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Unconfirmed reports of stickers containing razor blades

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Established Member
26 Sep 2011
Which then leads on to some women feeling uncomfortable sharing toilets with self declared females.

Or passengers reporting to station ticket offices that 'theres a man just gone into the ladies toilets'. Yet that person may classify themselves as a woman. So how we can ever have complaints about men in women's toilets and vice versa anymore?

Anytime I've helped out at stations, in the times I've gone into the ladies to put a brush around, if any woman has walked in they've looked at me with complete shock even though I've been in uniform.
And yet we are supposed to be opening our minds to transgender attitudes. Society in reality doesn't seem to be anywhere near that if we look at a male cleaner in a ladies toilet in utter shock.
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Teflon Lettuce

Established Member
22 Aug 2013
Or passengers reporting to station ticket offices that 'theres a man just gone into the ladies toilets'. Yet that person may classify themselves as a woman. So how we can ever have complaints about men in women's toilets and vice versa anymore?

Anytime I've helped out at stations, in the times I've gone into the ladies to put a brush around, if any woman has walked in they've looked at me with complete shock even though I've been in uniform.
And yet we are supposed to be opening our minds to transgender attitudes. Society in reality doesn't seem to be anywhere near that if we look at a male cleaner in a ladies toilet in utter shock.
don't toilets usually have "male operative" or "female operative" notices these days...

TBF, it seems that male society in general can't see what all the fuss is about when it comes to men in ladies toilets {whatever reason they are there} but, to be honest, if I go into the mens and there is a female operative in there then I feel VERY uncomfortable... but then again perhaps I'm just weird?


Veteran Member
12 Oct 2010
Fenny Stratford
TBF, it seems that male society in general can't see what all the fuss is about when it comes to men in ladies toilets {whatever reason they are there} but, to be honest, if I go into the mens and there is a female operative in there then I feel VERY uncomfortable... but then again perhaps I'm just weird?

Each to their own but why? ( doesn't bother me)

Teflon Lettuce

Established Member
22 Aug 2013
Each to their own but why? ( doesn't bother me)
I don't really know why... just does... why do women feel uncomfortable with male operatives in their toilets? after all once you're in a cubicle then the person is hardly likely to look over or under the door to watch what you're up to are they?


12 May 2017
Yep. Needles with HIV-infected blood being placed inbetween the back and bum bit of a seat, to infect you when you sat down. Can't recall any actual reports of it.
Jesus christ, I did not need to hear this. What sort of evil ******* would even dream this stuff up.


Established Member
1 Nov 2008
If I go into the mens and there is a female operative in there then I feel VERY uncomfortable... but then again perhaps I'm just weird?

Toilets not so bad, after all, you're either in the cubicle or pointing at the porcelain. Not exactly waving it around (I would hope).

It does feel a bit weird when Ethel or Betty come in to clean my gym's locker room though. It's a traditional open style showers and locker area. Then again, one of the men is pre-operative F-M trans and she's in there in the nuddie often too.


Veteran Member
12 Oct 2010
Fenny Stratford
I don't really know why... just does... why do women feel uncomfortable with male operatives in their toilets? after all once you're in a cubicle then the person is hardly likely to look over or under the door to watch what you're up to are they?

It does feel a bit weird when Ethel or Betty come in to clean my gym's locker room though. It's a traditional open style showers and locker area. Then again, one of the men is pre-operative F-M trans and she's in there in the nuddie often too

I am sure if you are a toilet operative you know when to look away!

Jesus christ, I did not need to hear this. What sort of evil ******* would even dream this stuff up.

i suspect it is an urban legend or something blown up as a scare story. However - People have been convicted for knowingly infecting others with HIV.


Established Member
8 Jul 2017
Jesus christ, I did not need to hear this. What sort of evil ******* would even dream this stuff up.

It was a report on Facebook by a person rather than an official organisation, and it was quickly spread around. More than likely scaremongering.


New Member
10 Sep 2018
I know this is kind of a political post, but I saw this posted on Twitter earlier. It seems Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (also known as TERFs) are posting stickers on board trains, with razor blades stuck underneath to injure anyone who tries to remove them.

Deliberate smear I think. http://media.btp.police.uk/r/15860/sticker_claims_-_manchester_oxford_road_

One of the Tweeters posted their supposed wounds from these stickers, except the fingers were black, belonged to Frank Ocean, and the poster was white!

This razor blade tactic is also used by far-right groups like the EDL, so that tells you what kind of groups TERFs associate with.

Urban myth. I can find no evidence of this.

I don't have confirmation of what TOC it is, but it reads as if it's Virgin West Coast to me - referring to having Bombardier and Alstom remove stickers at depots.

Virgin sez no.



Veteran Member
16 Dec 2008
Reston City Centre
Deliberate smear I think. http://media.btp.police.uk/r/15860/sticker_claims_-_manchester_oxford_road_

One of the Tweeters posted their supposed wounds from these stickers, except the fingers were black, belonged to Frank Ocean, and the poster was white!

Urban myth. I can find no evidence of this.

Virgin sez no.


Congratulations to those who started/ spread this sort of nonsense - you've wasted police time, you've whipped up hysteria, you've portrayed the kind of women who have opinions about who they want to share public toilets with as dangerous violent radicals who are a threat to other people... I hope you are proud.

Sadly, significantly more people see the kind of hoary old tales/ urban myths than see the "correction".


Established Member
26 Sep 2011
What was that photo in post 1 then? Above it looks like a legit notice about temporary speed restriction at 99 miles on the down slow. Looks legit that doesn't it?

Teflon Lettuce

Established Member
22 Aug 2013
What was that photo in post 1 then? Above it looks like a legit notice about temporary speed restriction at 99 miles on the down slow. Looks legit that doesn't it?
well it don't look any more or less legit than the safety warning below it... just looks like something someone's typed on their pc at home... there's nothing in that pic to suggest that any part of it was "official" or "legit"


New Member
10 Sep 2018
What was that photo in post 1 then? Above it looks like a legit notice about temporary speed restriction at 99 miles on the down slow. Looks legit that doesn't it?

that looks very legit, but who knows the rest of it could be photoshopped, I'd like to see an independent copy of the whole page iyswim


Established Member
27 Oct 2007
Deliberate smear I think. http://media.btp.police.uk/r/15860/sticker_claims_-_manchester_oxford_road_

One of the Tweeters posted their supposed wounds from these stickers, except the fingers were black, belonged to Frank Ocean, and the poster was white!
Twitter is Twitter, and you'll always get people claiming they are someone they aren't. TERFs have been posting stickers around, the vast majority may not have blades underneath but there is always the chance.

Urban myth. I can find no evidence of this.
An urban myth that led to a student in Wurzburg being cut when he removed anti-islam stickers? https://www.bz-berlin.de/panorama/wuerzburg-anti-islam-sticker-mit-rasierklingen-praepariert

Congratulations to those who started/ spread this sort of nonsense - you've wasted police time, you've whipped up hysteria, you've portrayed the kind of women who have opinions about who they want to share public toilets with as dangerous violent radicals who are a threat to other people... I hope you are proud.
Ah yes, the "opinions" or "serious concerns" argument. TERFs are a threat to trans people, whether you like it or not. In case you haven't noticed, public toilets are generally divided into private cubicles, the only people I have heard of who have invaded them in recent times are TERFs who are "concerned" about where trans women are peeing. In private. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...bathroom-watch-jazmina-saavedra-a8357696.html

Teflon Lettuce

Established Member
22 Aug 2013
Ah yes, the "opinions" or "serious concerns" argument. TERFs are a threat to trans people, whether you like it or not. In case you haven't noticed, public toilets are generally divided into private cubicles, the only people I have heard of who have invaded them in recent times are TERFs who are "concerned" about where trans women are peeing. In private. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...bathroom-watch-jazmina-saavedra-a8357696.html
checking that they're not peeing on the seat I presume?


Established Member
16 Nov 2008
The home of the concrete cow
Yep. Needles with HIV-infected blood being placed inbetween the back and bum bit of a seat, to infect you when you sat down. Can't recall any actual reports of it.
Used needles stuck under staircase handrails too. I have one colleague that received such a needle stick injury.


Established Member
26 Sep 2011
Twitter is Twitter, and you'll always get people claiming they are someone they aren't. TERFs have been posting stickers around, the vast majority may not have blades underneath but there is always the chance.

An urban myth that led to a student in Wurzburg being cut when he removed anti-islam stickers? https://www.bz-berlin.de/panorama/wuerzburg-anti-islam-sticker-mit-rasierklingen-praepariert

Ah yes, the "opinions" or "serious concerns" argument. TERFs are a threat to trans people, whether you like it or not. In case you haven't noticed, public toilets are generally divided into private cubicles, the only people I have heard of who have invaded them in recent times are TERFs who are "concerned" about where trans women are peeing. In private. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...bathroom-watch-jazmina-saavedra-a8357696.html

Ladies still sometimes complain if a man walks into the ladies. I have known this be reported to station staff many a time expecting them to go and investigate. Regardless if the fact the ladies are inside cubicles and the man may class themselves as not a man.

Teflon Lettuce

Established Member
22 Aug 2013
Ladies still sometimes complain if a man walks into the ladies. I have known this be reported to station staff many a time expecting them to go and investigate. Regardless if the fact the ladies are inside cubicles and the man may class themselves as not a man.
what I find most odd about that is they usually seek out a MALE member of staff... so they want the problem solved by doubling the number of men in the ladies do they?


Established Member
26 Sep 2011
what I find most odd about that is they usually seek out a MALE member of staff... so they want the problem solved by doubling the number of men in the ladies do they?

Presumably they trust a member of staff because they've been vetted and have had a criminal record check to work on the railway? They'd probably tell the first member of staff they saw.


10 Apr 2018
On the naughty step again.
I know this is kind of a political post, but I saw this posted on Twitter earlier. It seems Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (also known as TERFs) are posting stickers on board trains, with razor blades stuck underneath to injure anyone who tries to remove them.This razor blade tactic is also used by far-right groups like the EDL, so that tells you what kind of groups TERFs associate with.

To give some context, TERFs are a group of people who are opposed to trans people, but still call themselves feminists. The stickers will usually read something like "Women don't have penises" or similar, even though, some women do...

I don't have confirmation of what TOC it is, but it reads as if it's Virgin West Coast to me - referring to having Bombardier and Alstom remove stickers at depots.

I hope this is stamped out, and I urge you all to look out for them and report them to staff.
" even though they do". If a person has a penis they can imagine what they want and be in denial as much as they like but they're male.


Established Member
13 Aug 2016
Ladies still sometimes complain if a man walks into the ladies. I have known this be reported to station staff many a time expecting them to go and investigate. Regardless if the fact the ladies are inside cubicles and the man may class themselves as not a man.

Yes, it's not uncommon at all for ladies to dislike using public toilets which men may have used, even if there is no communal (e.g. washbasins) area. Yes that's how all train and aeroplane toilets are, and people accept those because they have to, but it's how some people feel.

My anecdote: I worked in facilities for a company which took over a "new" office which was originally a whole floor office divided into two. When converted, the main toilet facilities (usual segregated male + female rooms) were accessible by both new offices, however due to the split two individual single room toilets (with washbasin in the room) which had been one male, one female were now in different companies' offices. I was strongly "criticised" by two ladies who saw me go to use the female one - my explanation of why it was like that and that we were just waiting for a new uni-sex sign for the door to arrive cut no ice with them.

They didn't seem happy a couple of days later to see me change the sign...

(Edit: Could have mentioned a slight rail connection - the previous occupant of the office was Network Rail)
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Established Member
26 Sep 2011
" even though they do". If a person has a penis they can imagine what they want and be in denial as much as they like but they're male.

Don't even go there.
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Established Member
14 Jul 2015
Used needles stuck under staircase handrails too. I have one colleague that received such a needle stick injury.
They have also been stuck under the steering wheel of stolen cars to catch whoever recovers the vehicle and on the handles of petrol pumps.


New Member
10 Sep 2018
Twitter is Twitter, and you'll always get people claiming they are someone they aren't. TERFs have been posting stickers around, the vast majority may not have blades underneath but there is always the chance.

They could also be impregnated with LSD, Anthrax, $100 bills, anything.

An urban myth that led to a student in Wurzburg being cut when he removed anti-islam stickers? https://www.bz-berlin.de/panorama/wuerzburg-anti-islam-sticker-mit-rasierklingen-praepariert
That's not the EDL is it.

Ah yes, the "opinions" or "serious concerns" argument. TERFs are a threat to trans people, whether you like it or not.

They are just a bunch of middle-aged women, they are a threat to nobody.

In case you haven't noticed, public toilets are generally divided into private cubicles, the only people I have heard of who have invaded them in recent times are TERFs who are "concerned" about where trans women are peeing. In private. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/...bathroom-watch-jazmina-saavedra-a8357696.html

Jazmina Saavedra is a member of 'Latinos for Trump' and the 'Christian Coalition', such a person is very clearly not a 'radical feminist'.
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