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MTR Crossrail Trainee Driver (Multiple Locations)

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19 May 2015
VSE is brutal. Esp stage 3. You can see how it's possible to get it 100% but that would require not a single lapse of concentration obviously. I found a couple of times on stage 3 when there's a track error and you try and click that and then also answer the shapes side in the alloted couple of seconds, it can be easy to loose awareness of if it has moved on a cycle again when you switch attention back to the track. Which induces panic and you have to really focus and just get back in the groove. Proper sweaty palms-ville that test is! Purely because of what's a stake.

SJT tricky as well due to the mental conflict of what you think and you think THEY want.
So true mate got it bang on hopfully we know today or tommorrow normaly a fail is a very quick responce and a pass takes 2 to 3 days but goodluck
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6 Jun 2018
Just did my VSE and SJT for OOC depot, was ok, got 1 wrong in sections 1, 3 in section 2 and 5 in final section. SJT is hard to predict as it’s purely based on how u deal with situations. Fingers crossed

I don't know if I got any wrong in the first test as it doesn't tell you the results? It seemed to be the same errors every time from what i could tell, almost like i was waiting for it to be different and it never was!
The second test I got 1 wrong, that was when it went from 4 to 6 shapes, took me by surprise.
The third test I reckon I got about 5 or 6 wrong.


3 Nov 2017
Guys they only have a limited number of interviewers so you’ve gotta be patient. MTR is still a growing company with very small teams compared to other TOCS. No point in getting overzealous because they’ll get around to you eventually. Trust me, I know things lol.

Got an email through today! :D In future, listen to ThatGuy. <:D

What I'm quiet interested in is knowing what are the purposed routes (or segment of the Elizabeth Line) each depot will cover?


29 Jun 2018
Had the 1st email today to complete the tests - has anyone who put 'no' to currently within 40 mins of the depot had the 2nd set of tests? I was honest and put no, it let me proceed but I reckon that could be an issue that stops me going any further.


29 Feb 2016
Got an email through today! :D In future, listen to ThatGuy. <:D

What I'm quiet interested in is knowing what are the purposed routes (or segment of the Elizabeth Line) each depot will cover?

The word is that every driver will sign the entire route.


New Member
2 Aug 2018
Hi guys,

I’ve just managed to catch this post and can’t seem to see the vacancie. I assumed that from the date of the post the job would still be up. Not quite sure if I’m too late or it just isn’t showing for me.



Established Member
21 Sep 2011
Hi guys,

I’ve just managed to catch this post and can’t seem to see the vacancie. I assumed that from the date of the post the job would still be up. Not quite sure if I’m too late or it just isn’t showing for me.


It does look like they’ve been taken down now


New Member
2 Aug 2018
Oh well that’s pretty disappointing. Thanks for the heads up though.


5 May 2018
Had the 1st email today to complete the tests - has anyone who put 'no' to currently within 40 mins of the depot had the 2nd set of tests? I was honest and put no, it let me proceed but I reckon that could be an issue that stops me going any further.
I’ve put no and haven’t been sent VSE yet. Better for us to be honest. Also sent an email to check if relocation is ok but no response. Status page just says “submitted”


9 Apr 2018
Will the 1st OPC sjt by MTR affect us if we are already in a talent pool for another TOC?


4 Jan 2017
Does anybody know where I can make a complaint regarding applying for this?
I’ve emailed the recruitment address but no response and when I phoned all they will say the vacancy is closed and no more submissions.

My issue is on Sunday I began the application but it asked for the CV to be uploaded in .rtf, .txt, .doc or .docx formats. My CV was already complete but in .pdf format so I needed to retype it all in Microsoft Word to resave in .doc format to upload. I decided as I was on shift at the time until Wednesday evening that I would leave it until the Wednesday evening to complete.
The advert said on it the closing date was 5/8/18 so I thought I was well within the timeframe.

The following evening (Tuesday) 31/7/18 I received a reminder email from MTR that I had an incomplete application saved. As I was finishing my shift the next day I decided to continue with what I had originally planned and complete it the next day (Wednesday) as I had planned.

On Wednesday I went through the application and saved each section as I went along, including uploading my retyped CV in the correct format and it accepted everything when I saved!
The last section I had to complete was the section about my last 5 years history.
I am working for London Underground currently for the last 3 years. I filled in the information for this and managed to save it all ok. The 2 years before that was the final bit I had to fill in before I submitted so I typed up all the necessary information and tried to save it but nothing happened when I tried repeatedly. I copied all the text I had written with the intention of pasting the text back in after refreshing the page in case it had locked or something.
I refreshed the page and got the message ‘no more applications were being accepted’

My gripe is first of all how can the campaign be closed in the middle of when I was actually in the process of filling in the last section and about to submit my application?
As there was no indication of immediate urgency in the reminder email then why would me submitting the application 24 hours after the reminder being sent to me (without any information that it was imminently closing) be a problem seeing as it was stated the closing date was 5/8/18?

All I want is to be able to throw my hat in fairly and see if I’m able to progress to the next stage for this vacancy. I’ve been looking almost daily on the MTR website for over 2 years for this particular vacancy to come about again and feel that I’ve been treated very unfairly.

I spoke to a recruitment coordinator at MTR earlier today and was told repeatedly we can’t do anything the applications are closed.
I asked then that if I wasn’t satisfied with the response and would like my case looked into, especially to find out how it can be closed during when I’m actually in the process of submitting my application he gave me no information and simply repeated ‘we can’t do anything, the application is now closed’.

If anybody on here can actually point me in the right direction of where and who I need to talk to about this problem I will be eternally grateful.


17 May 2018
Mate I will be blunt here you are not going to get anywhere with that complaint, to be honest you have said well I started it Sunday then I thought I might finish it 3 days later you could have typed the cv faster than that. The fact you was checking the site means nothing the jobs are highly sought after and when they hit the number of applications it closes that's it


4 Jan 2017
I’m gutted! Had I had an inclination it was closing at midnight Wednesday I would have obviously rushed a little and press the submit button.
Feels really unfair.

Mo ali

17 Jul 2018
This job will close on or before the date when enough applicants are met not just mtr but any job on the railway so you can't complain loool sorry


9 Apr 2018
Not unless you failed in the last 6months otherwise your fine
No I mean, if I am already in a talent pool for another TOC and I fail the MTR OPC questionnaire, will that affect my position in the talent pool?

Mo ali

17 Jul 2018
No I mean, if I am already in a talent pool for another TOC and I fail the MTR OPC questionnaire, will that affect my position in the talent pool?
TBH if it's the same sjt you should've contacted the opc before completing it as it should be valid for 3 years


New Member
2 Aug 2018
Does anyone have an idea if MTR will open up again or have they hired enough trainer drivers for their new line.


Bromley boy

Established Member
18 Jun 2015
I’m gutted! Had I had an inclination it was closing at midnight Wednesday I would have obviously rushed a little and press the submit button.
Feels really unfair.

It probably is a little unfair but tends to happen with trainee driver vacancies as they are inundated with applications. Just chalk it up to experience, keep an eye out for future vacancies and make sure you complete the online forms immediately!!! (Don’t rush, but get it done within 24 hours).

On this occasion, it is what it is. Don’t complain as you might p*ss the recruitment team off and be remembered for the wrong reasons.


4 Jan 2017
I guess you’re right. Just seems a lot to simply accept for now :(
Onward and upward and good luck to those who applied.


5 May 2018
My CV was already complete but in .pdf format so I needed to retype it all in Microsoft Word to resave in .doc format to upload. I decided as I was on shift at the time until Wednesday evening that I would leave it until the Wednesday evening to complete.
in future, try uploading your cv to google drive, convert it into a google doc then download it as a word document. Might need a bit of editing but should be faster


30 Aug 2013
dalaw mate, if I were you, I would've just print-screened an image of the CV and pasted it into a Word document. Takes all of 20 seconds.

Better luck next time.


4 Jan 2017
Aww man all these simplicities now :(.
So, so gutted I didn’t get i Timon time.
I guess it’ll be another 2 years until this vacancy comes around again


13 Feb 2018
Aww man all these simplicities now :(.
So, so gutted I didn’t get i Timon time.
I guess it’ll be another 2 years until this vacancy comes around again

Chin up buddy, everything happens for a reason! I applied last year for the old oak common role, got all the way through to the manager interview and never received an email from MTR confirming a date. When I eventually called them a month after the date they said most interviews would by sent out by I was told it shows on their systems I was emailed and simply did not show up for the interview. I spoke to the hr team non stop as I had not received an email but unfortunately there was nothing they could do as that stage was complete. I was advised to wait until this recruitment drive and would go straight to interview stage. This was extremely tough to take as I had put so much time and effort into getting this far. In the end it’s worked out in my benefit as I moved and now the Maidenhead depot is around 10min drive from me instead of 40min if not longer for old oak common where I had initially applied.

Also to add to this on Monday i queried changing from old oak common to Maidenhead. I was told by hr it may not be an issue as they were struggling for drivers at Maidenhead so it may work out in my favour and that I did not have to contact them again until September to go to interview stage but I had a niggling doubt in my head so called again on Wednesday and was told I did need to apply again if it was for the Maidenhead depot. I’m a police officer (hence the niggling doubt in my head!) so don’t have a CV! The last application did not require a CV so I created one from scratch before I left for work.

As mentioned in an earlier post don’t piss off recruitment as it could come back to bite you on the backside in the future. Take it as experience gained and at least now you have a cv ready and prepared for the next recruitment. I wouldn’t be surprised if they only take another year to recruit again. You have to remember how tough the process is. In my first assessment centre there was 15 people in my room, only 5 of us finished the day, the second day was similar and then you have the managers interview to go so quite possible that Mtr may not get as many drivers through as they would like in just one recruitment drive. All the best bud


30 Oct 2017
Gutting however I agree with the above too.

At the end of June I emailed MTR recruitment to ask if there where any plans for trainee train driver roles in the future, I received this email back:
At the moment we don't have any plans to recruit more trainee drivers this year. It would be worth setting up job alerts on our new vacancies page to be kept up to date.

So I thought okay no problem I will do that, and I did.

1 month later the end of July comes and I see that MTR have trainee driver positions, no job alert whatsoever but I thought great I’ll apply.

First question, do you work for MTR currently? No I put..bam:

Unfortunately this position is for internal candidates only.

Confused as I were, I thought to myself I will keep checking as I’m sure after this they will be external.

Lo and behold the next week they were up externally, again no job alert, I applied that evening.

I also missed an advert that was up for 1 day before for another TOC.

Morale of the story:

Do the legwork yourself, be prepared (CV saved in emails so you can access anywhere etc) and apply at the first minute remotely possible. :smile:


Established Member
21 Sep 2011
Anyone still heard nothing after the initial SJT...?

Assuming I’m now firmly in the “only if we don’t get enough good people in the first round” pile!
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