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Search results

  1. C

    Virgin Group explores the return of Virgin Trains as an Open Access operator

    They have an uphill task in getting the ORR to approve this scheme as it seems to cut across other’s existing rights to achieve it. That is something the ORR cannot legally approve. In the absence of those other’s rights being surrendered, Virgin have to prove that there is still room for their...
  2. C

    GWR Waterloo and Euston

    Should be 802114.
  3. C

    Rail Strikes & General Election: what might happen ?

    Getting back to the subject of rail strikes, an incoming Labour Government can fund the pay rises from the existing rail budget by the savings it will make from taking the TOCs into OLR, OLR being a cheaper form of funding and control than the NRC arrangement with the private sector. I suspect...
  4. C

    East Coast Timetable Dec 24

    They can’t as they are not their units to sub-lease. They are on a daily train supply agreement from Agility, based on diagrams - all framed in a very restrictive contract over their use. There is no lease - the TOC just collects them daily off Agility, uses them and then hands them back to...
  5. C

    Virgin Group explores the return of Virgin Trains as an Open Access operator

    If he mentioned the words ORCATS raid, then he doesn’t know what he is talking about. It won’t be an ORCATS raid - that is so last century. ORCATS raiding is when you timetable your trains in front of a competitor so you gain their revenue from IA (Inter Available) tickets through the ORCATS...
  6. C

    Lumo applies to operate Rochdale - London

    Let’s be clear about this - Lumo is not going to Bradford via Rochdale.
  7. C

    Virgin Group explores the return of Virgin Trains as an Open Access operator

    The SOAR process can be regarded by applicants as an internal NR process which can be over-bureaucratic. The Regs do not preclude an applicant sticking in an application directly to the ORR, which is obliged to consider it on an equal basis as one that has gone through the SOAR process. The...
  8. C

    Lumo applies to operate Rochdale - London

    Can we move the discussion back to the proposal please? For some of the reasons mentioned above, there is no current desire to go beyond Rochdale. Rochdale is where the service ends.
  9. C

    Virgin Group explores the return of Virgin Trains as an Open Access operator

    Abstraction is only one thing that the ORR looks at when it judges OA applications.
  10. C

    Virgin Group explores the return of Virgin Trains as an Open Access operator

    It considers them all at the same time and applies its criteria. The same as they have been doing since 1999 when WAGN, LNER and what became Hull Trains were looking at the same paths.
  11. C

    Virgin Group explores the return of Virgin Trains as an Open Access operator

    Not going to happen because that is not how Government procurement works and in any event, in the now very likely event of Labour winning the next GE, it will move from partial Government control to full public ownership in or shortly after October 2026. Avanti have just been running it on...
  12. C

    Virgin Group explores the return of Virgin Trains as an Open Access operator

    Of course not - “conversations” have been taking place.
  13. C

    Lumo applies to operate Rochdale - London

    They will not - they are not in the business of committing that amount of capital to rolling stock. They view Rail companies as largely cash flow businesses, hence their attractiveness. They will be leased. The Lumo and Hull units are leased for their full TAA terms so there are no...
  14. C

    Virgin Group explores the return of Virgin Trains as an Open Access operator

    Yes, this Government has been quietly encouraging OA applications, hoping to dent Labour’s plans for GBR and keeping the private sector in the rail operations business. If it also compels Labour to say something negative about OA before the election, the Conservatives can make it a “wedge”...
  15. C

    Lumo applies to operate Rochdale - London

    That is exactly how it’s done.
  16. C

    Lumo applies to operate Rochdale - London

    First won’t be able to lease anything unless they obtain a track access agreement. The financiers and/or ROSCOs won’t sign a deal with any OA operator unless they have one.
  17. C

    Bad ride quality in some 80x carriages

    No, it is age and mileage related, coupled with wheel wear. The end (DPT) vehicles tend to go through wheelsets more than the intermediate vehicles, both motored and trailer.
  18. C

    Bad ride quality in some 80x carriages

    Wear on the anti roll bar bushes and dampers result in a rapidly deteriorating ride quality at a certain point. Hitachi then change them out.
  19. C

    Further Class 180 Failure Issue on ECML

    Occupational hazard with a cl.180. There a few possible causes for smoke or fires on these units, most having nothing to do with the standard of maintenance by the TOC.
  20. C

    First Group Sheffield - London via Retford open access proposal

    The real comparison is what trains LNER are timetabling now as opposed to the rights they hold in Schedule 5 of their TAA. Currently, for SX trains, it is 78% in both directions. They would like to run more but there are problems accommodating the trains. Likewise, GTR have unused rights, about...
