hampton Court ! My Mum once also got on the Waterloo train at Exeter Central instead of the Exmouth one ( same platform) - They announced the next train to arrive would be the Exmouth train - It wasn't. First stop Honition!

BR had to pay for a taxi for her back to Exmouth as it was the last train !


26 Jan 2010
I remember back in my early days as a guard, sue pollard boarded the train at york and her driver put her in 1st class with her bags etc, i did the last call doors are closing etc, dispatched from york and went to do a PA when sue approached me and said sorry my driver is still on the train and he is in the short stay car park, i said tell him to sit down and enjoy the ride as next stop is kings Cross she was fine when i went to see them and i sorted out the issue of the car too.
That reminds me of one day, got on an Cross Country, valid with priv piece, TM comes along and says to make a bit of room in standard by moving up to first. Two stops on a man appears with an old dear, "Mother here's your bag, sit down there, same way as the engine goes, where's your paper, careful with that stick" etc etc. You can guess what was coming next, "beep beep beep" doors shut and off we go.

I say to him have a seat sir and I'm sure the lad willl get you a cup of tea, you're off to the next stop 40 minutes away and that the TM will arrange for you to get taken back. He goes into a rage, starts a row with the first class host (who's looks about 14), takes out the mobile and dials 999 because he'd been imprisoned on the train against his will. I wander back and get the TM from his tickets. The conversation goes "this train will be stopping at the next station", the TM says no. So the ante is upped by the phone (still connected to 999 !!!) being used to report that his car had been left unattended in the car park. The look on his face when the TM said "Sir, everybody's car is unattended in the car park" was priceless !!!


Established Member
5 Jul 2010
I have only once overdossed. After some refreshments, I was on the last southbound from Waverley. Missed Newcastle, missed Durham and ended up in Darlo. A bit of fester for something back north.

I had a close call at Birmingham. Boarded a train assuming it would call at Wolves, then made a hasty exit on realising it was first stop Preston!

One time I boarded a northbound cross-country train at York. A chap then woke up, saw where we were and in a panic pulled the cord (even though we were still in the station). Turns out he wanted Derby.

I also wonder how many cranks have conveniently "fallen asleep" to either extend their journey without having a ticket, or to yellow pen the track into the carriage sidings.
I've known something similar to happen on occasion at Newcraighall many years ago. Enthusiasts who thought they were being smart arses would lock themselves in the toilets to tick off the turn back siding (long before the borders line was opened). The ScotRail guards soon got wise to it though and would start locking the toilets out of use after Bruntstane to prevent this.


Veteran Member
20 Oct 2014
"Marston Vale mafia"
I've known something similar to happen on occasion at Newcraighall many years ago. Enthusiasts who thought they were being smart arses would lock themselves in the toilets to tick off the turn back siding (long before the borders line was opened). The ScotRail guards soon got wise to it though and would start locking the toilets out of use after Bruntstane to prevent this.

I've done the Kennington loop by just sitting there fiddling with my phone looking like I wasn't paying attention, though I don't believe that's specifically not allowed. I asked permission to do the City Hall Loop in NY, the first guard said no but the second one OKed it.


Established Member
20 Apr 2013
Salt & Vinegar
York...when I wanted Peterborough!

Late BR days I was on the briefly resurrected Tees-Tyne Pullman, first Up stop being Darlington.

As we passed Grantham a lady at the next table enquired of the Guard why her Peterborough stop hadn’t happened and how long would it take her to get back from Doncaster.

She wasn’t happy about her trip to Darlington.


Veteran Member
3 May 2015
I've done the Kennington loop by just sitting there fiddling with my phone looking like I wasn't paying attention, though I don't believe that's specifically not allowed. I asked permission to do the City Hall Loop in NY, the first guard said no but the second one OKed it.

Kennington seems not to be "policed" at all - probably easier for the driver just to stay in the cab than turf randoms off.


Established Member
28 Oct 2010
Wherever I lay my hat
That reminds me of one day, got on an Cross Country, valid with priv piece, TM comes along and says to make a bit of room in standard by moving up to first. Two stops on a man appears with an old dear, "Mother here's your bag, sit down there, same way as the engine goes, where's your paper, careful with that stick" etc etc. You can guess what was coming next, "beep beep beep" doors shut and off we go.

I say to him have a seat sir and I'm sure the lad willl get you a cup of tea, you're off to the next stop 40 minutes away and that the TM will arrange for you to get taken back. He goes into a rage, starts a row with the first class host (who's looks about 14), takes out the mobile and dials 999 because he'd been imprisoned on the train against his will. I wander back and get the TM from his tickets. The conversation goes "this train will be stopping at the next station", the TM says no. So the ante is upped by the phone (still connected to 999 !!!) being used to report that his car had been left unattended in the car park. The look on his face when the TM said "Sir, everybody's car is unattended in the car park" was priceless !!!

What an appalling individual. Hope his car got keyed while it was "unattended". I wonder if he meant he had left the door unlocked and the key in!


Established Member
30 Apr 2010

Here's a few personal experiences. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I will begin as they used to say on Listen with Mother. Younger readers may want to Google this. :)

A friend of mine used to organise minibus trips out to pubs / beer festivals in the N West, Yorkshire or Derbyshire on Saturdays. There was a pick up at Piccadilly station in Manchester at around 9am, returning by 9pm to allow people from all over the area to catch the train home in good time, as some travelled some distance (eg from Frodsham and Blackpool) to come along.

The return time was good as I had the 2104 Crewe stopper to get me home. On most occasions we had 5-10 minutes to catch it or occasionally were too late and had to wait a bit for the Macc stopper instead, or blag a ride back to the minibus depot in Stockport and await a train or bus from there. Having an old fart's bus pass helps.

Can't remember where we had been, but we arrived one night at 2101. Two of us made a bid for the 2104, but got delayed crossing the road and arrived on the platform just in time to see the tail lights disappearing. In a flash of inspiration, I said to my mate, let's run round and catch the 2107 XC Birmingham as far as Stockport as we may be lucky and overtake the stopper. We leapt on the XC just as the doors were closing and set off. Just after Heaton Norris Junction, we caught up with the stopper and moved to the door to make a quick cross-platform transfer. As we approached Stockport, I sensed something was wrong - the train was accelerating and we shot straight through the station. Oh dear...

Just then the guard came through - tickets please. But we only had our Greater Manchester bus passes. I told him what happened and he said he had made announcements prior to departure that the first stop was Stoke (not even Macclesfield!). I told him that we had jumped on seconds before the doors closed and I thought that all the XC stopped at Stockport; he noted that this was the only one that didn't! He also remarked that we weren't the first to have done this and wouldn't be the last.

Anyway, he was very understanding and after checking, told us the next one back to Stockport from Stoke was also XC and that we should check with the guard on that one before boarding. It wasn't a problem, but we did arrive back in Cheadle Hulme two hours later than planned - not what was wanted after a day on the pop!


Several years earlier, a party of about 10 of us was heading back from Manchester to Cheadle Hulme on a 323 after a convivial evening at the Manchester Beer Festival. At the time the Crewe line was closed for engineering works and so they were running a couple of extra trains before midnight which came to Cheadle Hulme and then ran non-stop to Macclesfield. We were on the last one of the night After arrival at C/H, we waited for the door light to come on; it didn't. Several people tried pressing the button but to no avail. Other doors were working, so someone ran off to hold one open but was too late by seconds. As the train set off someone "pulled the cord", but the train continued. There were about 20 of us being overcarried in total. The guard came up to find out who had pulled the handle and why and we told him what happened. Unfortunately one of our group, being tired and emotional, started f'ing and jeffing at the guard, so we had one of our group remove him to the next carriage whilst a civilised conversation took place. The train eventually stopped in Poynton station , having run through Bramhall and the driver came back to find out what was going on. Poynton was no good for getting home.

After some discussion, the guard said he would ring control to see if Cheadle Hulme passengers could be dropped off on the empty stock move back to Stockport. This was agreed and so we travelled back to CHU where the guard came down to the centre coach (where we had all been asked to travel) to ensure we all got off and left with a cheery wave.

But now there was another problem. P3 (and P2) at Cheadle Hulme could only be accessed at that time by the main station entrance and the doors were locked as the last train had gone. So we had to cross the Crewe line using the platform ramps to exit to street level via the steps from P1..The line was shut anyway and visibility is at least a mile in each direction.


Returning south from the Newcastle Beer Festival the other year, I caught an evening KX service for some 91/Mk4 action, intending to change at York for Manchester. I was aware that after York this train was non-stop to KX; nevertheless I fell asleep. I woke up with a jerk just as the train set off from a stop, looked out of the window and with a sinking feeling saw an overall roof. It took me several seconds to realise that the station was Darlington, not York. Cue great relief and I sat bolt upright until we arrived at York. There were no other dramas on the way home!


I was once on a lightly loaded Voyager from Stockport to Brum, no doubt going on a pub research trip. Sitting on the opposite table was a young lady engrossed on her phone. As we approached Stoke, announcements were made and we stopped. After a couple of minutes she looked up, saw the platform signs and suddenly tried to pack her stuff away and get off, but it was too late. Next stop on this one was Wolverhampton rather than Stafford, so she was rather late for her business appointment and the rest of the journey was spent on her phone rearranging her day.


In the bad winter of 1962/3, I returned with my mother from Bath to Manchester after spending the festive period with relatives. The snow lay deep and crisp and even - in fact some of it remained in the shadows in my uncle's garden 2 months later. This journey required catching a train to Temple Meads and then a train coming up from Plymouth to Liverpool to make a connection at Crewe. In those days the trains were routed via the Marches line due to the WCML electrification works.

Temple Meads was in some state of chaos with the snow and no one was quite sure whether the Liverpool was running and if so where it was! Eventually it was announced running rather late and with a platform change. My mother, who had travelled frequently through Temple Meads during the War, said this was a regular occurrence in those days. The train eventually arrived with a Castle up front and we departed north. In our compartment was a smart city gent with his rolled up brolly who was engrossed in his newspaper. The train went through the Severn Tunnel, round the east side of the Maindee triangle and headed north for a stop at Pontypool Road which in those days was a big station, not the island platform and shelter of today.

Here we had a longer stop than usual I seem to remember as there was some doubt as to whether we could continue because of the snow. After a few minutes the city gent looked up from his paper and noting an unfamiliar location, asked us "This is the Paddington train isn't it?" He was a bit put out to discover it wasn't. It appears had just jumped on our train as "the Paddington trains always went from there at that time of day"... He got off and was aiming to get back to Newport or Bristol for onward to London if anything was running at all! Meanwhile, we eventually got to Crewe and changed to a blue electric hauled train to take us to Stockport Having been looking at very snowy landscapes all the way up, Stockport only had a light dusting of snow.


A regular at Beer Festivals years ago was a bloke we knew as "Desperate Dave" who lived in Wolverhampton. Apparently he ended up in Oxley sidings quite frequently, but one day, coming back from the Tamworth Beer Festival, he found himself sleeping through New Street and Cheltenham and pitching up in Bristol. His other half had insisted he was home that night and as the last train had gone, he had to fork out £85 to get a taxi home to maintain his married bliss.


And finally (you will be pleased to know!), there have been several examples in the thread about people going back and forth on trains continually missing their stop. Best one I heard concerned someone from the City returning home to St Albans on the "Bedpan" service after an evening out. He was annoyed to wake up in Bedford, but checked that the same train formed the next service calling at St Albans and settled back. He woke up back at St Pancras again! This time he decided to stick a piece of paper on his chest which said "Please wake me up for St Albans". Next thing he knew was he was back at Bedford and someone had written "Tee-hee-he" on his note! He eventually managed to get off at St Albans on the next southbound journey.

And that's all Folks! Stay positive, test negative!
Sounds like one is a beer lover
19 Apr 2018
I always fall asleep after a night out on the first train home in the morning. I was supposed to get off at Preston but was woken up by the guard as we were rolling into Penrith. She just laughed and endorsed my ticket back to Preston.


8 May 2019
One from many years ago, in BR days. I wanted to find a cheap way to "do" Stoke on Trent - Colwich direct. No internet then only paper timetables. Eventually found a Manchester - Euston that stopped at both Stoke and Tamworth thus putting it into the West Midlands Day Ranger validity. Duly arrive in time at Stoke and catch train. Two sharp suited businessmen seated in front of me start to look concerned near Rugeley. One says "I don't think this train stops at Stafford". I, being helpful explain that no it doesn't, but you can alight at Tamworth, catch the local train back and not be too late. "A local", says one, "Isn't there an express?" I explain that no there isn't and that this train's next stop after Tamworth will be Watford Junction. One then said there must be another stop, we'll change at Rugby or somewhere onto an express. I thought, well, I'm trying to be helpful but if that is your attitude and you think you Know better (like you thought the train stopped at Stafford, for instance)....
I got off at Tamworth. I watched the train pull out. I didn't see them on the platform...


Established Member
2 Sep 2011
I once got on a Thameslink train at Kings Cross heading for St Albans, after significant refreshment... I woke up at Kings Cross, having been to Bedford and back. Which was disappointing


Forum Staff
Staff Member
7 Aug 2005
Nothing like anything I’ve seen in this thread, but I think the worst thing I did was get on a District line instead of a Circle line train and ended up not realising until the doors closed at Earls Court, so ended up going to West Brompton.


22 Dec 2013
After a well-lubricated evening in Liverpool in the mid-1970s (Higson's, Bass, Threlfall's, Walker's, etc) I made my weary way to Exchange Station and got on my train home. Only it wasn't. I was aiming for Ormskirk and this one was for Southport. No use changing at Sandhills as I'd now missed the last Ormskirk train. On arrival at Southport I thought I'd crash in a platelayer's hut, so walked towards Meols Cop and sure enough I found one with the door open and a nice bench inside to sleep on. Not an adventure I'm proud of, but looking back now I was quite resourceful and very lucky.


15 Apr 2019
On the way back from York to Blackpool North via Copy Pit on a "Merrymaker" 2 fellow passengers had got on by mistake at York wanting to go to Newcastle under Lyme.What made it worse they had left London early in the morning and had already been to Newcastle upon Tyne by mistake! They got off at Preston around 22:00hrs


15 Mar 2018
Worst over carry I've had (not too bad by some standards on here) was aiming for Gatwick and getting Haywards Heath. Shows that the 700's seats aren't that bad! Got very confused for a bit as I didn't realise until then that Haywards Heath's platforms are all numbered backwards compared to rest of the line.


15 Aug 2020
East Lothian
I was once on an early morning train going from Edinburgh to Glasgow Queen St. There was someone on the train explaining to the conductor how they had just gone to Glasgow, fallen asleep and come all the way back. The conductor remembered him.

Bevan Price

Established Member
22 Apr 2010
May have publidhed this somewhere previously, but back in the 1960s, I was on a steam-hauled railtour, and passengers found out that a lady travelling to Glasgow had mistakenly boarded our train at Carlisle. She did eventually get (sortish) to the Glasgow area, several hours later than expected -- after going via the Waverley Route and the Edinburgh Suburban Line, and she was deposited with a special stop at Lenzie (or Bishopbriggs). I don't suppose she appreciated having been hauled by two different A4s.


Established Member
26 Apr 2018
I've done the Kennington loop by just sitting there fiddling with my phone looking like I wasn't paying attention, though I don't believe that's specifically not allowed. I asked permission to do the City Hall Loop in NY, the first guard said no but the second one OKed it.
As far as I know, Kennington loop is 100% legit. I actually got on the train at the terminating platform. I've never tried to do City Hall loop but I'll add it to the to do list.


12 Jan 2007
Commuting to work Tonbridge - Sevenoaks a while back and there was disruption on the London Bridge line. A train normally fast after High Brooms had stopped to let on passengers at Tonbridge, unadvertised. I boarded assuming it had come from the Ashford line, which all normally stop at Sevenoaks, and so began my unexpected detour to Waterloo East. (This was back when some Charing Cross trains didn't stop at London Bridge)


Established Member
8 Oct 2006
As far as I know, Kennington loop is 100% legit. I actually got on the train at the terminating platform. I've never tried to do City Hall loop but I'll add it to the to do list.

Southbound trains terminating there used to be tipped out by a couple of CSAs to avoid anyone being taken round the loop, but these days it’s 3x driver announcement and then round you go.

**Edit** Also not that closely policed these days as it’s not a shunt move, it’s done under passenger level signalling.


29 Aug 2018
Remember taking a mate to watch a Stoke-Liverpool game around a decade back when I was at Uni up there. We were both travelling back to Brum.

I'd only started using the train regularly back then on national scale so for weekends home it would always be XC and well Virgin trains looked similar :lol: Anyway we were in a rush to get back as mate had an evening job at Perry Bar dogs track in those days so were jogging up to station entrance, I saw a silver train on the platform so advised us to get on it (no ticket barriers at Stoke back then) and we got on and sat out of breath luckily by a window that could see the plaform.

At that point I quickly looked up at the screen showing the departure and it said calling at.....Watford Junction. We just got up as the beeping on the doors started and the staff could see us trying to get out so that was about 20 seconds away from a bit of a 4 hour detour back to new street!

One I did get wrong once was getting on at Aston station just as 3 car train was approaching thinking it was going on to Sutton and then seeing it head instead towards Walsall so had to get off at Witton and walked back to Aston from there!


31 Jul 2018
I've never unintentionally over carried: its my greatest fear when I'm on the train and so I think that helps keep me awake even when I'm very tired or very drunk or both. Its been close a few times but luckily it was only ever on a commuter train or the Tube so if I'd noticed it'd have been ended up in Finchley rather than Highgate or Bridge of Allan rather than Stirling; annoying but hardly something that's going to ruin your day. During a day when the trains were royally messed up I did end up getting the one a day train that goes fast from Stirling to Edinburgh when I was trying to get to Glasgow because the boards and announcements were wrong but that wasn't really being overcarried and more me ending up on the totally wrong train.

I did once go a stop longer than I should have in order to prevent someone from being overcarried: I was getting I think the second last Thameslink on a Friday night from London Bridge that goes via Woolwich to Rainham going home to Abbey Wood and the guy opposite me was very drunk and also tired and before he sat down he asked if the train went to Slade Green and I said that it did and then he basically instantly fell asleep. Since I didn't want to worry about the guy being stuck in Rainham at the middle of the night I stayed on to Slade Green to make sure that he at least got out of the train there. The guy seemed very appreciative; especially when I said that I had gone a stop longer to make sure that he got back safe. I think there was one last train towards London that I ended up catching in the end which was a lonely, cold wait at Slade Green station: I probably should have tapped out and back in again because my travel card only went to Zone 4 but considering I started and ended my journey in those zones and only went long to help someone out I do not feel guilty about fare dodging.


Established Member
5 Jan 2016
As far as I know, Kennington loop is 100% legit. I actually got on the train at the terminating platform. I've never tried to do City Hall loop but I'll add it to the to do list.
It is not unheard of for a full train load to be taken round there.


13 Sep 2016
I've never unintentionally over carried: its my greatest fear when I'm on the train and so I think that helps keep me awake even when I'm very tired or very drunk or both.
I have a similar skill so have no stories of my own, but a good one from a colleague.

We'd done a weeks hard graft down in Plymouth, start at 0600 finish at 2000 beers till 2200 start over for 7 days, and both sensibly had taken the train down rather than driving after that. We hopped on a midday train, an XC heading to Scotland, and I got off at Exeter (I think) to change to GWR for south Wales. He stayed on to Birmingham, where his dad was going pick him up. We stayed in touch by text for a bit, and then I got a text quite late at night saying he'd slept through 4 alarms on his phone, a dozen missed calls from his dad, and all the stops until Glasgow, or maybe even Aberdeen, where the guard had woken him up, laughed, and allowed him to ride back to Brum, after a fairly substantial detour!

Fawkes Cat

Established Member
8 May 2017
Thinking it through, I think I have only once managed to be over carried (either Waterloo (M'side) or Blundellsands to Hall Road - happily just in time to make the last train back the other way), but I did manage a couple of related incidents when my commute was cycle-Slough-Reading (with Slough-Reading being a mix of fasts and stoppers):

1) Cut it a bit fine leaving work, and leapt on the train standing at Reading platform 8 (as was). Doors close and train leaves down for Oxford...
2) Cut the cycle ride to Slough a bit fine, but there's an HST in platform 2 (down main). I might just make it! Lock up bike, rush through barrier, leap on train through nearest door, look around. Train is curiously empty. On closer inspection, I can see track when I look through the doors at the end of the carriage: it turns out that a rail had broken under the train, so they divided it and took the back half back to Slough and the front half forward to somewhere else...


Established Member
29 Mar 2020
South Staffordshire
I had two overcarries back when much younger. One was travelling back home to Mid Wales in around 1981 or 1982 after a couple of long bashes I was on the 0147 Crewe - Cardiff because it was 46005 with plenty of steam. I intended to alight at Salop for the 0415 DMU to Machynlleth, but woke up at Hereford, and with nothing back to Salop at that time of the morning I decided to go through to Cardiff for the 0530 Cardiff-Crewe. I was very much obliged by a steam heat 25, possibly 042 or 080 to get me back to Shrewsbury for breakfast then the 1042 SHrewsbury-Aberysytwyth.

The other happening was on another overnight where I was on the 2230 Glasgow-Stranraer intending to bale at Ayr for the corresponding return overnight back to Glasgow. Woke up passing Pinwherry !!!!
This worked out quite well because I continued to Stranraer, went over on the ferry to Larne Harbour, train to Belfast and the connecting bus down the Falls Road, then a quick trip to Adelaide and back, before returning the same way all the way back to Glasgow.

Never done it since !!


4 Apr 2016
My other halfs work colleague had a good night out and woke up in Portsmouth Harbour instead of Guildford. Only train left was back to Fratton and then a very expensive taxi home.
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