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I know i'm technically inept but I have tried to edit like you asked me after my last mess-up but I seem to have lost the edit totally. What should I press when I have finished editing?
Excuse the ignorance, but what's the meaning of the heart icon in the logo at the top of the forum?
Peter C
Peter C
Ah - just thought - could it be to do with Valentines Day on Sunday? (sorry for making a second post, couldn't edit previous one)

A Challenge
@Peter C, it has changed for me, perhaps you need to clear the cached version (Ctrl+F5)?
Peter C
Peter C
@A Challenge It seems to have changed for me - but thanks anyway. I'll use that trick in future. :)

What is the route called please.
I assume you mean the BVE route I was taking about in the post below?
I can't remember exactly, and I have a few dozen routes installed so can't really go through them all and check, but I do know it was Northern, and I think it was from a set by 'eezypeazy', either the ECML one or the Tyne Valley.
(As you can likely tell, I don't drive trains for a living - if I did, I'd have far better route-knowledge than that :D)
ok thanks for the reply.
Hi Quin,

I was reading your post regarding DFFT. My Assessment Day is very soon and I am have no clue about DFFT. Would it be possible for u to make few example questions similar to actual test? so I can understand the pattern of the test and mentally prepare for it. eg: r there Traffic lights or Cables and Dials or else.

I thank you in advance.
Not really no. It is similar to what you would have been sent out. You have a key to prioritise order of checks and dependant upon what the key says will dictate whether you move to next check or write the code in the box
Thanks for your time to message me
Just been playing BVE (which is a driving simulator) and there's a yellow sign with a black letter 'T' on it on a post next to the track. Doesn't seem worth starting a whole new thread for but does anyone know what this means?
quack quack
I really want to get into 3d modelling and design for some reason.
Assuming you're talking about computer aided design, I suggest you give SketchUp a go. It's reasonably easy to get one's head around (in my opinion at least) and they have a pretty good free version that runs in a web browser (definitely Firefox/Chrome, possibly Edge/Safari too)
Peter C
Peter C
I've never done anything with that sort of thing before, but it can be very useful for things like Train Simulator and model railways - the latter increasingly so as more people buy 3D-printed products.

@abslom001 why did you not chase it up with them sooner?
@D365 im gonna do that....
@abslom001 Good luck, but I fear you have left it far too late. I don’t know if it has changed in these times, but NR normally calls you two weeks after the interview. Usually from a No Caller ID number.
Just wondering - have GWR or FGW ever run Pacers coupled in multiple with their 150s, 153s or 158s?
It was one hell of a Diversion.
150s definitely, seen a few combos down Dawlish way; 153s seems quite feasible; 158s I've no idea, maybe as ECS?
Yes, yes and yes. I've seen all three combinations.
The class 185 is truly one of the best trains I’ve ever been one.
I wouldn’t say best (Class 22x definitely nicer) but the 185s are much improved post-refurbishment.
I am very fond of Class 755s Greater Anglia but yes travelling on 185s are very nice experience.
Judging by some videos of the first days of the Class 350 on TPE, I can tell it was a very exciting time...
Don't forget, it was over a decade at that point since passengers in the North West had seen any major improvements to their service whatsoever, and that's certainly not because there was enough capacity there to begin with...
tetudo boy
tetudo boy
Yes, so I could tell why they were excited. What a time early/mid-2010s was. Another reason for them to be excited was probably because that the Class 350 we're trains you would usually have in the south and not the north, so having it on FTPE is sort of a change. A shame it's life only lasted for 5 years...
The 350s on TPE were always only intended to be temporary.
Update on my 10-month-old service/railway idea thread: It is now designated as PURELY FANTASY and my rendition of the railways in britain. I was not aware that the forum section was for speculation back then (most likely because I was only starting on the website), however, there are some spaces for Fantasy threads to be created on Speculative Ideas. I am very sorry if that thread made no sense at all.
tetudo boy
tetudo boy
The thread is also now archived and no longer open for further replies.
I don’t even know what this post is about.
tetudo boy
tetudo boy
It's an old one. You probably won't remember or know about it anyway.
If anyone knows what the prominent sort of screechy-sounding instrument in most - if not all - versions of the theme to "Doctor Who" is, I'd like to know... I just can't place it!
Peter C
Peter C
There was a show I watched on TV which mentioned this at some point - I think it was a case of the relevant BBC department going away and making the theme from countless different things. The suggestion of the theremin seems to be the best answer. (The theremin being one of few instruments you can share in the current climate as you don't touch it! :))

@XAM2175 probably that then, it was in a documentary about the programme some years ago that mentioned it
It could possibly not be a real instrument at all, most of the music and sound affexts were created by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop.
Some proof-reading and sanity checks would not go amiss on the National Rail website (example below:)

I think the time it showed a Fife Circle train as destination Shoeburyness was even more laughable ;)
Also note the date tag attached to the photo - unprofessional at best!
Unfortunately, BBC aren’t doing any live countdowns for the new year due to COVID stuff, so I’m just here in my room, celebrating by myself...
What's Father Christmas' favourite local authority area?

The London Borough of Ho-Ho-Hounslow.
You've been opening the Christmas crackers early I see.
Hi trying to send a 4-line message but can't - too long??
Not had any reported issues, I'd suggest trying again
Craig sharp
Craig sharp
hi my name is craig
Hello mate thanks for your info regarding transferring. When you say as soon as i pass out you mean when I am out on my own or when I’m out of the classroom training and about to put my hours in? Cheers
“What about Wimbledon????”
Yes what about it!
Yes I am wondering too

Paul has asked me to write to you.
You mentioned Peterborough Crescent as a closed station from the GN main line to the Northampton line but that station was a "Midland Railway" station and not on the line of route. I suggest that the next station instead of Castor should be Orton Waterville which was on a different site to the present Overton (formerly Ferry Meadows) station.


aka Steamybrian
Xenophon PCDGS
Xenophon PCDGS
I have had further discussions with @steamybrian since he wrote regarding Orton Waterville. However, on the Closed Stations Journey quiz, there is a rule that will preclude the use of that closed station on account of the nearness of the heritage station, so Castor will be the first closed station to name on that quiz,
I saw a TfW D-Train stabled at Birkenhead North TMD!


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What a bizarre door configuration!
That's really interesting.
TramPower in Preston just got the go-ahead. I should probably make a thread about it somewhere.
Xenophon PCDGS
Xenophon PCDGS
Many years ago, a proposed tram system in Preston came up in discussion on a thread on. this website
That damn furry cat just ate my Somerset Chedder.
I think I’m becoming a dog person...
Don't assume that it'll be any better with a dog!
Just as they used to have Tea Chests to lock up precious tea, perhaps you need a Cheese Chest to lock up your precious Cheddar, Cowley? ;)
Both good points!
