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Manchester - Liverpool Electrification

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19 Feb 2012
Had a run into the city centre from Halewood yesterday on a Northern stopper.

1. The Orange army were out in force alongside the Northern depot at Hunts Cross. They've been there off and on for weeks now and appear to be very slowly reballasting some of the storage lines running alongside the depot as well as the headshunt that runs alongside the Merseyrail line into the dedicated terminus at Hunts Cross. I say very slowly as nothing much seems to change each time I go by. They are also adding a safe walking route alongside the headshunt and appear to be going to replace some of the electrification masts along the headshunt with new ones, there being a number of new bases a few feet either side of the existing masts.

2. There seems to be a whole lot of new fixings connected to wires on the old masts adjacent to the Network Rail compound at Edge Hill. I wasn't able to see if the wires stretched back towards Olive Mount cutting. Perhaps someone coming from the Huyton direction over the coming days can say what the situation is?
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RailUK Forums

Class 170101

Established Member
1 Mar 2014
North West Spark reporting blockade east of Edge Hill to Earlestown on 27th and 28th Dec 2014.

"Saturday, 15 November 2014

Christmas Blockade

I gather there will be no trains east of Edge Hill as far as Earlestown and St Helens Central on Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 December.

As far as I am aware this has not been announced before, and at present the timetable database is still showing trains on these days. The Merseyrail "Christmas and New Year" leaflet doesn't know about it either.

Last minute electrification works?"

The work has made the Engineering ection of NRES but it says to check back nearer the time of travel which makes me think it is a late notice change and gives NR something like 23:00 Christmas Eve until 04:00 on Monday 29 December 2014 - 100 hours worth of engineering access.


Established Member
30 Jan 2014
Southport, UK
Went out and back Lime St-Earlestown today, stopping off at Huyton, St Helens Jct, Rainhill and Roby.

1. A bit more metalwork aloft around Huyton Jct.

2. The lone bare base is still there at Huyton Quarry, south side.

3. At least seven and I think all eight of the sets of topstones have been removed from Columns 1, 4, 7 and 10 at Sankey Viaduct. At least two of the resulting gaps appear to have had some sort of insert put in, but that could have been freshly cut stone looking very light. Substantial concrete blocks with some metalwork protruding are stored in readiness nearby. This is all very vague because my trains in both directions went straight through signals, I was hoping to be held, so we'd go gently over the viaduct; drat their efficiency! I attempted to photograph the scene from the trains, with near-zero success.

4. More work evident on the substantial base near the western end of Platform 2 at Earlestown, otherwise no change.

5. Best bit = now three wires aloft through St Helens Junction, one on each side and one above the eastbound track. Whilst at St H Jct I also noticed that the cluster of cherrypickers which have lived in the Balfour Beatty worksite there for months have all gone.

6. Close second = all eight headspan masts at Rainhill are now standing proud.

7. Three portals now up towards the Roby end of the Huyton-Roby straight, other bits of metalwork aloft there, too.

8. A portal has gone up between Roby Junction and Bridge Road Bridge, Roby - the first one in that much-photographed stretch (another has been in place for a couple of weeks round the bend towards Broad Green, out of sight from Roby.) That, together with asymmetric 'T' arms on the two masts in the 'Vee' between tracks 2 and 3 and dangly things thereon are starting to alter the overall appearance and character of that stretch.

9. My trains were all encouragingly busy, especially the last one for my final Roby to Lime St leg, so I could only get tantalising glimpses of what is going on between Wavertree Technology Park and Edge Hill, viz:

9.1 some masts on the north side suggest some or all lines in Tuebrook Sidings may be going to be wired, or at least have passive provision for wiring.

9.2 I couldn't see any new 2014 wires up - definitely none westbound, probably none eastbound - west of the western limit which has obtained for some months now. I did see a lot of mastwork, including TTCs, 'Tee', Portals and simple masts in this complex stretch, but no new wires.

Talking of changing appearance and character, I reckon the views from Rainhill eastwards and St Helens Junction in both directions, but especially eastwards have changed as overhead wires have got denser - looking along the tracks the sense of a fuzzy metal tunnel is ever more palpable. The views from Huyton to Roby and vice versa are starting to change, but in a different way, the portals, though still only three innumber, are 'closing the skyline'. The view westwards from Bridge Road Bridge, Roby is only beginning to change, but will change utterly as the large number of portals impede the long, gently downward view. All very arty, I'm sure.

Photos and spreadsheet to follow in due course.
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LNW-GW Joint

Veteran Member
22 Feb 2011
Mold, Clwyd
9. My trains were all encouragingly busy, especially the last one for my final Roby to Lime St leg, so I could only get tantalising glimpses of what is going on between Wavertree Technology Park and Edge Hill, viz:

Isn't it annoying when all the window seats have gone, but the occupants are not even bothering to look out of them...<(
Eastbound towards Earlestown, the Warrington stopper slows to take the turnout off the main line, for a better viaduct view.
Good to see the gradual progress.
Sorting out Wavertree before powering up looks a complex job.
I think they must be wiring a loop off the main line there.
I'd also like to know how complete the big switchgear site is there, they've been at it for ages (and at Huyton Quarry).


Established Member
11 Apr 2012
Dalton GA USA & Preston Lancs
Isn't it annoying when all the window seats have gone, but the occupants are not even bothering to look out of them...<(

I am sorry - this is totally OT -mods please feel free to delete but I could not resist. The OHLE was down between Carlisle and Preston in the mid 80s. I was in Carlisle on the Glasgow-London. So BR quite naturally attached a non boilered class 31 on the train and diverted down the S &C. I arrived at my destination -Preston (90 minutes late), and loads of passengers were muttering about the delay. I distinctly heard a load of enthusiast on Preston Platform 3 speak loudly "the ungrateful bas++++s, they have just had a ride down the Settle and Carlisle behind a non-boilered Class 31, and yet they are whining" . Classic and I will never forget it until the day I die. :D


Established Member
30 Jan 2014
Southport, UK
Eastbound towards Earlestown, the Warrington stopper slows to take the turnout off the main line, for a better viaduct view.

Indeed, I caught it in both directions for that purpose, but even better for my esoteric ends, it is quite often held at signals in one or both directions, so it crosses the viaduct whilst accelerating from stationary, but not yesterday.

I think the real error was mine in that I incomptetently attempted to photograph in both directions, instead of just sticking with trusty Mk1 eyeball and notepad.

I like Gralastair's unboilered Class 31 tale. My best bittersweet one was in 2008 when my then partner was travelling from Chesterfield to Bath via Bristol Temple Meads. The heavens opened after days of rain and by the Birmingham approaches her train was running through standing water. After a long wait at New St an announcement came over the speakers that the train would be diverted, but passengers for Bristol and beyond should remain on board. (I'm anxiously following all this by text from her, a complete Mk1 non-train person.)

Her train reversed and went through Banbury and Oxford and turned west at Didcot onto the GWML then ran to Bristol via Bath. Alas, as the train was hours late and not booked to stop at Bath it went straight through at walking pace, depositing her at Temple Meads, whence she got a train back to Bath.

I'm sitting there thinking Great! she's safely home, warm and dry and the buffet had stayed open and the railway had provided superb emergency service.

She was apoplectic.
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4 Dec 2011
Cumbria, UK
Helpful, thank you
--- old post above --- --- new post below ---

It appears to be seeking permission to replace like with similar, except in metal, so shouldn't cause massive disruption, but even so, it dunnarf seem rum to be asking for this at this late stage.

My read of it is that NR are raising the parapets by adding steel extensions to the existing ones as they've done at various locations in the past. This extra height is required because of the higher safety margin on bridges over overhead electification.


Established Member
30 Jan 2014
Southport, UK
My read of it is that NR are raising the parapets by adding steel extensions to the existing ones as they've done at various locations in the past. This extra height is required because of the higher safety margin on bridges over overhead electification.

I agree, but 1. it's very late in the day and 2. It wasn't all that long ago that the present height extensions were added, presumably with eventual electrification in mind. Perhaps standards have moved on since then. The existing extensions are flat-topped, whereas anti-climb and anti-sit extensions usually have triangular apexes.

Please see photos addessing this among the 28 from yesterday which I've added here:


Spreadsheet will be updated this evening. Family calls....

8A Rail

Established Member
6 Dec 2012


Established Member
4 Mar 2013
I agree, but 1. it's very late in the day and 2. It wasn't all that long ago that the present height extensions were added, presumably with eventual electrification in mind. Perhaps standards have moved on since then. The existing extensions are flat-topped, whereas anti-climb and anti-sit extensions usually have triangular apexes.

Indeed I believe the standard for bridges over electrified lines has changed in recent years, from 1500mm (about 5ft) above the path over the bridge to 1800mm (about 6ft).


Veteran Member
7 Apr 2010
Indeed I believe the standard for bridges over electrified lines has changed in recent years, from 1500mm (about 5ft) above the path over the bridge to 1800mm (about 6ft).

The changes to standards are explained in the design and access statement in the planning application linked on the previous page.

An extract here, is reasonably clear, but its possibly better to read the original with its drawing. The key wording is that about a diagonal measurement, which extends down outside the bridge to the catenary:

...However, due to the introduction of the Network Rail Letter of Instruction NR/BS/LI/331 in early 2014 which outlined the requirements of the European Standard BS EN 50122, the original requirement for parapets to be a minimum of 1500mm high above adjacent standing surface does not necessarily mean that parapets are compliant in every case.
The Letter of Instruction states that the key dimension for parapets is the clearance between the top of the parapet on the inside face to the OLE measured along a diagonal line that travels through the edge of the parapet at standing surface level as shown in the image below.
The upshot of this is that parapets must now be 1500mm minimum high above the adjacent standing surface in accordance with Network Rail Standard NR/L3/CIV/020 and increased in height if necessary up to a maximum height of 1800mm to achieve the 2250mm minimum diagonal clearance as shown below...

So in broad terms, depending on the clearance below the footbridge, a 1500mm parapet could still be OK; and it is not as clearcut as simply increasing all parapets from 1500mm to 1800mm above walkway level.
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Established Member
30 Jan 2014
Southport, UK
Sadly I'm not sure which is the latest 28 images on your flickr site when clicking the link as the images I have come to (top of page) were there previously. Sorry.

1. Images 1400-1456 are the new lot.
2. I forgot to sort the album when I added the new photos, then went back in to do so almost straight away, perhaps you dived in before I put things right, if so, sorry.

Please tell me if:


doesn't work with newest last.

4. As has been pointed out, you can go into the photostream, but that will become more and more higgledy piggledy as I add photos out of time sequence and from other contexts, eg I aim to have a scanning session on some of my 1960s stuff before long.

I might even get brave soon and sort most recent first!

8A Rail

Established Member
6 Dec 2012
1. Images 1400-1456 are the new lot.
2. I forgot to sort the album when I added the new photos, then went back in to do so almost straight away, perhaps you dived in before I put things right, if so, sorry.

Please tell me if:


doesn't work with newest last.

4. As has been pointed out, you can go into the photostream, but that will become more and more higgledy piggledy as I add photos out of time sequence and from other contexts, eg I aim to have a scanning session on some of my 1960s stuff before long.

I might even get brave soon and sort most recent first!

Your link has got the oldest images first and therefore you need to go into your album(s) and reversed the layout. (SWT Passenger has the link with the newest first which how it should be). Remember when we chatted about how important it was to sort the flickr site BEFORE you upload any more images otherwise confusion and time wil be required in trying to sort it out at a later date which I think may now be happening.


13 Jun 2009
I was driving up the M6 this morning and noticed a couple of masts on the motorway bridge between Bryn and Garswood which were not there last week.


Established Member
30 Jan 2014
Southport, UK
I was driving up the M6 this morning and noticed a couple of masts on the motorway bridge between Bryn and Garswood which were not there last week.

Fab, thanks
--- old post above --- --- new post below ---
Your link has got the oldest images first and therefore you need to go into your album(s) and reversed the layout. (SWT Passenger has the link with the newest first which how it should be). Remember when we chatted about how important it was to sort the flickr site BEFORE you upload any more images otherwise confusion and time wil be required in trying to sort it out at a later date which I think may now be happening.

The help you so kindly gave me has proven invaluable. You did the classic good thing, you deflected me from blind alleys. I really appreciate the way you gave of your time and expertise.

I believe SWT_Passenger was talking about accessing my Photostream as opposed to my Electrification 2013-4 Album. I haven't found a way to sort the Photostream, is there one?

Kind regards


LNW-GW Joint

Veteran Member
22 Feb 2011
Mold, Clwyd
In the last week, a long stretch of catenary wire has gone up over the Up line east of Collins Green.
It joins up with the full wiring between St Helens Jn and Lea Green. I didn't see the Down line.
A single stretch of catenary wire now runs from the mouth of Picko Tunnel on the Bootle branch on to the main line at Bootle Branch Jn.
Some return wiring has also gone up in this complex area.
Masts are up over the M6 bridge near Bryn, including at least one registration arm.
A couple of masts are now up on the island platform at Roby.
I reckon the "missing mast" count is now about 16 between Roby Jn and Huyton Jn.
They still seem to be constructing large concrete bases on the south side near Huyton Jn.
The BB wiring train at Edge Hill has certainly moved since last week, so maybe it is back in use again.


Established Member
30 Jan 2014
Southport, UK
A Grand Day Out

Spurred on by reports of masts on the M6 bridge and closures of the M57 for work on a viaduct I've had a tour of Nether Lancashire today:

1. The two masts on the M6 viaduct have become two portals and a wire up on the north side connecting the short "Wire Island" west of the viaduct with the long-established section through Bryn. Work on the Wigan Branch may have slowed, but it ain't stopped.

2. The Wigan Branch bridge over the M57 is now sporting bolts for masts sticking up on both sides of the tracks, directly above the support column which stands in the motorway's central reservation.. The remnants of the coning off of the motorway's fast lanes were being removed whilst I was there, suggesting either nowt's going to happen for ages (boo) or lane closures won't be needed to plonk masts on and wires up (hooray.)

3. Masts by the Ince Moss Curve are a bit further forward in that some more dangly bits have been put up. All masts have been up for some time, but a few remain without their arms. I hoped to see and photograph what I believe is the Bamfurlong Branch's only booked traffic - a RHTT around half past ten, but it was cancelled (boo.)

4. Work on Carr Mill viaduct is reportedly due to start this week. It hadn't at about 09:45 today (boo), but there was evidence of some prep work, eg stacks of temporary fencing (hooray.)

5. Explored a public foot crossing right next to Parkside Junction (hooray.)


Photos and spreadsheet to follow.


Established Member
6 Jan 2009
Wires are now within touching distance of Manchester Vic. Over the weekend the metalwork that was bolted on to the bridge at the end of platform 4 west end has gained wires, hoorah!

Also the big hole at the end of platform 3 now has metal work. There is also a new base in the hole at the east of platform 4 and 5 in the middle there.


Established Member
30 Jan 2014
Southport, UK
Wires are now within touching distance of Manchester Vic. Over the weekend the metalwork that was bolted on to the bridge at the end of platform 4 west end has gained wires, hoorah!

Also the big hole at the end of platform 3 now has metal work. There is also a new base in the hole at the east of platform 4 and 5 in the middle there.



Established Member
30 Jan 2014
Southport, UK
Updated "Where we're up to" spreadsheet below. Please advise if I've missed or misinterpreted anyone's reports.


  • NWelectrificationDiagram.xlsx
    113.3 KB · Views: 41


Established Member
Associate Staff
23 Mar 2011
Updated "Where we're up to" spreadsheet below. Please advise if I've missed or misinterpreted anyone's reports.
Here that is as a Google doc for anyone not wishing to download it.

(Give it a second to display correctly, there's a lot of formatting.)


Established Member
30 Jan 2014
Southport, UK


Established Member
25 Sep 2010
Does anyone know if possible Liverpool will at last see direct Scottish services with this electrification happening ?

8A Rail

Established Member
6 Dec 2012
I have added 25 photos here:


They are numbers 1403 and 1460 onwards and appear at the end of the album.
--- old post above --- --- new post below ---
I've added a couple more photos from yesterday, one at the end of each of the following experimental albums:



As a suggestion, go into flickr site and click on an album, the page then comes up with the images, then click onto "Edit" button, then click "Arrange" tab which gives you the option to change the order of the images including reversing the existing order! That way, recent images come up first. Sorry to say, when you have over 1400+ images, it takes a little time to page back to the end to find recent images. As I've said, just a friendly suggestion.
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LNW-GW Joint

Veteran Member
22 Feb 2011
Mold, Clwyd
Does anyone know if possible Liverpool will at last see direct Scottish services with this electrification happening ?

We might get something more definite in the 2016 TPE ITT due out next month.
But I expect it might appear as a priced option, or for when a new EMU fleet is delivered.
Not before 2018-ish anyway, I would have thought (when TPE would be getting its main EMU fleet for TP North).
The only interim option would be for a switch-round of LM's 350s to add to the current TP fleet, but that seems unlikely.


Established Member
11 Apr 2012
Dalton GA USA & Preston Lancs
Does anyone know if possible Liverpool will at last see direct Scottish services with this electrification happening ?

In the 70s and 80s I used to do this quite often. The Glasgow and Edinburgh portions would combine at Carstairs and then the Liverpool and Manchester portions would split at Preston. So there would be electric and then a diesel joining and then at Preston electric off and two diesels on. Since then Carstairs to Edinburgh has been electrified and both Preston- Manchester and St Helens Jct - Liverpool or via St Helens Central are being electrified + Mcr over the Moss.

So it is guess work on my part but the straight answer to your question is: 'Yes it is possible we once again may see direct Liverpool -Scotland services" Logistically massively easier than in the past. :D
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